
Personal Websites

Henni Ouerdane

Associate Professor
Center for Digital Engineering

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Energy conversion physics and technology group website!


Full CV as of December 2024, here.

Short academic biography

At Skoltech

I joined Skoltech as a Leading Research Scientist in 2017 to work on the project “Integration and control of heat and power systems with variable loads” funded by the Next Generation SkT-MIT programme. I was promoted to a faculty position in 2018.

I work on a variety of scientific projects: I assumed the role of Principal Investigator of our SkT-MIT Next Gen project (which ended in December 2019) on the Skoltech side, where we focused our efforts on indoor microclimate control both on experimental and theoretical levels; I also happily take a very active part in various projects pertaining to other fields of science such as nonequilibrium thermodynamics, quantum physics, physical chemistry and biophysics. As of now , I am principal and key co-author of 80 research publications on a wide range of topics in the physical sciences (see publications below). Some of my recent works were highlighted by journals and other outlets such as the Europhysics News, EurekAlert! and Phys.org to name a few (see the Media section below for further information).

At Skoltech, I developed two graduate courses: Fundamentals of energy conversion physics and technology,  and Nonequilibrium processes in energy conversion, which I teach annually . I am also a Guest Lecturer for the Research Methodology course led by Prof. Fortin. I have graduated two Skoltech doctoral students (2019, 2021) and 9 Master students (2019, 2020,2021,2022) and I currently supervise three PhD theses as well as Master level projects. As of October 2022, I am Director of the Engineering Systems PhD Program, (I was Co-Chair in charge of the Energy Systems PhD track, since 2018), and Chair of the Skoltech Educational Committee (I was a member since 2018). Since November 2022, I am a member of the Next Generation Program Steering Committee, now serving as Chair.


Prior to Skoltech

Education. My postgraduate education is in theoretical physics, with a Master’s degree in statistical physics (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France, 1997) and a PhD in physics (Heriot-Watt University, UK, 2002), focused on the modeling of ultrafast pump-and-probe experiments with spin-selective excitation in semiconductor quantum wells, and on two-dimensional scattering theory to study photon emission via exciton recombination.

Experience in research. I have a research experience of over fifteen years at postdoctoral level in four countries, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, and Russia. My works fall within the broad category of theory and numerical modeling of condensed matter and dilute systems, mostly addressing problems pertaining to energy conversion physics, coupled transport theory, scattering theory of excitons and of ultra-cold atoms, and light-matter interactions. In the recent years, I developed a strong interest for energy-related problems and theories of irreversible thermodynamics, with a particular focus on thermoelectric systems. My experience in research thus covers different fields of theoretical physics that have a close relation to experimental activities. Many of my works were performed as part of international collaborations with theoreticians and experimentalists, and more recently with industrial partners, including EDF, a major French electric utility company.

Teaching and supervision. I have a significant experience of teaching and supervision in higher education systems, primarily as a first-year tutor at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, during my PhD studies, and as a temporary lecturer at the University of Caen, France (2004-2006) covering a wide range of topics of the physics curriculum essentially at undergraduate level. I also taught and personally supervised students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels while I was employed as a senior research associate (in 2007 and in 2011-2014). Moreover, I was actively involved in the daily supervision of one PhD student (2011-2013) and one junior postdoctoral researcher (2012-2013).

Additional information

Referee. I am also an active referee for several major international peer-reviewed physics journals, including Nature Energy, Physical Review Letters, Energy Conversion and Management, Physical Review A, B, E, Research, Applied Physics Letters, and more. I served as a referee for the French National Research Agency for the Physics Committee to evaluate the progress of the funded projects of the 2009 programme “Theoretical Spectroscopy and Radiation-Matter Interactions”, and for the Sustainable Electricity Production and Management program of 2012.

Editorial work. I am a Guest Editor for the Special Issue “Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Stochastic Processes” to appear in the Q1/Q2 journal Entropy (mdpi; IF= 2.738). More information can be found here.

Further training. To complement my education and gain valuable and useful transferable new professional skills, I undertook a one-year training and gained a first-class postgraduate Master’s of Art (Université de Caen, France, 2016) to qualify as a European project manager.

Energy conversion physics and technology group

  • Thermoelectric energy conversion —  thermodynamics of thermoelectricity and study of performance enhancement notably near electronic phase transitions of the electron working fluid.
  • Integration and control of heat and power systems with variable loads — microclimate control based on model predictive control and AI approaches; demand response model development; vertical agriculture.
  • Thermodynamic models of biological systems — metabolic energy production and conversion to muscular mechanical energy.
  • Quantum technologies – superconducting circuits; development of analytical and numerical methods based on tensor networks to study open quantum dynamics; Riemannian optimization.
  • Engineering thermodynamics — Heat transfer mechanism (thermosiphons), and Stirling cycle for refrigeration applications.

For joint projects with industry / Для совместных проектов с промышленными партнерами

If you are a potential industrial partner, please check the following documents depending on your area(s) of interest/
Если вы являетесь потенциальным промышленным партнером, ознакомьтесь со следующими документами в зависимости от вашей области интересов

  • Design of a novel ultra-thin vapor chamber for cooling of power and micro electronics /
    Разработка новой ультратонкой паровой камеры для охлаждения силовой и микроэлектроники: SlidesHE (en/ru)
  • Building energy management including residential buildings and vertical farming settings /
    Управления энергопотреблением: SlidesMC (en/ru)


For more details, check out the information available under each heading above, and the news in particular.

I am happy to receive feedback, comments and questions any time by email.

** Submitted manuscripts and preprints**

Patrick Navez and Henni Ouerdane
“Quantum determinism and completeness restored by indistinguishably and long-time particle detection”.

Ilia Kamyshev, Sahar Moghimian Hoosh, and Henni Ouerdane
“HiFAKES: High-frequency synthetic appliance signatures generator for non-intrusive load monitoring”.

V. Kovalev, A. Shkromada, H. Ouerdane, and P. Osinenko
“Combining model-predictive control and predictive reinforcement learning for stable quadrupedal robot locomotion”.

D. Smirnov and H. Ouerdane
“Accurate estimation of temperatures in a cryogenic space cooled by a Stirling cryocooler”

P.-J. C. Stas, S. Ghimire, and H. Ouerdane
“Modeling flywheel energy storage system charge and discharge dynamics”.

** Year 2025 publications - accepted and published manuscripts **

I. Khomchenko, A. Ryzhov, F. Maculewicz, F. Kurth, R. Hühne, A. Golombek, M. Schleberger, C. Goupil, Ph. Lecoeur, A. Böhmer, G. Benenti, G. Schierning, and H. Ouerdane
“The thermoelectric performance problem: Insights from the electron gas thermodynamics close to a phase transition”.
SciPost Physics Core vol. 8, 015 (2025) — doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.8.1.015

Luca Razzoli, Giulia Gemme, Ilia Khomchenko, Sassetti Maura, Henni Ouerdane, Dario Ferraro, and Giuliano Benenti
“Cyclic solid-state quantum battery: Thermodynamic characterization and quantum hardware simulation”.
Quantum Science and Technology vol. 10,  015064 (2025) —  doi: 10.1088/2058-9565/ad9ed4


** All publications as of February 2025 **

** Original articles listed by topics **

Thermodynamics and energy systems

Luca Razzoli, Giulia Gemme, Ilia Khomchenko, Sassetti Maura, Henni Ouerdane, Dario Ferraro, and Giuliano Benenti
“Cyclic solid-state quantum battery: Thermodynamic characterization and quantum hardware simulation”.
Quantum Science and Technology vol. 10, 015064 (2025) —  doi: 10.1088/2058-9565/ad9ed4

J. Penuela, C. Ben, S. Boldyrev, L. Gentzbittel, and H. Ouerdane
“The indoor agriculture industry: A promising player in demand response services”.
Applied Energy vol. 372, 123756 (2024) — doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.123756

D. Smirnov, F. M. Ibanez, and H. Ouerdane
“Junction temperature of CMOS electronics cooled by a regenerative cryocooler”.
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering vol. 52, 103688 (2023) — doi: 10.1016/j.csite.2023.103688

B. Mohseni-Gharyehsafa, Y. Lyulin, S. A. Evlashin, O. Kabov, and H. Ouerdane
“Characterization and performance of a 3D-printed two-phase closed thermosyphon”.
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress vol. 28 , 101001 (2022) —  doi: 10.1016/j.tsep.2021.101001

B. Mohseni-Gharyehsafa, J. Abolfazli Esfahani, K. C. Kim, and H. Ouerdane
“Soft computing approach analysis of thermohydraulic enhancement using twisted tapes in a flat-plate solar collector: Sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization”.
Journal of Cleaner Production vol. 314, 127947 (2021) — doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127947

G. V. Kuznetsov, K. O. Ponomarev, D. V. Feoktistov, E. G. Orlova, Yu. V. Lyulin, and H. Ouerdane
“Heat transfer in a two-phase closed thermosyphon working in polar regions”.
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress vol. 22, 100846 (2021) — doi: 10.1016/j.tsep.2021.100846

V. Shevchenko, A. Mialdun, V. Yasnou,  Y. V. Lyulin, H. Ouerdane, and V. Shevtsova
“Investigation of diffusive and optical properties of vapour-air mixtures: The benefits of interferometry”.
Chemical Engineering Science vol. 233, 116433 (2021) — doi: doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2020.116433

I. A. Luchnikov, D. Métivier, H. Ouerdane, and M. Chertkov
“Super-relaxation of space-time-quantized ensemble of energy loads to curtail their synchronization after demand response perturbation”.
Applied Energy vol. 285, 116419 (2021) — doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.116419

E. Herbert, H. Ouerdane, V. Bels, Ph. Lecoeur, and C. Goupil
“Thermodynamics of animal locomotion”.
Physical Review Letters vol. 125, 228102 (2020) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.228102

G. V. Kuznetsov, K. O. Ponomarev, D. V. Feoktistov, E. G. Orlova, H. Ouerdane, and Yu. V Lyulin
“New approach to the heat transfer modeling in the coolant layer on the lower cover of a thermosyphon”.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 163, 12055 (2020) — doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.120555

A. H. Hosseinloo, A. Ryzhov. A. Bischi, H. Ouerdane, K. Turitsyn, and M. A. Dahleh
“Data-driven control of micro-climate in buildings: an event-triggered reinforcement learning approach”.
Applied Energy vol. 277,  115451  (2020) — doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115451

Y. Lyulin, A. Kreta , H. Ouerdane, and O. A. Kabov
“Experimental study of convective motions by the PIV technique within an evaporating liquid layer into a gas flow”.
Microgravity Science and Technology vol. 32, 203  (2020) — doi: 10.1007/s12217-019-09759-x

D. Smirnov, V. Dvortsov, A. Saichenko, M. Tkachenko, M. Kukolev, A. Bischi, and H. Ouerdane
“Experimental study of a high-tolerance piston-cylinder pair in the alpha Ross-yoke Stirling refrigerator”.
International Journal of Refrigeration vol. 100, 235  (2019) — doi: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.01.018

C. Goupil, H. Ouerdane, E. Herbert, Y. D’Angelo, and C. Goupil
“Thermodynamics of metabolic energy conversion under muscle load”.
New Journal of Physics vol. 21, 023021  (2019) — doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab0223

A. Ryzhov, H. Ouerdane, E. Gryazina, A. Bischi, and K. Turitsyn
“Model predictive control of indoor microclimate: existing building stock comfort improvement”.
Energy Conversion and Management vol. 179, 219  (2019) — doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2018.10.046

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“True nature of the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency”.
Physical Review E vol. 96, 022119 (2017) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.022119

C. Goupil, H. Ouerdane, E. Herbert, G. Benenti, Y. D’Angelo, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Closed-loop approach to thermodynamics”.
Physical Review E vol. 94, 032136 (2016) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.032136

G. Benenti, H. Ouerdane, and C. Goupil
“The thermoelectric working fluid: Thermodynamics and transport”.
Invited contribution to the Topical issue Mesoscopic Thermoelectric Phenomena of
Comptes Rendus de Physique vol. 17, 1072 (2016) — doi: 10.1016/j.crhy.2016.08.004

H. Ouerdane, Y. Apertet, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Continuity and boundary conditions in thermodynamics: From Carnot’s efficiency to efficiencies at maximum power”.
Invited article to the Discussion and Debate The Carnot Principle Revisited: Towards New Extensions?
European Physical Journal — Special Topics vol. 224, 839 (2015) — doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2015-02431-x

J. M. R. Parrondo and H. Ouerdane
“Debate. Continuity and boundary conditions in thermodynamics: From Carnot’s efficiency to efficiencies at maximum power”.
European Physical Journal — Special Topics vol. 224, 862 (2015) — doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2015-02431-x

H. Ouerdane, J. M. R. Parrondo, L. Granger, and L. S. Schulman
“Debate. Maxwell demons in phase space”.
European Physical Journal — Special Topics vol. 224, 876 (2015) — doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2015-02432-9

H. Ouerdane and H. Qian
“Debate. Thermodynamics of the general diffusion process: Equilibrium supercurrent and nonequilibrium driven circulation with dissipation”.
European Physical Journal — Special Topics vol. 224, 797 (2015) — doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2015-02427-6

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Revisiting Feynman’s ratchet with thermoelectric transport theory”.
Physical Review E vol. 90, 012113 (2014) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.90.012113

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, A. Michot, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“On the efficiency at maximum cooling power”.
Europhysics Letters vol. 103, 40001 (2013) — doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/103/40001

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph, Lecoeur
“From local force-flux relationships to internal dissipations and their impact on heat engine performance: The illustrative case of a thermoelectric generator”.
Physical Review E vol. 88, 022137 (2013) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.022137

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, O. Glavatskaya, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
Reply to the Comment on “Optimal working conditions for thermoelectric generators with realistic thermal coupling”.
Europhysics Letters vol. 101, 68008 (2013) — doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/101/68008

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Efficiency at maximum power of thermally coupled heat engines”.
Physical Review E vol. 85, 041144 (2012) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.041144

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Irreversibilities and efficiency at maximum power of heat engines: The illustrative case of a thermoelectric generator”.
Physical Review E vol. 85, 031116 (2012) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.031116

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, O. Glavatskaya, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Optimal working conditions for thermoelectric generators with realistic thermal coupling”.
* Selected as part of EPL’s Highlights of 2012 (Interdisciplinary topics) *
Europhysics Letters vol. 97, 28001 (2012) — doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/97/28001


Condensed matter physics and theoretical physics

I. Khomchenko, A. Ryzhov, F. Maculewicz, F. Kurth, R. Hühne, A. Golombek, M. Schleberger, C. Goupil, Ph. Lecoeur, A. Böhmer, G. Benenti, G. Schierning, and H. Ouerdane
“The thermoelectric performance problem: Insights from the electron gas thermodynamics close to a phase transition”.
SciPost Physics Core vol. 8, 015 (2025)–  doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.8.1.015

I. Khomchenko,  H. Ouerdane, and G. Benenti
“Voltage amplified heat rectification in SIS junctions”.
Physical Review B, vol. 106, 245413 (2022) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.245413

I. Khomchenko, P. Navez, and H. Ouerdane
“SQUID-based interferometric accelerometer”.
Applied Physics Letters vol. 121, 152601 (2022) — doi: 10.1063/5.0126680

I. A. Luchnikov, E. O. Kiktenko, M. A. Gavreev H. Ouerdane, S. N. Filippov, and A. K. Fedorov
“Probing non-Markovian quantum dynamics with data driven analysis: Beyond “black-box” machine learning models”.
Physical Review Research vol. 4, 043002 (2022) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043002

S. A. Evlashin, J. V. Bondareva, T. F. Aslyamov, Y. V. Lyulin, K. I. Maslakov, K. V. Mironovich, M. A. Tarkhov, and H. Ouerdane
“Plasma modification of carbon nanowalls induces transition from superhydrophobic to superhydrophilic”.
Nanotechnology vol. 32, 435706 (2021) — doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/ac153f

I. A. Luchnikov, A. Ryzhov, S. N. Filippov, and H. Ouerdane
“QGOpt: Riemannian optimization for quantum technologies”.
SciPost Physics vol. 10, 079 (2021) — doi: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.10.3.079

I. Luchnikov, A. Ryzhov, P.-J. Stas, S. Filippov, and H. Ouerdane
“Variational autoencoder reconstruction of complex many-body physics”.
Entropy vol. 21, 1091 (2019) doi: 10.3390/e21111091

I. Luchnikov, S. Vintskevitch, H. Ouerdane, and S. Filippov
“Simulation complexity of open quantum dynamics: connection with tensor networks”.
Physical Review Letters vol. 122, 160401  (2019) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.160401

Y. Apertet and H. Ouerdane
“Small signal model for frequency analysis of thermoelectric systems”.
Energy Conversion and Management vol. 149, 564 (2017) — doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2017.07.061

A. Abbout, H. Ouerdane, and C. Goupil
“Statistical analysis of the figure of merit of a two-level thermelectric system: A random matrix approach”.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan vol. 85, 094704 (2016) — doi: 10.7566/JSPJ.85.094704

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“A note on the electrochemical nature of thermoelectric power”.
The European Physical Journal Plus vol. 131, 76 (2016) — doi: 10.1140/epjp/i2016-16076-8

* See the highlight on EPJ’s portal Back to basics with thermoelectric power *

* See also the highlight in the issue 3 of the volume 47 of Europhysics news *

H. Ouerdane, A. A. Varlamov, A. V. Kavokin, C. Goupil, and C. B. Vining
“Enhanced thermoelectric coupling near electronic phase transition: the role of fluctuation Cooper pairs”.
Physical Review B vol. 91, 100501(R) (2015) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.100501

H. Rotella, O. Copie, G. Mouillard-Stéciuk, H. Ouerdane, P. Boullay, P. Roussel, M. Morales, A. David,
A. Pautrat, B. Mercey, L. Lutterotti, D. Chateigner, and W. Prellier
“Structural analysis of strained LaVO3 thin films”.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol. 27, 175001 (2015) — doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/27/17/175001

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Equivalent parameters for series thermoelectrics”.
Energy Conversion and Management vol. 93, 160 (2015) — doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2014.12.077

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Influence of thermal environment on optimal working conditions of thermoelectric generators”.
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 116, 144901 (2014) — doi: 10.1063/1.4897350

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
Comment on “Effective thermal conductivity in thermoelectric materials”.
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 115, 126101 (2014) — doi: 10.1063/1.4869138

A. Abbout, H. Ouerdane, and C. Goupil
“Mesoscopic thermoelectric transport near zero transmission energies”.
Physical Review B vol. 87, 155410 (2013) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.155410

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Thermoelectric internal current loops inside inhomogeneous systems”.
Physical Review B vol. 85, 033201 (2012) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.033201

H. Ouerdane
“Analytic model of effective screened Coulomb interactions in a multilayer system”.
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 110, 074905 (2011) — doi: 10.1063/1.3646482

P. Bogdanski and H. Ouerdane
“Coulomb singularities in scattering wave functions of spin-orbit-coupled states”.
Journal of Mathematical Physics vol. 52, 073515 (2011) — doi: 10.1063/1.3610667

M. M. Glazov, H. Ouerdane, L. Pilozzi, A. Kavokin, G. Malpuech, and A. D’Andrea
“Polariton-polariton scattering in microcavities: A microscopic theory”.
Physical Review B vol. 80, 155306 (2009) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.155306

H. Ouerdane, R. Varache, I. Galbraith, and M.E. Portnoi
“Photon emission induced by elastic exciton-carrier scattering in semiconductor quantum-wells”.
The European Physical Journal B vol. 65, 195 (2008) — doi: 10.1140/epjb/e2008-00355-x

R. Frésard, H. Ouerdane, and T. Kopp
“Barnes slave-boson approach to the two-site single-impurity Anderson model with non-local interaction”.
Europhysics Letters, vol. 82, 31001 (2008) — doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/82/31001

D. D. Solnyshkov, H. Ouerdane, and G. Malpuech
“Kinetic phase diagrams of GaN-based polariton lasers”.
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 103, 016101 (2008) — doi: 10.1063/1.2822148

D. D. Solnyshkov, H. Ouerdane, M. Glazov, I. Shelykh, and G. Malpuech
“Bose glass and superfluid phase transitions of exciton-polaritons in GaN microcavities”.
Solid State Communications vol. 144, 390 (2007) — doi: 10.1016/j.ssc.2007.07.046

R. Frésard, H. Ouerdane, and T. Kopp
“Slave bosons in radial gauge: a bridge between path integral and Hamiltonian language”.
Nuclear Physics B vol. 785, 286 (2007) — doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2007.05.025

G. Malpuech, D. D. Solnyshkov, H. Ouerdane, M. Glazov, and I. Shelykh
“Bose glass and superfluid phases of cavity polaritons”.
Physical Review Letters vol. 98, 206402 (2007) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.206402

P. Bogdanski and H. Ouerdane
“Scattering states of coupled valence-band holes in point defect potential derived from variable phase theory”.
Physical Review B vol. 74, 085210 (2006) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.085210

S. Fahy, A. Lindsay, H. Ouerdane, and E. P. O’Reilly
“Alloy scattering of n-type carriers in GaN_xAs_1-x”.
Physical Review B vol. 74, 035203 (2006) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.035203

H. Ouerdane, G. Papageorgiou, I. Galbraith, A.K. Kar, and B.S. Wherrett
“Ultrafast pump-probe dynamics in ZnSe-based semiconductor quantum-wells”.
Journal of the Optical Society of America B vol. 19, 2022 (2002) — doi: 10.1364/JOSAB.19.002022


Atomic and molecular physics

V. G. Artemov, A. Ryzhov, H. Ouerdane, and K. Stevenson
“Ionization differences between weak and strong electrolytes as perturbed by conductivity spectra analysis”.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 127, 216 (2023) — doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c06713

A. Kotliar-Shapirov, F. S. Fedorov, H. Ouerdane, S. Evlashin, A. G. Nasibulin, and K. J. Stevenson
“Chemical space mapping for multicomponent gas mixtures”.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry vol. 895, 115472 (2021) — doi: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2021.115472

V. G. Artemov, A. Ryzhov, E. Carlsen, P. O. Kapralov, and H. Ouerdane
“Non-rotational mechanism of polarization in alcohols”.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 124, 11022 (2020) — doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c09380

V. Artemov, E. Uykur, S. Roh, A. Pronin, H. Ouerdane, and M. Dressel
“Revealing excess protons in the infrared spectrum of liquid water”.
Scientific Reports vol. 10, 11320 (2020) — doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68116-w

V. Artemov, E. Uykur, P. Kapralov, A. Kiselev, K. Stevenson, H. Ouerdane, and M. Dressel
“Anomalously high proton conduction of interfacial water”.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters vol. 11, 3623 (2020) — doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00910

M. J. Jamieson and H. Ouerdane
“Parameters for cold collisions of lithium and caesium atoms”.
Chinese Physics Letters vol. 28 , 060308 (2011) — doi: 10.1088/0256-307X/28/06/060308

M. J. Jamieson and H. Ouerdane
“Error cancellation in the semiclassical calculation of the scattering length”.
The European Physical Journal D vol. 61, 373 (2011) — doi: 10.1140/epjd/e2010-10498-x

H. Ouerdane, B. Gervais, H. Zhou, M. Beuve, and J.-Ph. Renault
Radiolysis of water confined in porous silica: a simulation study of the physico-chemical yields”.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Surfaces, Interfaces, Catalysis vol. 114, 12667 (2010) — doi: 10.1021/jp103127j

H. Ouerdane and M. J. Jamieson
Comment on “Scattering length for fermionic alkali atoms”.
The European Physical Journal D vol. 57, 325 (2010) — doi: 10.1140/epjd/e2010-00064-1

M. J. Jamieson, A. S.-C. Cheung, and H. Ouerdane
“Dependence of the scattering length for hydrogen atoms on effective mass”.
The European Physical Journal D vol. 56, 181 (2010) — doi: 10.1140/epjd/e2009-00280-8

H. Ouerdane and M. J. Jamieson
“S-wave and p-wave scattering in a cold gas of Na and Rb atoms”.
The European Physical Journal D vol. 53, 27 (2009) — doi: 10.1140/epjd/e2009-00042-8

M. J. Jamieson, A. S.-C. Cheung, H. Ouerdane, G.-H. Jeung, and N. Geum
“S-wave scattering lengths and effective ranges for collisions of ground state Be atoms”.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics vol. 40, 3497 (2007) — doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/40/17/016

H. Ouerdane and M. J. Jamieson
“A note on the calculation of the effective range”
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics vol. 37, 3765 (2004) — doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/37/18/016

H. Ouerdane and M. J. Jamieson
“Scattering parameters for cold Li-Rb and Na-Rb collisions derived from variable phase theory”.
Physical Review A vol. 70, 022712 (2004) — doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.70.022712

H. Ouerdane, M. J. Jamieson, D. Vrinceanu, and M. J. Cavagnero
“The variable phase method used to calculate and correct scattering lengths”.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics vol. 36, 4055 (2003) — doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/36/19/013

M.J. Jamieson, H. Sarbazi-Azad, H.Ouerdane, G.-H. Jeung, Y. S. Lee, and W. C. Lee
“Elastic scattering of cold rubidium and caesium atoms”.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics vol. 36, 1085 (2003) — doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/36/6/301


** Conference proceedings **

I. Kamyshev, S. Moghimian Hoosh, and H. Ouerdane
“Physics-informed appliance signatures generator for energy disaggregation”.

S. Moghimian Hoosh, H. Ouerdane, V. Terzijia, and D. Pozo
“Assessing the value of energy storage systems for distribution grid applications”.

I. Khomchenko, H. Ouerdane, and G. Benenti
“Influence of the Anderson transition on thermoelectric energy conversion in disordered electronic systems”.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol. 2701, 012018 (2024) — doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2701/1/012018

A. Sleptsov, A. Ryzhov, I. Luchnikov, A. Haji Hosseinloo, H. Ouerdane, and A. Bischi
“Controlled adjustments of indoor microclimate parameters for buildings’ energy demand management”.
Energy Reports vol. 7(3), 216 (2021) — doi: 10.1016/j.egyr.2021.06.037

V. Artemov and H. Ouerdane
“Influence of ionic species on water broadband electrodynamics”,
APS March Meeting 2020, Denver, CO, USA.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society vol. 65, n. 1  (2020) — link.

V. Artemov and H. Ouerdane
“How ice and water conduct electricity from direct current to terahertz”,
Fall National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA, USA.
Abstract of papers of the American Chemical Society  (2020).

V. Artemov and H. Ouerdane
“Dynamical properties of ice and water: A broadband dielectric spectroscopy study”,
37th International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids (DyProSo 2019), Ferrara, Italy.
Proceedings vol. 26, 8  (2019) — doi: 10.3390/proceedings2019026008

C. Goupil, H. Ouerdane, E. Herbert, A. Kamsing, Y. Apertet, F. Bouteau, S. Mancuso, R. Patino and P. Lecoeur
“Green thermoelectrics: Observation and analysis of plant thermoelectric response”,
Electro-Activity of Biological Systems, Paris, France.
BIO Web of Conference vol. 6  (2016) – doi: 10.1051/bioconf/20160603006.

J. G. Stockholm, C. Goupil, P. Maussion, and H. Ouerdane
“Transient thermoelectric generator: An active load story”.
Journal of Electronic Materials vol. 44, 1768 (2015) — doi: 10.1007/s11664-014-3545-z

Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Internal convection in thermoelectric generator models”.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 395, 012203 (2012) — doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/395/1/012103

L. Pilozzi, M. M. Glazov, H. Ouerdane, G. Malpuech, A. Kavokin, and A. D’Andrea
“Spin-dependent polariton-polariton scattering in planar microcavities”.
Superlattices and Microstructures, vol. 47, 1 (2010) — doi: 10.1016/j.spmi.2009.07.028


** Book chapters **

A. Vargas Almeida, M. A. Olivares-Robles, and H. Ouerdane
“Performance Analysis of Composite Thermoelectric Generators” — doi: 10.5772/66143
Thermoelectrics for Power Generation – A Look at Trends in the Technology, pp. 511-539.
Sergey Skipidarov and Mikhail Nikitin, Editors (InTech, 2016) — Print ISBN: 9789535128458 — Online ISBN: 9789535128465

K. Zabrocki, C. Goupil, H. Ouerdane, E. Mьller, and W. Seifert
“Segmented Devices and Networking of TE Elements” — doi: 10.1002/9783527338405.ch3
Continuum theory and modeling of thermoelectric elements, pp. 157-176.
C. Goupil, Editor (Wiley-VCH, 2016) — Print ISBN: 9783527413379 — Online ISBN: 9783527338405
doi: 10.1002/9783527338405

K. Zabrocki, C. Goupil, H. Ouerdane, Y. Apertet, W. Seifert, and E. Mьller
“Continuum Theory of TE Elements” — doi: 10.1002/978352733840.ch2
Continuum theory and modeling of thermoelectric elements, pp. 75-156.
C. Goupil, Editor (Wiley-VCH, 2016) — Print ISBN: 9783527413379 — Online ISBN: 9783527338405
doi: 10.1002/9783527338405

C. Goupil, H. Ouerdane, K. Zabrocki, W. Seifert, N. F. Hinsche, and E. Mьller
“Thermodynamics and Thermoelectricity” — doi: 10.1002/9783527338405.ch1
Continuum theory and modeling of thermoelectric elements, pp. 1-74.
C. Goupil, Editor (Wiley-VCH, 2016) — Print ISBN: 9783527413379 — Online ISBN: 9783527338405
doi: 10.1002/9783527338405

H. Ouerdane, Y. Apertet, C. Goupil, A. Michot, and A. Abbout
“A linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach to optimization of thermoelectric devices”.
Invited chapter in Thermoelectric Nanomaterials, K. Koumoto et T. Mori Editors.
Springer Series in Materials Science, vol. 182, pp. 323-351 (2013) — ISBN 978-3-642-37536-1
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-37537-8_14

C. Goupil, H. Ouerdane, et Y. Apertet
“Thermoélectricité: thermodynamique et applications”.
Invited contribution to:
Techniques de l’Ingénieur, BE8080 (2013).
Link to the document: BE8080

* Doctor of Philosophy degree in Physics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK (2002)

* Master’s of Art in European project management, Université de Caen, France, (2016)

* Master of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Statistical Physics with a major in disordered systems, Université de Cergy-Pontoise (1997)

* Master of Physics with a major in nuclear physics, Université de Caen, France, (1996)

Research interests: condensed matter and quantum physics; classical, irreversible, finite-time, quantum, and statistical thermodynamics; applied physics: energy systems; vertical agriculture.

Past scientific projects:

* Thermodynamics of thermoelectricity near phase transitions (Russian Quantum Center; 2014)

* Thermoelectricity and finite-time thermodynamics: optimization of the working conditions of thermogenerators and refrigerators as part of two industrial projects (CNRT Matériaux, CRISMAT laboratory — CNRS;  LIED laboratory — Université Paris Diderot, RQC; 2011 — 2016)

* Physical chemistry of water under irradiation (CIMAP laboratory — CNRS; 2008 — 2010)

* Physics of microcavity exciton-polaritons: phase diagrams, and scattering theory of composite bosons (LASMEA; 2006–2008)

*  Theory of strongly correlated electron systems: functional integral approach to the single impurity Anderson model with a slave boson formalism (CRISMAT laboratory; 2004 — 2006)

* Influence of alloy disorder on electron mobility in dilute nitrides semiconductors (Tyndall National Institute; 2004)

* Collisions of ultra-cold alkali and hydrogen atoms: development of numerical methods for the computation of low-energy scattering data (University of Glasgow; 2002 — 2003)

* Optical properties of semiconductor quantum wells: numerical modeling of ultrafast pump-and-probe experiments with spin-selective excitation in II-VI semiconductor quantum wells, and electron-exciton scattering in 2D electron-hole plasmas using the variable phase method (Heriot-Watt University; 1998 — 2001)


Other (non-scientific) projects:

* L’euro concurrent du dollar? (The euro, a contender of the US dollar? ) — Master’s project in economy, with Léa Minier, 24 pages + appendices (Université de Caen; 2016).

* Conditions de réussite d’un projet issu des SHS à un appel à projets Horizon 2020 (Conditions for success of a social sciences & humanities (SSH) project in a Horizon 2020 call) — Master’s project in European project management, with Héloïse Blandin, Joséphine Rosès, Jean Baptiste Morin and Marie-Laure Lacides, 48 pages + appendices (Université de Caen; 2016).

Indicators of esteem 

* Skoltech Best Mentor award, received on June 28, 2024 at the eigth annual Education Excellence Awards.

* Skoltech Institutional Leader in Teaching and Learning award, received on June 30, 2023 at the seventh annual Education Excellence Awards.

* Program Co-Chair of the 11th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials – ICKEM 2021, Moscow, 26-29 March 2021.

* Chair of the Keynote and Invited talks session at the 11th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials – ICKEM 2021, Moscow, 27 March 2021.

* Visiting position

* Institutional responsibilities

  • Chair of the Skoltech Education Committee since October 2022 (Member since 2018)
  • Chair of the Skoltech Engineering Systems PhD program since September 2022 (Co-Chair since 2018).
  • PhD jury Chair for 7 PhD defenses at Skoltech since 2022.
  • Examiner for 6 PhD defenses at Skoltech from 2019 to 2022.
  • Examiner for PhD defense of Dr. Yann Apertet, Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France (13/12/2013).

* Commissions of trust

  • Referee for 15+ peer-reviewed international physics journals, including Nature Energy, the Physical Review Letters, the Physical Review A, B, E, Research, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Journal of Luminescence, The Central European Journal of Physics, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Entropy, Energy Conversion and Management, Physica A.
  • Expert referee for the French National Research Agency, for the PROGELEC (Production Renouvelable et Gestion de l’Electricité  / Sustainable Electricity Production and Management) programme of 2012, Paris, France (04/2012 – 05/2012).
  • Referee for the Physics Committee (Comité Scientifique Disciplinaire – CSD 4 – Physique) of the French National Research Agency to evaluate the progress of the funded projects of the 2009 programme “Theoretical Spectroscopy and Radiation-Matter Interactions”, Paris, France (10/04/2012).

* Memberships of scientific societies

* Merit-based Scholarship

* On the 13th of December 2024,our work entitled “Cyclic solid-state quantum battery: Thermodynamic characterization and quantum hardware simulation”, was accepted for publication in the journal Quantum Science and Technology. This work is the fruitful result of the collaboration with our Italian colleagues (University of Insubria, and University of Genova). It is available here.

* On the 24th of October 2024, my PhD student Ilia Khomchenko cosupervised by Prof. Giuliano Benenti in the frame of a cotutelle between Skoltech and the University of Insubria (Comoe, Italy), defended his doctoral thesis entitled: “Energy and information management in superconducting nanodevices: a thermodynamic approach”. After the defense, the jury decided unanimously to accept the thesis “as is”. As a result, Ilia is awarded the Skoltech PhD degree and the University of Insubria PhD degree. Details are available here.

* On the 18th of October 2024, our work on thermoelectric energy conversion close to an electronic phase transition has been accepted for publication in SciPost Physics Core. This work, which started several years ago, was conducted in the frame of an international collaboration involving collaborators in France and Italy (theory/modeling) and Germany (experiments). The paper is available here.

* On the 25th of September 2024, our work “Quantum determinism and completeness restored by indistinguishably and long-time particle detection” has appeared on arXiv. This work was conducted as part of a collaboration between Dr. Patrick Navez (Université de Montpellier, France) and me. The preprint is available here

* On the 4th of September 2024, our work “HiFAKES: High-frequency synthetic appliance signatures generator for non-intrusive load monitoring” has appeared on arXiv. This work is led by my PhD-3 student Ilia Kamyshev in close collaboration with my PhD-2 student Sahar Moghimian Hoosh. The preprint is available here.

* On the 1st of September 2024, Anna Shkromada and Dmitriy Bugrov joined my group as PhD students. I look forward to great work with them.

* On the 11th of July 2024, our work “Cyclic solid-state quantum battery: Thermodynamic characterization and quantum hardware simulation” has appeared on arXiv. It was initiated in the frame of the PhD cotutelle of my PhD student Ilia Khomchenko also supervised by Prof. Giuliano Benenti (University of Insubria, Como, Italy). The work turned out to become the object of a great collaborative work led by Dr. Luca Razolli (University of Insubria) and Giulia Gemme (University of Genova, Italy) also involving senior colleagues from Genova.  The preprint is available here.

* On the 28th of June 2024, I received the Skoltech Best Mentor of the year 2024 award, at the eigth annual Education Excellence Awards, which is part of the year 2024 graduation Commencement Ceremony. The full ceremony can be viewed here.

* On the 28th of June 2024, my three MSc students, Dmitriy Bugrov, Olga Shalopanova, and Anna Shkromada graduated with their Master’s degree in Systems Engineering at Skoltech. The full ceremony can be viewed here.

* On the 19th of June 2024, my three MSc students, Dmitriy Bugrov, Olga Shalopanova, and Anna Shkromada defended their Master’s theses in Systems Engineering at Skoltech. The three students got the top grade “A” for their theses and their defense.

* On the 17th of June 2024, the manuscript “The indoor agriculture industry: a promising player in demand response services” was accepted for publication in Applied Energy. The final and published version is now available on the journal’s website.  This great achievement is an important milestone of my PhD student Javier Penuela’s research work.

* On the 14th of March 2024, together with my PhD student Javier Penuela, we submitted our manuscript entitled “The indoor agriculture industry: a promising player in demand response services” to Applied Energy. The research we report is the result of a great collaborative work with our colleagues of the Skoltech Center for Agrotechnologies led by my colleague Prof. Laurent Gentzbittel. The manuscript is available on arXiv here.

* On the 15th of December 2023, Dr. Valentin Leplat, joined my group on a part-time basis as a Leading Research Scientist. He will contribute his great expertise in applied mathematics and numerical optimization to several of our projects.

* On the 13th of November 2023, my PhD-3 student Ilia Kamyshev got his conference paper “Physics-informed appliance signatures generator for energy disaggregation” accepted for a presentation at the 7th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy Systems Integration, which will be held in Hangzhou, China from December 15 to December 18 2023. This work was done in collaboration with my PhD-2 student Sahar Moghimian Hoosh. This paper received the Best Paper Award.

* On the 13th of November 2023, my PhD-2 student Sahar Moghimian Hoosh got her conference paper “Assessing the value of energy storage systems for distribution grid applications” accepted for a presentation at the 7th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy Systems Integration, which will be held in Hangzhou, China from December 15 to December 18 2023. This work owes a lot to my former Skoltech colleague Prof. David Pozo. See the arXiv version here.

* On the 31st of August 2023, my PhD-3 student Ilia Khomchenko gave an oral presentation entitled “Influence of the Anderson transition on thermoelectric energy conversion in disordered electronic systems” for an oral presentation at the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, in Belgrade, Serbia, from the 28th to the 31st of August 2023.

* On the 15th of July 2023, the Master graduate Vyacheslav Kovalev, my MSc-1 student Anna Shkromada, submitted their work performed together with my colleague Prof. Pavel Osinenko in his group, “Combining model-predictive control and predictive reinforcement learning for stable quadrupedal robot locomotion” to the journal IEEE Access. See the arXiv version here.

* On the 3rd of July 2023, my PhD-3 student Ilia Khomchenko submitted our paper “Influence of the Anderson transition on thermoelectric energy conversion in disordered electronic systems” for an oral presentation at the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, which will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, from the 28th to the 31st of August 2023. See the arXiv version here.

* On the 30th of June 2023, I received the Skoltech Institutional Leader in Teaching and Learning, at the seventh annual Education Excellence Awards, which is part of the year 2023 graduation Commencement Ceremony. See a compilation of the best moments of the ceremony and the party here, and the full ceremony here.

* On the 6th of April 2023, my PhD-3 student Ilia Khomchenko’s abstract on “Voltage-amplified heat rectification in SIS junctions” was accepted for an oral presentation at the Quantum Thermodynamics Conference QTD 2023, which will be held in Vienna, Austria, from the 17th to the 21st of July 2023.

* On the 22nd of Februray 2023, our patent n° 3791776 on the “Method for determining the metabolic parameters of a person”was delievered by the European Patent Office. Information is accessible via this link.

* On the 13th of December 2022, our article “Ionization differences between weak and strong electrolytes as perturbed by conductivity spectra analysis” was accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B. This work performed in the Dielectric Lab we setup at Skoltech in 2019 through Skoltech funds including NGP, was done with Dr. Vasily Artemov, Dr. Alexander Ryzhov and Prof. Keith Stevenson. It is available here.

* On the 1st of December 2022, our article “Voltage-amplified heat rectification in SIS junctions” was accepted for publication in Physical Review B. This work was led by my PhD-2 student Ilia Khomchenko under the joint supervision of Prof. Giuliano Benenti at University of Insubria, Italy, and mine at Skoltech. It is available here.

* On 1st of October 2022, I became Chair of the Skoltech Educational Committee.

* On the 30th of September 2022, the 2022 Innovation Workshop at Skoltech ended. This proved to be a fantastic time spent with the 1st-year Master students working extra hard with dedication and enthusiasm on their innovation projects. A lot of brainstorming, discussions, crazy ideas, funny ideas too, long hours spent at the fablab, speed dating sessions, consulting, presentations, ending up in prototypes some of which are actually working quite well. This was a great opportunity for me to meet and spend time with students from Master programs in which I do not teach. See the video illustrating the event here.

* On the 18th of September 2022, our article “SQUID-based interferometric accelerometer” was accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters! I am very happy. The work results from our joint efforts with my PhD-2 student Ilia Khomchenko and Dr. Patrick Navez at Loughborough University, UK, to find an innovative cost-effective, portable solution for high-precision measurement of acceleration and gravity. Patrick proved once again his great talents. The article is available here.

* From the 16th of September 2022, and for two full busy weeks, I am a mentor at the Skoltech Innovation Workshop.

* On 1st of September 2022, I became Director of the Skoltech Engineering Systems PhD program.

* On 1st of September 2022, I have the great pleasure to welcome two new Systems Engineering MSc-1 students in my group: Anna Shkromada and Olga Shalopanova. Both students will join our efforts to further develop my activities related to digital agriculture, in close collaboration with my PhD-2 student Javier Penuela, and my colleagues Prof. Cécile Ben and Prof. Laurent Gentzbittel at the Skoltech Agro Technologies Project Center.

On the 28th of July 2022, we submitted two manuscripts: “Accurate estimation of temperatures in a cryogenic space cooled by a Stirling cryocooler”, available here as a preprint, and “Junction temperature of CMOS electronics cooled by a regenerative cryocooler”, available here also as a preprint. Both works were led by my former PhD student, Dr. Dmitry Smirnov, during his doctoral studies at Skoltech. The second manuscript results from a collaboration with my Energy Systems colleague, Prof. Federico Ibanez.

On the 25th of July 2022, Alexandre Sacré, who just finished his (equivalent) 1st year of MSc studies, started collaborating with me on the bridging of thermodynamics and mechanics to study animal locomotion with a focus on the flight of tiny insects.

On the 19th of July 2022, our manuscript  “Probing non-Markovian quantum dynamics with data driven analysis: Beyond “black-box” machine learning models”, was accepted for publication in Physical Review Research. This work was led by my former student Ilia Luchnikov, now a Leading Research Fellow at the Russian Quantum Center.

On the 3rd of July 2022, I submitted our manuscript “Voltage amplified heat rectification in SIS junctions”, which results from the work done by the PhD student Ilia Khomchenko under my supervision and that of my collaborator Prof. Giuliano Benenti (Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy). The preprint can be found here: arXiv:2206.10600 .

On the 1st of July 2022, I had the great pleasure to see my three 2nd-year Energy Systems Master students, Svetlana Melnik, Collins Ogbodo, and Olalekan Omoyele, graduating during the Skoltech Commencement ceremony. I congratulate them on their achievements! They did very well during their two-year training at Skoltech.

On the 17th of June 2022, my three 2nd-year Energy Systems Master students, Svetlana Melnik, Collins Ogbodo, and Olalekan Omoyele, defended their Master theses, and each earned grade A!

On the 3rd of June 2022, my three 2nd-year Energy Systems Master students, submitted their Master thesis where they report the research works they did in my group: 

  1. Svetlana Melnik, co-supervised by Dr. Vasily Artemov: “Influence of membrane pore size on the performance of an ecologically-neutral aqueous supercapacitor“.
  2. Collins Ogbodo, co-supervised by Prof. Laurent Gentzbittel: “Development of simulation-based digital twin for smart space HVAC systems: Case study of a phytotron system“.
  3. Olalekan Omoyele: “Optimization of a district heating system operational cost considering the thermal inertia of buildings“.

The above three works reflect a variety of topics of interest in my research group. Each of the above student worked to the best of their abilities to produce high-quality work, and many of their results are publishable. Now, they have essentially to prepare for their oral Master thesis defense in less than 2 weeks from now. Note: I am pleased to acknowledge fruitful discussions with Prof. Aldo Bischi, which helped Olalekan shaping up his own vision of district heating systems.

On the 23rd of March 2022, an interview where I as a foreign-born scientist, speak about the reasons why I decide to stay at Skoltech nowadays, was published in the Russian newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Other foreign colleagues also share their point of view. The interview, in Russian, can be accessed here.

On the 25th of October 2021, we submitted our manuscript “Thermoelectric power factor divergence close to phase transition in Co-doped epitaxial pnictide thin films”. The work reported in this manuscript is an important follow-up of my previous study of thermoelectricity in the vicinity of an electronic phase transition; it is based on the work performed by my student Ilia Khomchenko for his Master thesis, co-supervised by Prof. Giuliano Benenti, University of Insubria, Italy. The theoretical work has been advantageously completed by superb experimental data provided by my collaborator Prof. Gabi Schierning, Bielefeld University, Germany and her colleagues at the Leibniz Institute in Dresden and at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The manuscript is available here as an arXiv preprint.

On the 6th of September 2021, my Energy Systems MSc-1 students (now MSc-2 students), Collins Ogbodo and Olalekan Omoyele, got a great and well-deserved recognition for their work during their summer internship with the company TION, as their industrial immersion project was selected as the best one for the year 2021.

On the 3rd of September 2021, we submitted our manuscript “SQUID-based interferometric accelerometer”. This manuscript is based on the work of my student Ilia Khomchenko during his summer 2020 internship in my research group under my supervision, and in collaboration with Dr. Patrick Navez (Loughborough University, UK). The preprint is available here.

On the 26th of July 2021, we submitted our manuscript “Ionization differences between weak and strong electrolytes: the role of protonic quantum effects as perturbed by dielectric spectroscopy”. This particularly challenging work going deep into some intricate questions in physical chemistry was fully performed with our dielectric spectroscopy setup at Skoltech. The preprint is available here.

On the 16th of July 2021, our manuscript “Plasma modification of carbon nanowalls induces transition from superhydrophobic to superhydrophilic”, has been accepted for publication in Nanotechnology! The paper is available here.

On the 18th of June 2021, my Energy Systems MSc-2 student Javier Penuela defended his Master thesis entitled: “Indoor agriculture electricity needs: a demand response analysis”. The work was done in collaboration with Prof. Laurent Gentzbittel who supervised the experimental part of the work performed at the Skoltech Digital Agriculture Laboratory. Javier was awarded the grade A for his work.

On the 18th of June 2021, my Energy Systems MSc-2 student Regina Khurmatova defended her Master thesis entitled: “Pure vapor filmwise condensation in flattened tubes for heat transfer enhancement”. The work was done in collaboration with Skoltech Senior Research Scientists Dr. Yuriy Lyulin who co-supervised the work. Regina was awarded the grade A for her work. 

On the 16th of June 2021, our manuscript “Characterization and performance of a 3D-printed two-phase closed thermosyphon” has been accepted for publication in Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. This experimental work was performed by my PhD student Behnam Mohseni-Gharyehsafa in our lab. The paper is available here.

On the 13th of June 2021, our manuscript “Soft computing approach analysis of thermohydraulic enhancement using twisted tapes in a flat-plate solar collector: Sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production. This work was performed by my PhD student Behnam Mohseni-Gharyehsafa in the frame of an international collaboration with colleagues in Iran and Korea. The paper is available here.

On the 12th of June 2021, our manuscript “Chemical space mapping for multicomponent gas mixtures”  has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. The work was performed by my former Energy Systems MSc-2 student Airat Kotlyar-Shapirov in very close collaboration with Senior Research Scientist Dr. Fedor Fedorov. The paper is available here.

On the 10th of June 2021, our manuscript “Controlled adjustments of indoor microclimate parameters for building’s energy demand management” has been accepted for publication in Energy Reports. The work was led by Arseniy Sleptsov, PhD student of our Engineering Systems doctoral program, Energy Systems track. The paper is available here.

On the 5th of May 2021, we submitted our manuscript “Plasma modification of carbon nanowalls induces transition from superhydrophobic to superhydrophilic”, which is a joint work led by Skoltech Senior Research Scientist Stanislav Evlashin in collaboration with partners from the Scientific Research Institute of Electrical Carbon Products (Moscow region) and the RAS Institute of Nanotechnology of Microelectronics (Moscow).

On the 20th of April 2021, we submitted our manuscript “Soft computing approach analysis of thermohydraulic enhancement using twisted tapes in a flat-plate solar collector: Sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization” to the Journal of Cleaner Production, which is a work led by my PhD student Behnam Mohseni-Gharyehsafa in collaboration with colleagues at the Pusan National University, Korea.

On the 17th of April 2021, Arseniy Sleptsov PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Aldo Bischi, presented our joint work: “Controlled adjustments of indoor microclimate parameters for buildings’ energy demand management”, at the 7th International Conference on Advances on Clean Energy Research – ICACER 2021. The proceedings article will be published later this year in the journal Energy Reports.

On the 6th of April 2021, we submitted our manuscript “Probing non-Markovian quantum dynamics with data driven analysis: Beyond “black-box” machine learning models”, which is a work led by Ilia Luchnikov, and in collaboration with our colleagues at the Russian Quantum Center and MIPT. The preprint is available here.

* On the 27th of March 2021, I was Chair of the Keynote and Invited talks session at the 11th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials – ICKEM 2021, Moscow.

On the 24th of March 2021, our manuscript “QGOpt: Riemannian optimization for quantum technologies” has been accepted for publication in SciPost Physics. This work results from the development led by my PhD student Ilia Luchnikov, of QGOpt a new library for constrained optimization in quantum technologies, which can be found and used on the repository platform GitHub. The paper is freely available online through this link.

On the 13th of February 2021, we submitted our manuscript “Characterization and performance of a 3D-printed two-phase thermosyphon with enhanced evaporation section” to Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. This experimental work was performed with our setup by my student Behnam Mohseni in collaboration with our Senior Research Scientist Dr. Yuriy Lyulin.

On the 10th of January 2021, our manuscript “Heat transfer in a two-phase closed thermosyphon working in polar regions” has been accepted for publication in Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. This work results from successful collaboration with our colleagues at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University – the project is funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research – project number 19-38-50099. The paper is available here.

* On the 30th of December 2020, our manuscript “Investigation of diffusive and optical properties of vapour-air mixtures: The benefits of interferometry” has been accepted for publication in Chemical Engineering Science. This work resulted from a collaboration between my team at Skoltech and the team of Dr. Valentina Shevtsova at the Microgravity Research Center at Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. My former Master student, Mr Valeriy Shevchenko, did a fantastic work during his two-month stay in Dr. Shevtsova’s team one year ago. The paper is available here.

On the 28th of December 2020, our manuscript “Super-relaxation of space-time-quantized ensemble of energy loads to curtail their synchronization after demand response perturbation” has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy. This work, which is led by my PhD student Ilia Luchnikov, is the fruit of our collaboration with Dr. David Métivier (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, and Ecole Polytechnique, France), and Prof. Michael Chertkov (University of Arizona, USA). The paper is available here.

On the 19th of November 2020, I was a member of our Engineering Systems PhD student Andrey Churkin’s  jury who defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Stability analysis in coalitional games for cross-border power interconnection planning”. The defense video is available here.

On the 11th of November 2020, our manuscript “Non-rotational mechanism of polarization in alcohols” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B.  I am particularly happy about this piece of news as a young and talented visiting student, Emma Carlsen, contributed greatly during her stay in my group in Moscow, in the frame of the Global Campus Program. Congratulations also go to Vasily Artemov and Alexander Ryzhov who worked tirelessly to produce the best possible data and who supervised the work of Emma in the lab. My feeling is that this work could contribute to a paradigm shift in the understanding of the polarization mechanism in polar liquids, meaning that there could be a strong debate. That is also what science is about. The paper is available here.

On the 5th of November 2020, our manuscript “Investigation of diffusive and optical properties of vapour-air mixtures: The benefits of interferometry” has been submitted to Chemical Engineering Science. This work is the nice result of the Master thesis research work of my Energy System MSc student, Valeriy Shevchenko, during his stay at the Microgravity Research Center, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, in the excellent team of Prof. Valentina Shevtsova.

On the 4th of November 2020, I posted our manuscript “QGOpt: Riemannian optimization for quantum technologies”, on the arXiv website – see the manuscript here. This article is the result of our collaboration with MIPT, and presents and explains how QGOpt, which is a tool developed by my PhD student Ilia Luchnikov, together with Alexander Ryzhov and Mikhail Krechetov, can be applied to a wealth of optimization problems pertaining to quantum technologies development. The code can be found on the github platform, here, and documentation here.

On the 26th of October 2020, our manuscript “Thermodynamics of animal locomotion”, has been accepted for publication in the Physical Review Letters!!! This article is the result of our collaboration with Université Paris-Diderot, Université Paris Saclay and the Musée national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris. The article is available here.

On the 28th of September 2020, our manuscript entitled “New approach to the heat transfer modeling in the coolant layer on the lower cover of thermosiphon”, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. This work results from our successful collaboration with our colleagues at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University – the project is funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) – project number 19-38-50099. The aricle is available here

On the 22nd of September 2020, I started serving as a Guest Editor of the special issue “Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and stochastic processes”, which will appear in the journal Entropy. The dedicated webpage including the call can be found here. The special issue will be open for manuscript submission until June 1, 2021.

On the 26th of June 2020, our manuscript “Data-driven control of microclimate in buildings: an event-triggered reinforcement learning approach”, has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy! This article is the result of our collaboration with MIT in the frame of our Next Generation program. It is available here.

On the 18th of June 2020, my three 2nd-year Energy Systems Master students, defended their Master thesis: 

  1. Ilya Khomchenko received grade A for his thesis “New path for thermoelectric conversion technology: a thermodynamics approach“.
  2. Valeriy Shevchenko, co-supervised by Dr. Yuriy Luylin received grade A for his thesis: “Design, manufacturing, and testing of an efficient vapor for cooling of power and micro-electronic devices“.
  3. Roman Doronin, co-supervised by Dr. Vasily Artemov received grade B for his thesis: “Study of the charge separation near water interfaces for energy storage applications“.

On the 18th of June 2020, our article: “New approach to the heat transfer modeling in the coolant layer on the lower cover of a thermosyphon” was submitted to the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. This work results from the collaboration between the Tomsk Polytechnic University team led by Prof. Geniy Kuznetsov, including Mr. Konstantin Ponomarev, Dr. Dmitry Feoktsitov, and Dr. Evgeniya Orlova, and on the Skoltech side, Dr. Yuriy Lyulin and me.

On the 17th of June 2020, I posted our article: “Non-rotational mechanism of polarization in alcohols” on arXiv – it is available here. This Skoltech-based work was done by Ms Emma Carlsen (visiting student in the frame of  Skoltech Global Campus program), Dr. Pavel Kapralov (Russian Quantum Center) Dr. Alexander Ryzhov, Dr. Vasily Artemov, and me.

On the 17th of June 2020, our article: “Excess protons revealed in the infrared spectrum of liquid water”, has been accepted for publication in Scientific Reports. This paper is the result of the joint work led by Dr. Vasily Artemov in collaboration with our collaborators at the University of Stuttgart, Germany: Dr. Ece Uykur, Dr. Seulky Roh, Dr. Artem Pronin, Prof. Martin Dressel, and me. The article is fully available here.

On the 29th of May 2020, I posted our article: “Modeling flywheel energy storage system charge and discharge dynamics” on arXiv – it is available here. This work was done in collaboration with Standford University 2nd-year Master student Pieter-Jan Stas and Skoltech 1st-year Master student Sulav Ghimire.

On the 29th of May 2020, my three 2nd-year Energy Systems Master students, submitted their Master thesis where they report the research works they did in my group: 

  1. Ilya Khomchenko: “New path for thermoelectric conversion technology: a thermodynamics approach“.
  2. Valeriy Shevchenko, co-supervised by Dr. Yuriy Luylin: “Design, manufacturing, and testing of an efficient vapor for cooling of power and micro-electronic devices“.
  3. Roman Doronin, co-supervised by Dr. Vasily Artemov: “Study of the charge separation near water interfaces for energy storage applications“.

The above three works reflect variety of topics of interest in my research group. Each of the above student worked to the best of their abilities to produce high-quality work, and many of their results are publishable. Now, they have essentially to prepare for their oral Master thesis defense in less than 3 weeks from now, and contribute to article manuscript, which I hope will be submitted to some of the leading journals some time during the summer.

On the 7th of May 2020, the website EurekAlert! published a press release on our work, prepared by our excellent Skoltech Communication team, and Alina Chernova in particular. The press release is about our recently published article “Anomalously high proton conduction of interfacial water” and it is available here on the EurekAlert! website, here on Skoltech institutional website, and here on Skoltech’s Facebook page.

On the 20th of April 2020, our manuscript “Anomalously high proton conduction of interfacial water” has been accepted for publication as a letter in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters! This experimental work led by Dr. Vasily Artemov is the result of a fruitful collaboration with our colleagues at the University of Stutggart, Germany: Dr. Ece Uykur and Prof. Martin Dressel; at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany: Dr. Alexey Kiselev; at the Russian Quantum Center, Moscow: Dr. Pavel Kapralov; and us at Skoltech with Prof. Keith Stevenson and me. The article is available here.

On the 6th of April 2020, I posted our manuscript “Thermodynamics of animal locomotion”  on arXiv – it is available here. This work is the result of a fruitful collaboration with our collaborators: Prof. Eric Herbert and Prof. Christophe Goupil (Université Paris Diderot), Prof. Vincent Bels (Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris), and Philippe Lecoeur (University Paris Saclay).

On the 10th of March 2020, I was a member of our Engineering Systems PhD student Timur Sayfutdinov’s  jury who defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Optimal siting, sizing and technology selection of energy storage systems for power systems applications”. The defense video is available here.

On the 17th of February 2020, I was a member of our Engineering Systems PhD student Mikhail Dobynde’s  jury who defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Radiation shielding of astronauts during interplanetary flights”. The defense video is available here.

On the 21st of January 2020, I posted our manuscript “Anomalously high proton conduction of interfacial water” on ChemRxiv – it is available here. This experimental work led by Dr. Vasily Artemov is the result of a fruitful collaboration with our colleagues at the University of Stutggart, Germany: Dr. Ece Uykur and Prof. Martin Dressel; at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany: Dr. Alexey Kiselev; at the Russian Quantum Center, Moscow: Dr. Pavel Kapralov; and us at Skoltech with Prof. Keith Stevenson and me.

On the 8th of January 2020, in my little hometown (Lisieux, Normandy, France) I gave a public popular talk on energy systems, explaining what they are, how and how much we consume energy, and the challenges we face. I was pleased to see that my evening talk attracted around 50 persons and that the event which was meant to last 2 hours, lasted more than 4 hours! which for a small town is not bad. There is a real interest in the public for energy related matters, and I was asked to give additional talks when I come back. The event was announced in the local journal – see here.

On the 7th of January 2020, we received a notification from the APS March Meeting 2020 organizers, that our abstract: “Influence of ionic species on water broadband electrodynamics” by V. Artemov and H. Ouerdane, is accepted for an oral presentation at the conference, which will be held in Denver, Colorado from March 2 to March 6, 2020. We are very happy to have this excellent opportunity to present our research at such a prestigious event! More details here and on the Bulletin of the American Physical Society, here.

On the 6th of January 2020, our manuscript “Data-driven control of microclimate in buildings; an event-triggered reinforcement learning approach” was posted on arXiv – it is available here. This work led by Dr. Ashkan Haji Hosseinloo at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the result of a fruitful collaboration with our collaborators: Dr. Konstantin Turitsyn (formerly at MIT), Prof. Munther Dahleh (MIT) and Skoltech colleagues: Dr. Alexander Ryzhov, Dr. Aldo Bischi, and me.

On the 9th of December 2019, I was a member of our Engineering Systems PhD student Mazhar Ali’s  jury who defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Voltage feasibility boundaries”. The defense video is available here.

On the 6th of November 2019, our article “Variational autoencoder reconstruction of complex many-body physics” has been accepted for publication in the journal Entropy. The article results from the joint work of my PhD student Ilia Luchnikov, our Research Scientist Alexander Ryzhov, Pieter-Jan Stas, visiting student from the University of Stanford, our MIPT colleague, Prof. Sergey Filipov, and me. It is now available online here.

On the 1st of November 2019, Mr. Ivan Churilin, a graduate from the Moscow Higher School of Economics, and Mr. Behnam Mohseni Gharyehsaf, a graduate from Shahrood University of Technology, Iran, joined my group as PhD students. Ivan will work on problems related to the physical and chemical properties of water and electrolytes, in collaboration with Dr. Vasily Artemov on impedance spectroscopy measurements; and Behnam will work on the design, development and characterization of novel heat exchangers for the management of heat in micro- and power electronic devices, in collaboration with Dr. Yuriy Lyulin.


From left to right: Prof. Christophe Goupil, Prof. Carolina Costa, me, Dr. Dmitry Smirnov, Prof. Clément Fortin, Prof. Lorenzo Ferrari, Prof. Ighor Uzhinsky, and Prof. Kelvin Willoughby.

On the 30th of October 2019,  my PhD student Dmity Smirnov defended his PhD thesis entitled: “Innovative technological pathway for new commercial applications of Stirling cycle–based systems”. The PhD jury was composed of 5 members: the jury Chair, Prof. Clément Fortin, Associate Provost and Dean of Faculty and Postdoctoral Affairs at Skoltech;   3 international experts: Prof. Christophe Goupil, University of Paris, France; Prof. Lorenzo Ferrari, University of Pisa, Italy; Prof. Carolina Costa, University of Northumbria, UK; and 1 internal Skoltech expert: Prof. Ighor Uzhinsky. As Dmitry’s supervisor I warmly thank all the jury members for their work, and I am also pleased to acknowledge the intellectual contributions of Prof. Kelvin Willoughby (Skoltech) and Prof. Alessandro Golkar (Skoltech) to Dmitry’s thesis, and the time they spent with him. I also thank Prof. Keith Stevenson for support and Ms. Polina Rumyantseva for her effective assistance with all sorts of matters that make a positive difference in the course of a doctoral work. For additional information (jury reports, thesis change, video recording, etc.) follow the link.

On the 16th of October 2019, I posted our article: “Excess protons revealed in the infrared spectrum of liquid water”, on arXiv – it is available here. This paper is the result of the joint work led by Dr. Vasily Artemov in collaboration with our collaborators at the University of Stuttgart, Germany: Dr. Ece Uykur, Dr. Seulky Roh, Dr. Artem Pronin, Prof. Martin Dressel, and me.

On the 9th of October 2019, I submitted our article: “Variational autoencoder for reconstruction of complex many-body physics”, to Entropy’s special issue “Simulation with entropy thermodynamics”; the arXiv preprint is available here. This paper is the result of the joint work led by Ilia Luchnikov in collaboration with Dr. Alexander Ryzhov, University of Stanford visiting student Pieter-Jan Stas, Prof. Sergey Filippov (MIPT), and me.

On the 9th of October 2019, our article: “Experimental study of convective motions by the PIV technique within an evaporating liquid layer into a gas flow”,  was accepted for publication  in Microgravity Science and Technology. This article is the result of the joint work led by Dr. Yuriy Lyulin in collaboration with Aleksei Kreita (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian branch of the RAS), Prof. Oleg Kabov (Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics, Siberian branch of the RAS, and University of Novosibirsk), and me.

* On the 20th of September 2019, Jayani Try, a physics  1st-class BSc graduate from the University of Bristol, UK, joined my group at Skoltech for a 12-week stay. Jay’s activities will be focused on theoretical/numerical research work,  with my PhD student Ilia Luchnikov and Research Scientist Dr. Alexander Ryzhov, tackling some problems related to generative-model-based reconstruction of partly-observed energy systems dynamics; she will gain new skills and knowledge in the fields of energy systems and machine learning. These 12 weeks will be busy with work, but also with discovery of Moscow, as well as the Russian culture and language!

On the 12th of September 2019, Senior Research Scientist Vasily Artemov presented our work: “Dynamical properties of ice and water: A broadband dielectric spectra spectroscopy study”, at the 37th International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids (DyProSo 2019), Ferrara, Italy. See conference website here.

* On the 9th of September 2019, Emma Carlsen, a Brigham Young University chemistry BSc student, will join my group at Skoltech for a 12-week stay. Emma’s activities will be focused on experimental research work, performing broadband dielectric spectroscopy measurements of water, learning the basic techniques of impedance spectroscopy with Senior Research Scientist Dr. Vasily Artemov and Research Scientist Dr. Alexander Ryzhov; she will gain new skills and knowledge in the physical chemistry of water and also develop her understanding  of electrochemical devices. These 12 weeks will be busy with work, but also with discovery of Moscow, as well as the Russian culture and language!

* On the 24th of June 2019, Pieter-Jan Stas, a Stanford University Engineering Physics Master student, arrived at Skoltech for an 8-week stay in my group. Pieter will do work on some aspects of flywheel energy storage as a component of electricity grids; he will also have an opportunity to work on machine learning and some quantum physics problems in collaboration with my PhD student, Ilia Luchnikov, and Research Scientist Dr. Alexander Ryzhov. These 8 weeks will be busy with work, but also with discovery of Moscow, as well as the Russian culture and language!

On the 14th of June 2019, our 2nd-year Energy Systems Master student Airat Kotlyar-Shapirov defended his Master thesis entitled: “Ultramicroelectrode array-based gas sensors for air quality assessment and microclimate control”, which I co-supervised with Prof. Keith Stevenson. Airat did well on a quite challenging problem and was awarded grade B+ by the committee for a solid piece of work and a good oral presentation. I also take this opportunity to thank Dr. Fedor Fedorov, Senior Research Scientist at the Skoltech CPQM, and CEST PhD student Natalia Gvozdik, for their assistance and good advice in the lab.

* On the 30th of May 2019, I was a member of the “Falling Walls Lab Moscow 2019″ interdisciplinary jury to listen to and evaluate outstanding talents and innovative thinkers sharing their research projects, business models and social initiatives. This was a quite rich experience! More details available on Skoltech’s website relating this event.

* On the 3rd of April 2019, , our article: “Simulation complexity of open quantum dynamics: connection with tensor networks” was accepted for publication in the Physical Review Letters!!! It is available through the doi link: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.160401

lab* 2rd of April 2019, our experimental setups for dielectric spectroscopy (back of the picture) and heat exchange (front of the picture) are shaping up nicely! In a nutshell, with Vasily Artemov we lead experimental studies of the water molecule lifetime in gas phase and liquid water focusing on proton dynamics measuring the speed of proton exchange in condensed water by the detection of HDO molecules formation speed after interaction of the water H2O and D2O isotopologues; we also lead experimental studies on the influence of pore size on the dielectric properties of confined water in meso- and nanoporous matrices by characterization of anomalously high electric conductivity and low dielectric constant compared to bulk water. With Yuriy Lyulin we develop experiments to study heat transfer in two-phase vapour chambers for power and micro electronics as the evolution of electronic systems requires higher levels of cooling efficiency larger than 500 W.cm-2 ; works include the design and fabrication of micro- and nanostructured surfaces having hydrophobic, hydrophilic and gradient wettability properties and the measurements of the thermal resistance and heat transfer performance of vapour chambers.

* On the 22nd of March 2019, the article: “A unified mechanism for ice and water electrical conductivity from dc current to terahertz” by Vasily Artemov, has been accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. It is available online through the doi link: 10.1039/c9cp00257j

* On the 28th of January 2019, our article: “Thermodynamics of metabolic energy conversion under muscle load” has been accepted for publication in the New Journal of Physics! It is available online through the doi link: 10.1088/1367-2630/ab0223

tsl_0707* On the 14th of January 2019, the French Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, Mme Frédérique Vidal, the Ambassador of the French Republic to Russia, Mme Sylvie Bermann , among a high-profile French delegation, visited Skoltech, exchanged views on research, education and innovation with Skoltech President Kuleshov, and discussed  prospects for future fruitful collaborations, in particular with INRIA, the French leading research institute for digital sciences.



* On the 13th of January 2019, our first joint article with my PhD student Dmitry Smirnov: “Experimental study of a high-tolerance piston-cylinder pair in the alpha Ross-yoke Stirling refrigerator”, has been accepted for publication in the Internal Journal of Refrigeration! It is available online through the doi link: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2019.01.018


* On the 11th of January 2019, our low-frequency (20 Hz — 2MHz) and high-frequency (300 kHz — 18GHz) impedance analyzers were delivered to our lab! We also received some other hardware such as a high-temperature dielectric probe kit, etc. + all the stuff necessary for data acquisition and processing. I am very very happy! We have loads to do to get the experimental setup up and running, and this is going to be quite fun and promising.

We plan to recruit a PhD student, starting November 2019, to develop an experimental research project in the frame of our activities on the study of the atomic and molecular structure of water and electrolytes for energy applications. Please check on the Skoltech website the application procedure to enroll in our PhD programme. Expressions of interest are more than welcome and questions can be sent at: h.ouerdane@skoltech.ru


Three students from our Energy Systems Master, Roman Doronin, Ilya Khomchenko, and Valery Shevchenko, joined my group to initiate research works starting on the 9th of January 2019: Roman will work with Dr. Vasily Artemov on the development of our new Dielectric Lab to perform dielectric spectroscopy experiments with water and electrolytes; Ilya will work with me on the thermodynamic and transport properties of quantum gases for energy applications; Valery will work with Dr. Lyulin on the development of the Thermal Lab to perform experiments on heat transfer in two-phase vapor chambers for power and micro electronics.

* On the 30th of November 2018, together with my PhD student Ilia Luchnikov and our collaborators, Stepan Vintskevich and Sergey Filippov, at the MIPT Laboratory of Quantum Information Theory, we submitted our article: “Simulation complexity of open quantum dynamics: connection with tensor networks” to the Physical Review Letters. The arXiv version is available here.

* On the 30th of November 2018, together with Alexei Kiselev of the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Atmospheric and Aerosol Research at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, we submitted our joint project: “Electric properties and structure of water near natural interfaces ” to the Helmholtz Association – Russian Science Foundation in the frame of the call: Helmholtz  RSF Joint Research Groups, in the area of “Structure and dynamics of matter”.

* On the 29th of November 2018, together with my French collaborators, Christophe Goupil and Eric Herbert (LIED – Paris Diderot University), Yves D’Angelo (Laboratoire J. A. Dieudonné, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University) and Clémence Goupil (Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu, Assistance Publique/Hôpitaux de Paris), we submitted our article: “Thermodynamics of metabolic energy conversion under muscle load” to the New Journal of Physics.

* On the 8th and 9th of November 2018, my PhD student Dmitry Smirnov participated to the International Conference on Future Breakthroughs in Science and Society — “Falling Walls Lab“, in Berlin, Germany.

* On the 29th of October 2018, I started teaching my 6-credit course “Energy systems physics and engineering” — see syllabus here.

* On the 15th of October 2018, our article: “Model predictive control of indoor microclimate: existing building stock comfort improvement” has been accepted for publication in Energy Conversion and Management! Since October 26, 2018, it is available online through the doi link: 10.1016/j.enconman.2018.10.046.

* On the 1st of October 2018, our new colleague Dr. Vasily Artemov, joined my group at Skoltech. Vasily’s main research activities will be devoted to the experimental and theoretical studies of water and aqueous solutions for energy applications. Part of his work is done in collaboration with the University of Stuttgart, Germany, where he has performed dielectric spectroscopy experiments of water confined in porous media.

* On the 12th of September 2018, our new colleague Dr. Yuriy Lyulin, joined my group at Skoltech in the frame of our Next Generation project. Yuriy’s main research activity will be devoted to the problem of heat transfer in two-phase vapor chambers for power and micro electronics.

* On the 11th of September 2018, Dr. Alexander Ryzhov and I presented our “innovation project” at the Innovation Workshop held at Skoltech during the whole month. Our challenge, which is related to our work on indoor microclimate control in the frame of our “Next Generation project”, is to design a smart microclimate control systems that adapts in real time to the state of the power grid to avoid adding to the peak demand problem while energy-efficient solutions for comfort are implemented by the control system. Click on the link to download the 10-minute presentation slides.

* On the 8th of September 2018, together with my PhD student Dmitry Smirnov, and our collaborators at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, and the company Thermal Motors, we submitted our joint article: “Optimal piston sealing for Stirling refrigerators: Experimental study of a high-tolerance piston-cylinder pair” to the Internal Journal of Refrigeration. The paper is under review.

*  My PhD student Dmitry Smirnov won the Falling Walls Lab Moscow competition on June 6, 2018.
Dmitry will present his works on the Stirling cyle-based shock freezer at the International Conference on Future Breakthroughs in Science and Society in Berlin, 8-9 November, 2018.

* On the 25th of June 2018, together with my Skoltech colleagues Dr. Alexander Ryzhov, Prof. Aldo Bischi, Prof. Elena Gryazina, and our MIT collaborator Prof. Konstantin Turitsyn, we submitted our joint article: “Model predictive control of indoor microclimate: existing building stock comfort improvement” to Energy Conversion and Management. The paper is under review.

* In April 2018, I was promoted and moved on my new position as Assistant Professor at the Skoltech Center for Energy System.

* 5th of March 2018: the first phase of the Polygon development is finished. The Polygon is the experimental facility we designed and built in room 403 of the blue building, to experimentally study indoor microclimate control, and in time collect data to feed machine learning algorithms for AI-based approches to control. The Polygon is fitted with sensors (CO2, temperature, humidity), people counter, and actuators (radiators and HVAC) connected to a dedicated server for data acquisition and processing. The success of this first phase owes much to the efforts of Dmitry Zhestkov and  Alexander Ryzhov.

* On the 28th of July 2017, our joint article with Yann Apertet: “Small-signal model for frequency analysis of thermoelectric systems” was been accepted for publication in Energy Conversion and Management. Since the 4th of August 2017 , it is available online through the doi link: 10.1016/j.enconman.2017.07.061.

* On the 27th of July 2017, our joint article with Yann Apertet (formerly Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, now C2N, Orsay, France), Christophe Goupil (LIED – Paris Diderot University) and Philippe Lecoeur ( C2N) : “True nature of the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency” was accepted for publication in the Physical Review E. Since the 9th of August 2017 , it is available online through the doi link: 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.022119.

* On the 1st of June 2017, Dr. Alexander Ryzhov joined our team to work in the frame of  our project “Integration and control of heat and power systems with variable loads” funded by the Next Generation SkT-MIT programme . Alexander’s efforts will be focused on the development of a model predictive control approach to indoor microclimate control. He will also help with the design and setup of the future dedicated experimental facility at Skoltech.

* In February 2017, I officially joined the Skoltech Center for Energy System on a Leading Research Scientist position to work on an co-manage our project “Integration and control of heat and power systems with variable loads” funded by the Next Generation SkT-MIT programme .

— older, pre-Skoltech, news —

* In September 2016, I was offered a Leading Research Scientist position in the Skoltech Center for Energy System.

* Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“A note on the electrochemical nature of thermoelectric power”.
The European Physical Journal Plus vol. 131, 76 (2016) — doi: 10.1140/epjp/i2016-16076-8

* In September 2016, I was awarded a first-class Master of Arts at the Université de Caen, France, and qualified as a European project manager.

* In June 2015, I was awarded a grant to enroll in a postgraduate Master program at the Université de Caen, France, to  train as a European project manager for one-year. Student life starting again from October 2015 to September 2016.

* In January 2014, I was offered a visiting position as a Guest scientist in the Quantum Polaritonics Group of the Russian Quantum Center (2014).

* Y. Apertet, H. Ouerdane, O. Glavatskaya, C. Goupil, and Ph. Lecoeur
“Optimal working conditions for thermoelectric generators with realistic thermal coupling”.
Europhysics Letters vol. 97, 28001 (2012) — doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/97/28001

At Skoltech:

** Current students:

Javier Penuela, 4th-year PhD student. Javier graduated with a Skoltech Master’s degree in Energy Systems (June 2021), and is currently working on power optimization for vertical agriculture.

Ilia Kamyshev, 4th-year PhD student. Ilia graduated with a Skoltech Master’s degree in Energy Systems (June 2021), and is currently working on energy disaggregation.

Sahar Moghimian Hoosh, 2nd-year PhD student. Sahar graduated with a Skoltech Master’s degree in Energy Systems (June 2022), and is currently working on recommender systems based on non-intrusive load monitoring.

Anna Shkromada, 1st-year PhD student in Systems Engineering, working on energy-efficient locomotion of quadrupedal robots. Anna graduated in June 2024 with a Skoltech Master’s degree and got the grade “A” for her Master’s thesis.

Dmitriy Bugrov, 1st-year PhD student in Systems Engineering, working on heat management in small satellites. Dmitriy graduated in June 2024 with a Skoltech Master’s degree and got the grade “A” for his Master’s thesis.

** Former students:

Ilia Khomchenko, graduated with a Skoltech PhD degree and a PhD degree from the University of Insubria, Italy, in the frame of a cotutelle agreement. His doctoral work was devoted to energy and information management in superconducting nanodevices, adopting a thermodynamic approach. Previously, Ilia graduated with a Skoltech Master degree in Energy Systems (July 2020), with grade “A” for his Master’s thesis on the development of models of the thermodynamic and transport properties of heat and electrical charges in mesoscopic systems. Ilia is now a postdoc at the University of Malta.

Olga Shalopanova, 2nd-year MSc student in Systems Engineering, working on the development of measurement methodology and hardware for crop lighting optimization inside plant growth chamber for space-purposed advanced life support systems. Olga got the grade “A” for her Master’s thesis.

Behnam Mohseni Gharyehsafa, PhD student, working on heat transfer problems with a focus on devices integrated in power cycles. He left Skoltech in September 2022 after 3 years of successful work but without completing the program.

Svetlana Ponomarenko who graduated with a Master’s degree in Energy Systems (June 2022); she worked on charge separation and accumulation in a pure-water-based supercapacitor for ecologically neutral energy storage — co-supervised by Dr. Vasily Artemov. Svetlana got the grade “A” for her Master’s thesis.

Collins Ogbodo  who graduated with a Master’s degree in Energy Systems (June 2022); he worked on the development of digital twins of phytotrons for energy optimization in the indoor farming sector. Collins got the grade “A” for his Master’s thesis.

Olalekan Omoyele  who graduated with a Master’s degree in Energy Systems (June 2022); he worked on the modeling of district heating systems. Olalekan got the grade “A” for his Master’s thesis.

Ilya Luchnikov, graduated with Aspirantura degree (November 2021); his research was about the development of numerical methods for non-Markovian dynamics prediction and control of complex systems with applications to energy and NISQ technologies. Ilia got the grade “A” for his Aspirantura diploma.

Regina Khurmatova, who graduated with a Master’s degree in Energy Systems (June 2021); she was working on heat exchanger modeling focusing on flattened tubes — co-supervised by Dr. Yuriy Lyulin. Regina got the grade “A” for her Master’s thesis.

Roman Doronin, who graduated with a Master’s degree in Energy Systems (July 2020); he worked on the development of an experimental setups to study the water molecule lifetime in gas phase and liquid water, and the dielectric properties of water and aqueous electrolytes — co-supervised by Dr. Vasily Artemov. Roman got the grade “B” for his Master’s thesis.

Valeriy Shevchenko, who graduated with a Master’s degree in Energy Systems (July 2020); he worked on the development of an experimental setup for the study of two-phase vapor chambers for micro- and power-electronics systems cooling — co-supervised by Dr. Yuriy Lyulin. Valeriy got the grade “A” for his Master’s thesis.

Dr. Dmitry Smirnov, who defended his PhD thesis on the design, fabrication and characterization of a Stirling-cycle based refrigerator on October 30, 2019.

Emma Carlsen, Brigham Young University Chemistry BSc student — visiting student (September 2019 — November 2019).

Jayani Try, Bristol University Physics BSc graduate — visiting student (September 2019 — November 2019).

Pieter-Jan Stas, Stanford University Engineering Physics Master student — visiting student (8 weeks June — August 2019).

Airat Kotlyar-Shapirov, 2nd-year Master student – Energy Systems track; working on the experimental development of ultramicroelectrode array-based gas sensors for air quality assessment and microclimate control — co-supervised by Prof. Keith Stevenson. Airat got the grade “B” for his Master’s thesis.

Maxim Glagolev, aspirantura, Energy Systems PhD student, working on district heating systems (July 2017 — June 2018).  Maxim underwent additional training  in Technology policy and management, as part of the Executive Educational Program of the Maxwell School of Syracuse University (NY).

Before Skoltech:

Yann Apertet, PhD student at the Institut d’Electronique Fondamental, Orsay, France, working of the thermodynamics of thermoelectric systems and theory of finite-time thermodynamics (March 2011 — December 2013).

Antoine Charmion, 5th-year energy student, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen, France, working on the coupling of a thermoelectric generator to a mesoscale combustion chamber (October 2013 — January 2014).

Bastien Lachaud, 5th-year energy student, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen, France, working on the coupling of a thermoelectric generator to a mesoscale combustion chamber (October 2013 — January 2014).

Mohamed Merini, 5th-year energy student, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen, France, working on the coupling of a thermoelectric generator to a mesoscale combustion chamber (October 2013 — January 2014).

Paul Robert, 3rd-year physics student, Université de Rennes, France, supervised at CRISMAT lab, Caen, France, working on thermoelectricty and applications to refrigeration (April 2012 — June 2012).

Renaud Varache, 3rd-year physics student, Université Paris 11, Orsay, France, supervised at LASMEA lab, Clermont-Ferrand, France, working on the theory of two-dimensional exciton-electron scattering in semiconductor quantum wells (May 2007 — July 2007). Work published in the European Physical Journal B (2008).

Since the academic year 2018 — 2019

I teach annually two graduate 6-credit courses during terms 2 and 3.

  • Energy systems physics and engineering – starting term 2.  The syllabus is available here.
  • Nonequilibrium processes in energy conversion – starting term 3. The syllabus is available here (not fully completed yet).

Both courses are suitable to Master and PhD students who have an interest in energy conversion physics and technology.

I am also a guest lecturer for the course Research methodology for engineering systems led by Prof. Clément Fortin. Course code: DG030102cf on the Skoltech course catalog. I give lectures on experimental and numerical research in the physical sciences, with a focus on epistemology, project management, and ethics.


Some of my research articles have been mentioned in the international media:

* 17 July 2024: Our article  “The indoor agriculture industry: a promising player in demand response services” was the object of a press release in Phys.org (English) and on the TASS news agency website (in Russian). In our work, we showed how the vertical farming industry can take advantage of the demand response services to make the cost of leafy green production more cost-effective.

* 16 October 2022: My article “SQUID-based interferometric accelerometer” was selected to appear in the AIP Publishing Showcase on Kudos. I wrote a piece, which tells about our theoretical demonstration that a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) can be used directly as an accelerometer for high-precision measurement. It is published here.

* 21 April 2021: The press release “Fast mitigation of power grids instability”, published by EurakAlert!, tells about our mathematical and numerical modeling performed at Skoltech in collaboration with our partners at the University of Arizona and the Los Alamos National Laboratory, on solutions that helps the grid recover fast from the effects of demand response. More precisely, we considered the conditions that permits the fast ensemble mixing of an ensemble of energy loads after demand response. Our research is published in Applied Energy.

* A press release is also available in Russian: “В Сколтехе нашли новый способ повышения стабильности энергосистем” on the Naked Science website.

* 18 January 2021: The press release “Alcohols exhibit quantum effects”, published by Phys.org, tells about our experiments performed at Skoltech, on the mechanisms that govern the polarization of alcohol molecules from dc to THz frequencies. We unraveled a quantum-mechanical mechanism, the tunneling of excess protons, as an important one. Our research is published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.

* A press release is also available in Russian: “Cпирты проявляют квантовые свойства” on the Naked Science website.

* 18 December 2020: The press release “Making smart thermostats more efficient”, published by the MIT News, tells about our collaborative work between the Skoltech team and the MIT team, on the development of innovative solutions based on data-efficient algorithms for the design of the next generation of smart thermostats, which will be “fast learners” to optimize the indoor microclimate management. The research is published in the Applied Energy, top peer-reviewed journal of the field.

* 25 November 2020: The press release “Minimal waste production is a fundamental law for animal locomotion”, published by EurekAlert!, presents and explains in a simple fashion our latest research on the thermodynamics of metabolism and muscle action and its wider implications, published in the Physical Review Letters – Nature-indexed.

* A press release is also available in Russian: “Свободное движение минимизирует производство продуктов метаболизма у животных” on the Научная Россия website.

* 9 July 2020: The press release “Liquid is more than just hydrogen-oxygen molecules”, published by Phys.org, tells about our study of the molecular structure of liquid water on very short time-scale (sub-picoseconds, i.e. smaller than 0.000000000001 second!) which impacts on understanding of how the chemical reactions in liquid water actually happen on this time-scale. Our study is published in the Scientific Reports.

* See also the press release “Измерена электропроводность приповерхностного слоя воды”, on the Russian website Naked Science.

* 7 May 2020: The press release “Scientists measured electrical conductivity of pure interfacial water”, published by EurekAlert!, explains the great ability of pure water at the interface of another system like, in our experiments the surfaces of diamond-based nanoporous system, to conduct electricity. The research is published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters  – Nature-indexed

* There is also a press release on our interfacial water publication, “Ученые измерили электропроводность приповерхностного слоя воды” on the Russian Foundation for Basic Research website.

* May-June 2016: The highlight “Back to basic with thermoelectric power”, published by the Europhysics News, tells about the interest of revisiting the very basic notion of thermopower (or Seebeck coefficient) in thermoelectricity to better understand its origin, i.e. the mechanisms that give rise to the coupling of the heat and electricity currents. The work is published in the European Physics Journal Plus.

I would also like to mention an article telling about me and my research at Skoltech in the main local newspaper of my hometown, Lisieux, Normandy, France, which was published to announce a public talk that I would give to explain how energy systems work, the challenges and the opportunities ahead of us:

* 7 January 2020: “Henni Ouerdane, physics from Lisieux to Moscow”, published in the French journal Ouest France.

ФИО: Хенни Уэрдан
Занимаемая должность (должности): Доцент
Преподаваемые дисциплины: Термодинамика
Ученая степень: Ph.D, Университет Хериота-Уатта,  Эдинбург, Великобритания, 2002 г.
Ученое звание: Доцент
Наименование направления подготовки и/или специальности: Физика
Данные о повышении квалификации и/или профессиональной переподготовке: Менеджер Европейский проекта
Общий стаж работы: 20 года
Стаж работы по специальности: 20 года