
Mikhail Spasennykh

Professor of the Practice, Director of the Center for Petroleum Science and Engineering, Director of the World level scientific center "Rational development of liquid hydrocarbon resources of the planet"
World level scientific center "Rational development of liquid hydrocarbon resources of the planet"
Center for Petroleum Science and Engineering

After graduating from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute in 1983 in the field of molecular physics, Mikhail joined Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, where he defended his candidate of science thesis in 1990 in the area of isotope geochemistry and computer simulation of geochemical processes. In 1991-1993 Mikhail was a member of international research team at US-Russia Centre for Contaminant Transport Study in Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. He participated in the study of radionuclide transport in soils, groundwater and bottom sediments of contaminated reservoirs in South Ural region, including Lake Karachay the most radioactive place in the world. In 1993-1995 Mikhail served as a panel secretary of the Earth Sciences Division at the International Science Foundation, established by George Soros to support fundamental science in Russia. Mikhail was responsible for co-ordination of more than 1500 proposals and grants in geology, geophysics and geochemistry.

After obtaining his second degree in Technology Management from the RF Academy of National Economy in 1999, Mikhail effectively combined his research experience with management skills. In 2002-2007 as Mikhail participated in creation of Yukos Research and Development Center. As a head of R&D department and later as a director of the Center he was responsible for development of Yukos R&D program and launch of international research projects in collaboration with world leading technological companies and universities in the area of hydrocarbon production, oil refining and petrochemistry. In 2007-2014 Mikhail was involved in corporate research in Schlumberger and Gazpromneft. As a business development manager of Schlumberger Moscow Research Center, Mikhail initiated a number of joint research projects with RF oil and gas companies focused on development of new technological solutions for exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons. As a head of department of innovation and technological policy of Gazpromneft, Mikhail developed and defended the program of innovation development of the Company and launched more than 15 research projects focused on technology for deep refining of hydrocarbons and catalyst production.

Before taking over the directorship of the SCHR at the end of 2014, Mikhail worked as a consultant with Skoltech Vice-President for Public Programs and Industrial Cooperation Alexey Ponomarev on building business connections with the Russian and international industry in oil, gas and energy areas. With a very strong background in these fields, Mikhail has brought with him a wealth of experience in developing and managing R&D projects, business development, industrial cooperation and innovation facilitation to Skoltech.

Mikhail is an author of more than 80 publications and patents in the area of isotope geochemistry, radioecology, reactive transport modeling, petrophysics, unconventional hydrocarbons, research project management.

  • Petrophysics and geochemistry of unconventional reservoirs
  • Enhanced oil recovery
  • Isotope geochemistry
  • Organic geochemistry
  • Nuclear Waste Disposal
  • Reactive transport modeling

Petroleum petrophyscis and geochemistry

Khaustova, N.; Kozlova, E.; Maglevannaia, P.; Voropaev, A.; Leushina, E.; Spasennykh, M. Uranium in Source Rocks: Role of Redox Conditions and Correlation with Productivity in the Example of the Bazhenov Formation. Minerals 2022, 12, 976. https://doi.org/3390/min12080976

Karamov‍, E. Leushina‍, E. Kozlova and M. Spasennykh; Broad Ion Beam–Scanning Electron Microscopy Characterization of Organic Porosity Evolution During Thermal Treatment of Bazhenov Shale Sample, SPE Res Eval & Eng2022, 1–11. Paper Number: SPE-210599-PA, https://doi.org/10.2118/210599-PA

Karamov, T.; White, V.; Idrisova, E.; Kozlova, E.; Burukhin, A.; Morkovkin, A.; Spasennykh, M. Alterations of Carbonate Mineral Matrix and Kerogen Micro-Structure in Domanik Organic-Rich Shale during Anhydrous Pyrolysis. Minerals 2022, 12, 870. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12070870

Pichugin Z., Chekhonin E., Popov Y., Kalinina M., Bayuk I., Popov E., Spasennykh M., Savelev E., Romushkevich R., Rudakovskaya S.  Weighted geometric mean model for determining thermal conductivity of reservoir rocks: Current problems with applicability and the model modification. Geothermics 2022, 104, 102456. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics. 2022.102456

Chuvilin, E., Bukhanov, B., Yurchenko, A., Davletshina, D., Shakhova, N., Spivak, E., V.Rusakov, O.Dudarev, N.Khaustova, A.Tikhonov, O.Gustafsson, T.Tesi, J.Martens, M.Jakobsson, M.Spasennykh, I.Semiletov (2022). In-situ temperatures and thermal properties of the east siberian arctic shelf sediments: Key input for understanding the dynamics of subsea permafrost. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 138 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105550

Leushina, E., Mikhaylova, P., Kozlova, E., Polyakov, V., Morozov, N., & Spasennykh, M. (2021). The effect of organic matter maturity on kinetics and product distribution during kerogen thermal decomposition: The bazhenov formation case study.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,  204 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108751

Spasennykh, M., Maglevannaia, P., Kozlova, E., Bulatov, T., Leushina, E., & Morozov, N. (2021). Geochemical trends reflecting hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation in unconventional reservoirs based on pyrolysis data (on the example of the bazhenov formation).Geosciences (Switzerland), 11(8) https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11080307

Bulatov, T.; Kozlova, E.; Leushina, E.; Panchenko, I.; Pronina, N.; Voropaev, A.; Morozov, N.; Spasennykh, M. Alginite-Rich Layers in the Bazhenov Deposits of Western Siberia. Geosciences202111, 252. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11060252

Leushina, E.; Bulatov, T.; Kozlova, E.; Panchenko, I.; Voropaev, A.; Karamov, T.; Yermakov, Y.; Bogdanovich, N.; Spasennykh, M. Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Source Rocks in the North of Western Siberia: Comprehensive Geochemical Characterization and Reconstruction of Paleo-Sedimentation Conditions. Geosciences202111, 320. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11080320

Yurchenko, A., Voropaev, A., Kozlova, E., Morozov, N., & Spasennykh, M. (2021). Application of the data on δ13c and δ18o of carbonates for the study of unconventional reservoirs on the example of the bazhenov source rocks, western siberia, russia.Geosciences (Switzerland), 11(7) https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11070264

Idrisova, E.; Gabitov, R.; Karamov, T.; Voropaev, A.; Liu, M.-C.; Bogdanovich, N.; Spasennykh, M. Pyrite Morphology and δ34S as Indicators of Deposition Environment in Organic-Rich Shales. Geosciences202111, 355. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11090355

Tanykova, N.; Petrova, Y.; Kostina, J.; Kozlova, E.; Leushina, E.; Spasennykh, M. Study of Organic Matter of Unconventional Reservoirs by IR Spectroscopy and IR Microscopy. Geosciences202111, 277. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11070277

Popov, Y.; Spasennykh, M.; Shakirov, A.; Chekhonin, E.; Romushkevich, R.; Savelev, E.; Gabova, A.; Zagranovskaya, D.; Valiullin, R.; Yuarullin, R.; Golovanova, I.; Sal’manova, R. Advanced Determination of Heat Flow Density on an Example of a West Russian Oil Field. Geosciences202111, 346. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11080346

Shakirov, A., Chekhonin, E., Popov, Y., Popov, E., Spasennykh, M., Zagranovskaya, D., & Serkin, M. (2021). Rock thermal properties from well-logging data accounting for thermal anisotropy. Geothermics, 92 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2021.102059

Chuvilin, E.M.; Sokolova, N.S.; Bukhanov, B.A.; Davletshina, D.A.; Spasennykh, M.Y. Formation of Gas-Emission Craters in Northern West Siberia: Shallow Controls. Geosciences202111, 393. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences11090393

Chuvilin, E., Bukhanov, B., Grebenkin, S., Tumskoy, V., Shakhova, N., Dudarev, O., Semiletov, I., Spasennykh, M. (2021). Thermal properties of sediments in the east siberian arctic seas: A case study in the buor-khaya bay. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 123 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104672

Kovaleva, L.; Zinnatullin, R.; Musin, A.; Kireev, V.; Karamov, T.; Spasennykh, M. Investigation of Source Rock Heating and Structural Changes in the Electromagnetic Fields Using Experimental and Mathematical Modeling. Minerals 2021, 11, 991. https://doi.org/10.3390/min11090991

Chekhonin, E., Popov, Y., Peshkov, G., Spasennykh, M., Popov, E., & Romushkevich, R. (2020). On the importance of rock thermal conductivity and heat flow density in basin and petroleum system modelling.Basin Research, 32(5), 1271-1286. https://doi.org/10.1111/bre.12427

Chuvilin, E., Sokolova, N., Davletshina, D., Bukhanov, B., Stanilovskaya, J., Badetz, C., & Spasennykh, M. (2020). Conceptual models of gas accumulation in the shallow permafrost of northern west siberia and conditions for explosive gas emissions.Geosciences (Switzerland), 10(5) https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10050195

Chuvilin, E.; Stanilovskaya, J.; Titovsky, A.; Sinitsky, A.; Sokolova, N.; Bukhanov, B.; Spasennykh, M.; Cheremisin, A.; Grebenkin, S.; Davletshina, D.; Badetz, C. A Gas-Emission Crater in the Erkuta River Valley, Yamal Peninsula: Characteristics and Potential Formation Model. Geosciences202010, 170. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10050170

Vasiliev, A.L. Pichkur E.B., Mikhutkin A.A. Spasennykh M.Yu, Bogdanovich N.N., et all. “The study of pore space morphology in kerogen from bazhenov shale formation”, Oil Industry, 2015, v.10. p.28-32 (in Russian).

Popov E., Kalmykov G., Stenin V., Popov Yu., Spasennykh M. “Thermal properties of bazhenov shales”. Oil Industry, 2015, v.10. p.32-37 (in Russian).

Fluid-rock interaction, isotope geochemistry of hydrothermal systems

Spasennykh M.Yu., Matveeva S.S., and Sushchevskaya T.M., “Fluid–rock Interaction near Large Vein Bodies: Isotopic Evidence,” Geokhimiya, 2005, No. 12, 1322– 1332, Geochemistry International 43 , 1217–1227.

Matveeva S.S., Spasennykh M.Y., Sushchevskaya T.M., Bychkov A.Y., Ignat’ev A.V. “Geochemical model of the formation of the Spokoininskoye tungsten deposit (Eastern Transbaikal Region, Russia)”, Geology of Ore Deposits, 2002, том 44, № 2, с. 111-131(in Russian)

Spasennykh M.Yu, Shmonov V.M., Sushchevskaya T.M., and Ignat’ev A.V., “Transport of hydrothermal fluids in Iultin hydrothermal system, Chukot Peninsula: from the results on isotope and permeability study,” Geokhimiya, 2002, No. 4, 626–638, Geochemistry international 40 , 564–575.

Sushchevskaya T.M., Spasennykh M.Yu., Ignat’ev A.V., Devirts A.L., and Erokhin A.M. Genesis of mineral-forming fluids of the Svetloe deposit, Chukotka, Russia: oxygen and hydrogen isotopic data // Geochem. Int., V. 38, Suppl. 2, P. 23-30, 2000

Sushchevskaya T.M, Matveyeva S.S., Spasennykh M.Yu., et all. “Water-Rock interaction in ore zones of Iultin (Sn-W) and Akchatau (W) deposits based on oxygen isotope data.” Experiment in Geosciences, 1996, v5, n1, p.73-75

Sushchevskaya T.M., M.Yu.Spasennykh, A.V.Ignatiev, “The Iultin tin-tungsten deposit: nature of ore-forming fluids based on oxygen isotope data.” in Mineral Deposits: From Their Origin to Their Environmental Impacts, Edited by Jan Pasva, et al., A.A.Balkema, 1995, p.543-546.

Bannikova L., Suschevskaya T., Spasennykh M, Barsukov V “Isotopic and geochemical study of the conditions of tin ore formation of Solnechnoye deposit (Far East of Russia)”,Geochemical Journal, 1994, vol.28, p.411-428.

Spasennykh M.Yu. Mathematical model of isotope water-rock interaction in hydrothermal systems. Geochemistry, 1991, N2, c.205-2015

Spasennykh M.Yu and Bannikova L.A., “Model of isotope exchange coupling with fluid transport in permeable rock: application to the interpretation of oxygen isotope variations in hydrothermal systems” Geokhimiya, No. 10, 1389–1401 (1986).

Ryzhenko B.N., Bryzgalin O.V. Artamkina I.Y. Spasennykh M.Yu. Shapkin A.I. (1985) An electrostatic model for the electrolytic dissociation of inorganic substances dissolved in water. Geochemistry International 22(9), 138-144.

Transport of radionuclides in groundwater

Spasennykh M.Yu. Effect of water-rock interaction on migration of radionuclides in water saturated rocks and bottom sediments, Geokhimia,  , 1997 N2 1997, с.218-226

Spasennykh M.Yu., Apps J.A. Radionuclide behavior in water saturated porous media: diffusion and infiltration coupling of thermodynamically and kinetically controlled radionuclide water – mineral interactions, 1995, LBL-367380, UC-603, Berkeley, California, 25 p.

Mironenko M.V; Spasennykh M.Yu., et al, The cascade reservoirs of the “Mayak” plant: case history and the first version of a computer simulation, 1994, LBL36212, UC603, Berkeley, California, 83p;

Khodakovsky I.L., Mironenko M.V.,Spasennykh M.Yu., Polyakov V.B. Smirnov A.B. Bannikova L.A. «Mathematical model of hydro-chemical regime of technological reservoirs heavy contaminated by radionuclides (South Ural)” Moscow, Institute of geochemistry and analytical chemistry RAS, 1992

Isotope geochemistry of magmatic processes

Spasennykh M.Yu. Transport and isotope fractionation during phase convection in the melt-solid phase system, Geokhimia, 1999, N4, 227-23/ Geochemistry International, 1999, V 37, N 3.

Spasennykh M.Yu. Transport and fractionation of isotopes in magama chamber. Experiment in Geosciences, 1997, V6, N2, p74-75.

Spasennykh M.Yu, Tolstikhin I.N. “Noble Gas Fractionation During Degasing of melts”, Geochemical Journal 1993, vol 27, p.213-217.

Botkunov I., Garanin A.I, Galimov E.M., Spasennykh M.Yu., et al, Carbon containing fluid inclusions in olivine and pyrop from the Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe, Geochemistry,1989, N7, с. 1011-1015;

Research project management

Spasennykh M.Yu. “Innovative business. Corporate R&D management”. 2010. Academy of National Economy, Delo publishing house, Moscow, 148 pages. ISBN: 978-5-7749-0603-1

Spasennykh M.Yu. “Technology innovations and corporate R&D management”, textbook, Academy of National Economy under Government of Russian Federation, 2009.


  • Excellence recognition for results in research, teaching, impact and service to Skoltech and wider community, Skolkovo institute of science and technology, 2022
  • Award of the Government of Russian Federation, A medal “2021 Year of Science and technology”
  • Awards of the Ministry of economic development of Russia 2016, 2019
  • Gold award of Yukos Oil Company, 2007
  • Honorary mentions of Yukos Oil company 2005, 2006
  • Award of Russian Academy of Science, 1999
Sergey Abaimov
Leading Research Scientist
Natalia Bogdanovich
Leading Research Scientist
Evgeny Chekhonin
Leading Research Scientist
Evgeny Chuvilin
Leading Research Scientist
Elena Kozlova
Leading Research Scientist
Evgenia Leushina
Leading Research Scientist
Elena Mukhina
Leading Research Scientist
Evgeny Popov
Leading Research Scientist
Boris Bukhanov
Senior Research Scientist
Alexander Burukhin
Senior Research Scientist
Anna Maltseva
Senior Research Scientist
Aliya Mukhametdinova
Senior Research Scientist
Lyudmila Torshina
Senior Research Scientist
Aysylu Askarova
Research Scientist
Timur Bulatov
Research Scientist
Pavel Grishin
Research Scientist
Tagir Karamov
Research Scientist
Kirill Maerle
Research Scientist
Evgenii Shilov
Research Scientist
Bogdan Andreyev
Junior Research Scientist
Sergey Antonov
Junior Research Scientist
Ayomikun Bello
Junior Research Scientist
Alexandra Scerbacova
Junior Research Scientist
Le Thi Nhut Suong
Junior Research Scientist
Dmitrii Voloskov
Junior Research Scientist

ФИО: Спасенных Михаил Юрьевич
Занимаемая должность (должности): Профессор, Директор центра науки и технологий добычи углеводородов, Сколтех
Ученая степень: кандидат наук, Институт геохимии и аналитической химии им. В.И.Вернадского РАН, 1990 г.
Наименование направления подготовки и/или специальности: изотопная геохимия и аналитическая химия
Данные о повышении квалификации и/или профессиональной переподготовке: магистр управления, Академия народного хозяйства при Правительстве Российской Федерации
Общий стаж работы: 39 лет
Стаж работы по специальности: 39 лет