
Dmitry Gorin

8.2017 – present: Professor at the Skoltech Center of Photonic Science & Engineering at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Moscow, Russia) (full-time employment since 8.2017)
6.2012 – 8.2017: Deputy Director of Institute of Nanostructures and Biosystems at Saratov State University, Head of Nanotechnology Department
7.2011 – 10.2018: Professor at Department of Nano- and Biomedical Technologies  (part-time employment since 8.2017-10.2018)
01.2009 – 08.2010: PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany, Max Plank Society fellowship, group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald supervision).
9.2008 – 8.2017: Head of Joint Research Center of Technologies and Measurement of Nanostructures (Saratov State University Department of Nano- and Biomedical Technologies Queen Mary & Westfield College University of London School of Engineering and Material Sciences)
10.2005 – 01.2009 & 09.2010- 09.2012: Depute of Dean for Scientific Work of Nano- and Biomedical Technologies Department at Saratov State University
10.2005 – 06.2011: Associate Professor (Docent), Nano- and Biomedical technologies department at Saratov State University
04.2002 – 09.2005: Senior Lecturer, Physical Department at Saratov State University
01.2001 – 03.2002: Assistant Professor, Physical Department at Saratov State University
Dmitry Gorin is author and co-author of 212 articles in peer-reviewed journals ( Web of Science – Sum of Times cited is 4137, h-index is 34, Research ID: D-8324-2013), Scopus (6602110810), 242 publications, Sum of Times cited – 4497,  h- index is 36, 1 book and 5 book chapters and 8 tutorials for students and Ph.D. students, and co-inventor of 29  patents (28 in RF, 1 in China D. Gorin, J. Frueh, L. Dai, Q. He; Device for layer-by-layer deposition on templates in solution, Patent in China, ZL 2013 1 0737808.3).

Dmitry Gorin was the promoter of 13 completed Ph.D. theses (Candidate of Science or PhD degree) and 2 Habilitation theses (Doctor of Science).

Doctor of Science – Maria Antipina (2016 in Biophysics); Alexey Yashchenok (2017 in Biophysics).

Candidates of Science: 1) Sergey Portnov (2009 in Biophysics); 2) Tatiana Kolesnikova (2010 in Biophysics); 3) Maria Lomova (2012 in Biophysics and Physical Chemistry, promotion together Dr. Maria Antipina ((IMRE, Singapore)); 4) Daniil Bratashov (2012 in Optics and Electronics); 5) Yulia Svenskaya (2013 in Biophysics); 6) Alexey Markin (2013 in Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry) promotion together Prof. Tatiana Rusanova; 7) Dmitry Zayrskii (2013 Electronics and Materials Science) promotion together Prof. Vill Baiburin; 8) Sergey German (2016 in Biophysics); 9) Inna Stetsyura (2016 in Biophysics), 10) Alexandra Severuchina (2017 in Biophysics); 11) Arsenii Petrov (2018 in Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials).

Skoltech Ph.D. degrees: 1) Timur Ermatov (2021 in Physics),  2) Julijana Cvjetinovic (2023 in Physics), 3) Anastasij  Merdalimova (2023 in Physics)

Gorin was a supervisor of 34 Master theses including 14 MSc at Skoltech, 17 Bachelor and 35 Diploma theses. He is the supervisor of 10 Ph.D. Students now.

Academic Preparation and Education

11.2012- 10.2013  Diploma of Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO program named “New Leader of High Education – 2012”, Moscow School of Management Skolkovo
10.2010 Doctor of Science, specialty: “Physical chemistry” Title of thesis: “Nanodimensional layers, core-shell structures, nanocomposite microcapsules and control over their physical chemistry properties” Saratov State University
12.2000 Candidate of Science (Ph.D.), specialty: “Physical chemistry” Title of thesis: “The Modification Effect of the Langmuir-Blodgett based Polyamic Acid Salt on their Electrical and Optical Properties” Saratov State University
10. 1997- 12 .2000 Postgraduate student at Saratov State University
09. 1992 –06. 1997: Diploma in Physics ” Preparation and Exploration of the Polyamide  Langmuir – Blodgett Films” Saratov State UniversitySpecialty: Materials and Components of Solid-State Electronics

Scientific probation

02.10.04 – 22.12.04: PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany (“Influence of microwave irradiation on composite polymer/nanoparticle microcapsules” Michail Lomonosov’s program founded by DAAD (Germany) and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (Referat 325, Number А/04/38409) group under Prof. Dr. H. Möhwald and Dr. G. Sukhorukov supervision).

06.06.05 –30.09.05: PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany („Development of multifunctional nano metallic particles by Sonoelectrochemistry” in the frames of EU projects „Selectnano“, group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald and Dr. G. Sukhorukov supervision).

09.01.0624.03.06: PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany („Development of multifunctional nano metallic particles by Sonoelectrochemistry” in the frames of EU projects „Selectnano“, group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald and Dr. G. Sukhorukov supervision).

17.10.06 – 14.11.06: PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany«Remote (microwave) activated release from composite nanoparticle/polymer microcapsules. German-Russian cooperation project DFG 436 RUS 113/844/0-1 and RFBR (06-02-04009)» group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald supervision).

04.01.07- 16.02.07: PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany (in the frames of EU projects „Nano caps“, group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald and Dr. G. Sukhorukov supervision).

15.06.07 – 22.07.07: PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany «Remote (microwave) activated release from composite nanoparticle/polymer microcapsules. German-Russian cooperation project DFG 436 RUS 113/844/0-1 and RFBR (06-02-04009)» group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald supervision).

29.10.07 – 17.12.07: PostDoc fellow in Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom in frames of Joint Research Project Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom – Saratov State University, Russian Federation financed by British Council (BRIDGE Project RC-10) Project Title: Fabrication and exploration of multifunctional micro-containers with remote controlling properties, Subject: Nanotechnologies

03.02.08 – 03.03.08 PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany «Remote (microwave) activated release from composite nanoparticle/polymer microcapsules. German-Russian cooperation project DFG 436 RUS 113/844/0-1 and RFBR (06-02-04009)» group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald supervision).

08.10.08 – 29.10.08 PostDoc fellow in Queen Mary University of London, the United Kingdom in the frames of innovation project of Saratov State University financed by Russian Government

14.01.09 – 23.08.10 PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany, Max Plank Society stipendium, group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald supervision).

22.02.11-22.03.11 PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany, Max Plank Society stipendium, group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald supervision).

05.05.11-10.05.11 Visiting Scientist in the Ankara university (Turkey), in the frames of innovation project (National Research University) of Saratov State University financed by Russian Government

07.06.11-06.07.11 Visiting Scientist in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany, in the frames of innovation project (National Research University) of Saratov State University financed by Russian Government.

30.01.12-29.02.12 PostDoc fellow in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany, Max Plank Society stipendium, group under Prof. Dr. H. Moehwald supervision).  19.09.12-21.09.12 Visiting Scientist in Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom in frames of Joint Research Project Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom – Saratov State University, Russian Federation financed by British Counsil. 07.11.12-06.12.12 Visiting Scientist in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany, in the frames of innovation project (National Research University) of Saratov State University financed by Russian Government.

01.05.13-20.05.13 Visiting Scientist in the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany, in the frames of innovation project (National Research University) of Saratov State University financed by Russian Government.

24.06.13-29.06.13 Invited speaker, Nanoscience and nanotechnology conference NanoTR9), Erzurum,Turkey,

10.08.13-11.09.13 Visiting Scientist, Institute of Transfusion Medicine Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany supported by Marie Curie Actions— International Research Staff ExchangeScheme (IRSES)FP7 – PEOPLE – 2013 – IRSES (PI)Dual – Imaging Nano/Micro – sized Theranostics (against cancer) DINaMIT FP7 – PEOPLE – 2013 – IRSES (2013-2016).

11.11.13-22.11.13 Visiting Scientist to the Chemistry Department of Bilkent University supported by TUBITAK through the 2221 Program

08.05.14-13.05.14 Visiting Scientist in the Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, in the frames of an innovation project (National Research University) of Saratov State University financed by the Russian Government.

2017 – 2020 Visiting Scientist in the UAMS (Little Rock, USA, 1 month per year, host professors V.P.Zharov, E.I.Galanzha), projects related to photoacoustic contrast agents for PA imaging and photoacoustic flow cytometry.

2023  Visiting Scientist  at Fudan University (one week, 2 talks).

Research Interests: Biophysics, Biophotonics, Physics and Chemistry of Colloids and Interfaces, Smart and Functional Materials

Participation in research supported by grants

2004 Research Fellowship in Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces ((2.10.04 – 22.12.04) Potsdam/Golm, Germany) under supervision of Dr. Gleb Sukhorukov by supporting Michail Lomonosov’s programm founded by DAAD (Germany) and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (Referat 325, Number А/04/38409 ) “Influence of microwave irradiation on composite polymer/nanoparticle microcapsules”

2005 «Fabrication of nanodimentional planar films and microcapsule shell and investigation their phisical properties» (as head of scientific group) (given by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Project №02.442.11.7183)

2006 «Fabrication and investigation of physical properties of nanоcomposite micro-and nanostructures» (as head of scientific group) (given by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Project №02.442.11.7249)

2007 «Functionalized nanoparticles with control over plasmon resonance and polyelectrolyte microcapsules with nanoparticles in the shell» (as head of scientific group) (given by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Project №02.513.11.3043)

2007 «Fabrication and exploration of multifunctional microcontainers with remote controlling properties» BRIDGE Research Co-operation project – RC10 between Queen Mary University of London (Prof. Gleb Sukhorukov is UK Principal Researcher) and Saratov State University (Dr. Dmitry Gorin is Russia Principal Researcher) given by British Council.

2009-2011 Functionalization of emulsion disperse phase surface by inorganic nanoparticles RFBR (Russian Foundation of Basis Research) project 09-03-00245-a (Principal Researcher)

2009-2010 Morphology, technological conditions and external exposure influences to dielectric and magnetic properties of nanocomposites RFBR (Russian Foundation of Basis Research) project 10-08-91219-СТ_а (Researcher)

2011-2012 The synthesis of multifunctional nanocomposite structures with possible adaptation of their physical properties under ionizing and laser irradiations RFBR project 11-08-12058-ofi-m-2011(PI)

2012 «Smart Nanocomposite Scaffold for Tissue Engineering», BRIDGE Research Co-operation project between Queen Mary University of London (Dr. Andrey Sapelkin is UK PI) and Saratov State University (Prof. Dmitry Gorin is Russia PI) given by British Council.

2013-2014 Remote controlled nanostructured materials containing biosensors and encapsulated bioactive substances RFBR project 12-03-33088 (PI)

2013-2016 Grant ЕС, Marie Curie Actions— International Research Staff ExchangeScheme (IRSES)FP7 – PEOPLE – 2013 – IRSES (PI)Dual – Imaging Nano/Micro – sized Theranostics (against cancer) DINaMIT FP7 – PEOPLE – 2013 – IRSES (2013-2016)- PIRSES-GA-2013-612673 PI from Russian side

2014-2016 – Study of charge transfer and adsorption and photoluminescence spectra in ordered systems “nanoparticle in organic matrix” and development of physical and technical basis for creation molecular electronics circuitry, Russian Scientific Foundation, №14-12-00275 (PI)

2014-2018 Grant of Government of the Russian Federation (No.14.Z50.31.0004 to support scientific research projects implemented under the supervision of leading scientists at Russian institutions and Russian institutions of higher education) PI from Saratov State University, Supervisor and leading scientist is Prof. G.B. Sukhorukov.

2015-2018 SERS platform based on inorganic porous particles decorated by plasmonic nanoparticles, as sensor systems for intracellular studies, RFBR project 15-29-01172 (PI)

2018-2020 The development of multifunctional particles for targeted stimuli-responsive therapy and diagnostics of prostate cancer, RFBR Project № 18-29-08046 (PI)

2019-2021  Bioactive ultrasound-driven microbubbles for theranostics,  RFBR  19-53-80047 БРИКС_т (PI)

2022-2023 Noninvasive optical sensing for personalized treatment of hemangioma, NGP Skoltech Project (PI)

2022-2024 Optical methods for monitoring the growth of the diatom algae and their activity in the carbon dioxide capturing,  RSF No 22-14-00209 (PI)

2023-2026  Photoactivatable nanocomposite systems for MRI- guided minimally invasive glioblastoma therapy, Clover Project , Joint project of MIPT, ITMO, Skoltech (PI)

2024-2025 Revolutionizing Diabetes Management: Non-Invasive Continuous Monitoring and Diagnosis with Optical and Electrical Sensors Enhanced by Artificial Intelligence  -Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology –Hamad Bin Khalifa University Joint Projects (PI)


1. Cvjetinovic J, Luchkin S, Perevoschikov S, Davidovich N, Salimon A, Bedoshvili Ye, Somov P, Lagoudakis P, Korsunsky A, Gorin D. Probing vibrational eigenmodes in diatom frustules via combined in silico computational study and atomic force microscopy experimentation, Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 123 (18): 184101, (IF=3.971, Q1, Nature Index)

2. A. Kuzin, V. Chernyshev, V. Kovalyuk, P. An, A. Golikov, S. Svyatodukh, S. Perevoschikov, I. Florya, A. Schulga, S. Deyev, G. Goltsman, D. Gorin. Real-time surface functionalization of a nanophotonic sensor for liquid biopsy, Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 123, 193702., (IF=3.971, Q1, SJR – 1.043, Nature Index)

3. Zhu, F., Chen, G., Kuzin, A., Gorin, D. A., Mohan, B., Huang, G., Yongfeng M., Solovev, A. A. Membraneless Hydrogen Peroxide Fuel Cells as a Promising Clean Energy Source. JoVE, 2023 (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (200), e65920., doi: 10.3791/65920, (IF=1.424, Q3)

4. Zhu, F., Kuzin, A., Chen, G., Gorin, D. A., Mohan, B., Huang, G., Shuangliang Z., Yongfeng M. and Solovev, A. A. Green Energy for Autonomous Devices: Surfactant-Enhanced Membraneless Hydrogen Peroxide Fuel Cells. In 2023 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE, 2023, 10.1109/MARSS58567.2023.10294144, (IF=4.32, Q1)

5. Aleksei Kuzin, Guoxiang Chen, Fenyang Zhu, Dmitry  Gorin, Brij Mohan, Udit Choudhury, Jizhai Cui, Krunal Modi, Gaoshan Huang, Yongfeng Mei and Alexander Solovev, Bridging the gap: harnessing liquid nanomachine know-how for tackling harmful airborne particulates. Nanoscale, 2023,, (IF=6.7, Q1)

6. Aleksei Kuzin, Ilia Fradkin,Vasiliy Chernyshev, Vadim Kovalyuk, Pavel An, Alexander Golikov, Irina Florya, Nikolay Gippius, Dmitry Gorin and Gregory Goltsman, Ultrasensitive Nanophotonic Random Spectrometer with Microfluidic Channels as a Sensor for Biological Applications. Nanomaterials, 2023, 13(1), 8,,  (IF=5.719, Q1, SJR – 0.811)

7.J. Cvjetinovic, S. Y. Luchkin, E.S. Statnik, N. A. Davidovich, P.A. Somov, A.I. Salimon, A.M. Korsunsky,  D.A. Gorin,  Revealing the static and dynamic nanomechanical properties of diatom frustules—Nature’s glass lace. Scientific Reports, 2023, 13(1), 5518,,(IF=4.996, Q1)

8. M.V. Novoselova, E.I. Shramova, O.V. Sergeeva, E.Y. Shcherbinina,  S.V. Perevoschikov, P. Melnikov,  O.Yu. Griaznova, I.S. Sergeev, E.V. Konovalova A.A. Schulga, G.M. Proshkina, T.S. Zatsepin, S.M. Deyev, D.A. GorinPolymer/magnetite carriers functionalized by HER2-DARPin: Avoiding lysosomes during internalization and controlled toxicity of doxorubicin by focused ultrasound induced release. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine,  2023, 47, 102612.3.,(IF=6.548, Q1)

9. S. Perkov,  D. Gorin, Noninvasive, continuous fluorescence monitoring of bilirubin photodegradation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2023, 25(6), 4460-4466, DOI: 10.1039/d2cp03733e, (IF=4.996, Q1)

10. J.Cvjetinovic, S. Perkov, M.Kurochkin, I.Sergeev, S.German, Ye. Bedoshvili, N. Davidovich,  A. Korsunsky, D. Gorin, Concentration dependence of optical transmission and extinction of different diatom cultures. J. Biomed. Photonics & Eng. 9 (1), 2023. doi: 10.18287/JBPE23.09.010303 (Q2, IF 1.40, Q1 for RSF)

11. S.V. German, A.A. Abalymov, M. A. Kurochkin, Y.Kan, D.A. Gorin, M.V. Novoselova, Plug-and-Play Lymph Node-on-Chip: Secondary Tumor Modeling by the Combination of Cell Spheroid, Collagen Sponge and T-Cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(4), 3183;,(IF=6.208,Q1)

12. I.Rybkin, S.Pinyaev, O.Sindeeva, S.German, M. Koblar, N.Pyataev, M.Čeh, D. Gorin, G.Sukhorukov, A. Lapanje, Modification of bacterial cells for in vivo remotely guided systems. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 202310, DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.1070851, (IF=6.064, Q1)

13. N. A. Shushunova, O. A. Mayorova, E.S. Prikhozhdenko, O.A. Goryacheva, O.A. Kulikov, V.O. Plastun, O.I. Gusliakova,  A.R. Muslimov, O.A. Inozemtseva, N. A. Pyataev,  A. A. Shirokov, D. A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov,  Olga A. Sindeeva. Targeted Therapy for Glomerulonephritis Using Arterial Delivery of Encapsulated Etanercept, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(3), 2784;, (IF=6.208,Q1)

14. Sergei Perkov, Mikhail Makhortov, Oleg Grishin, Stanislav Perevoschikov, Ekaterina S Prikhozhdenko, Daniil Bratashov, Dmitry Gorin, Optoacoustic monitoring of bilirubin photodegradation, Journal of Biophotonics, 2023, e202200339,, (IF=3.39, Q1, SJR=0.64 (Engineering (miscellaneous)))

15. Cvjetinovic JLuchkin L, Davidovich N, Bedoshvili Ye, Salimon A, Korsunsky A, Gorin D. Characterization of diatom silica exoskeletons using atomic force microscopy: Topography and mechanical properties, Materials Today: Proceedings. 2023;

16. Mariia S. Saveleva, Mikhail E. Lobanov, Olga I. Gusliakova, Valentina O. Plastun, Ekaterina S. Prikhozhdenko, Olga A. Sindeeva, Dmitry A. Gorin, Oksana A. Mayorova, Mucoadhesive Emulsion Microgels for Intravesical Drug Delivery: Preparation, Retention at Urothelium, and Biodistribution Study.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 21, 25354–25368 DOI: (IF = 9.441, Q1)

17. Maxim A. Kurochkin, Olga A. Sindeeva, Arkady S. Abdurashitov, Nikolay A. Pyataev, Dmitry A. Gorin, Gleb B. Sukhorukov,
In Vivo Laser-Induced Vasoactive Microenvironmental Setting via a Stimuli-Responsive Microstructured Depot.
Biomacromolecules 2023, 24, 7, 3051–3060;,(IF=6.978, Q1)

18. Elizaveta A. Maksimova, Daniil Nozdriukhin, Sandeep Kumar Kalva, Shuxin Lyu, Berkan Lafci, Mark-Aurel Augath, Polina G. Rudakovskaya, Alexander A. Solovev, Yongfeng Mei, Xosé Luís Deán-Ben, Daniel Razansky, and Dmitry A. Gorin, Multilayer Polymer Shell Perfluoropentane Nanodroplets for Multimodal Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance, and Optoacoustic Imaging, Laser Photonics Rev 2023, 2300137, DOI: 10.1002/lpor.202300137, (IF=11, Q1)

19. Viktor Vorobev, David Weidmann, Sergey Agdarov, Yafim Beiderman, Nadav Shabairou, Matan Benyamin, Florian Klämpfl, Michael Schmidt, Dmitry Gorin & Zeev Zalevsky,  Full-optical photoacoustic imaging using speckle analysis and resolution enhancement by orthogonal pump patterns projection. Sci Rep 13, 18081 (2023).,  (IF=4.996, Q1)

20. V.I. Vlasov, M.A. Pugach, D.S. Kopylova, A.V. Novikov, N.A. Gvozdik, A.A. Mkrtchyan, A.I. Davletkhanov, Yu.G. Gladush, F.M. Ibanez, D.A. Gorin, K.J. Stevenson, In situ state of health vanadium redox flow battery deterministic method in cycling operation for battery capacity monitoring,  Journal of Power Sources, 584 (2023): 233600,, Q1)


1. A.Kuzin, V. Chernyshev, V. Kovalyuk, P. An, A. Golikov, G. Goltsman, D. Gorin, In Situ Monitoring of Layer-by-Layer Assembly Surface Modification of Nanophotonic-Microfluidic Sensor. Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94, 42, 14517–14521, DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.2c03909, (IF = 8.008, Q1, Nature Index Journals)

2.V. Zaytsev, T.I. Ermatov, F.S. Fedorov, N.Balabin, P.O. Kapralov, J.V. Bondareva, D. O. Ignatyeva, B. N. Khlebtsov, S.S. Kosolobov, V. I. Belotelov, A.G. Nasibulin,  D.A. Gorin, Design of an Artificial Opal/Photonic Crystal Interface for Alcohol Intoxication Assessment: Capillary Condensation in Pores and Photonic Materials Work Together,  Analytical Chemistry2022, 94, 36, 12305–12313DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c00573, (IF=8.008, Q1, Nature Indexing Journal)

3. M. R. Chetyrkina, J.Cvjetinovic, F.S. Fedorov, S.V. Perevoschikov, E.S. Prikhozhdenko, B.F. Mikladal, Y.G. Gladush, A.G. Nasibulin, D.A. Gorin, Carbon Nanotube Microscale Fiber Grid as an Advanced Calibration System for Multispectral Optoacoustic Imaging, ACS Photonics, 2022 9 (10), 3429-3439, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01074, (IF=7.077, Q1)

4. M.V.Novoselova, E.I.Shramova, O.V.Sergeeva, E.Y.Shcherbinina, S.V.Perevoschikov, P.Melnikov, O.Yu.Griaznova, S.Sergeev, E.V.Konovalova, A.A.Schulga, G.M.Proshkina, T.S.Zatsepin, S.M.Deyev, D.A.Gorin, Polymer/magnetite carriers functionalized by HER2-DARPin: Avoiding lysosomes during internalization and controlled toxicity of doxorubicin by focused ultrasound induced release, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 2022, 47, 102612,, (IF 6.428, Q1)

5. R.A. Barmin, E.A. Maksimova, P.G.Rudakovskaya, A.V.Gayer, E. A. Shirshin, K.S. Petrov, D.A.Terentyeva, O.I.Gusliakova, O. A.Sindeeva, O.A.Klimenko, R.N.Chuprov-Netochin, A. A.Solovev, G. Huang, A.V.Ryabova, V. B.Loschenov, D.A.Gorin, Albumin microbubbles conjugated with zinc and aluminum phthalocyanine dyes for enhanced photodynamic activity, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022,  219, 112856,(IF=5.999, Q1)

6. V. Chernyshev, D. Nozdriukhin, R. Chuprov-Netochin, E. Tsydenzhapova, M. Novoselova M., D. Gorin,  A. Yashchenok, Engineered multicompartment vesicosomes for selective uptake by living cells, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022, 220, 112953, (IF = 5.999, Q1)

7.J.Cvjetinovic, A.A. Merdalimova, M.A. Kirsanova, P.A. Somov, D.V. Nozdriukhin, A.I. Salimon,  A.M. Korsunsky, D.A. Gorin, SERS platform based on diatomite modified by gold nanoparticles using a combination of layer-by-layer assembly and a freezing-induced loading method, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 8901–8912,10.1039/d2cp00647b, (IF=3.676, Q1)

8. V.S. Chernyshev, R.N. Chuprov-Netochin, E. Tsydenzhapova, B. Van Devener,, S.Leonov,  D. Gorin,  M. Skliar,  Dynamic surface tension probe for measuring the concentration of extracellular vesicles. Biochemical and biophysical research communications609, 189-194,(IF=3.575, Q1), ://

9. A.KuzinV. Chernyshev, V. Kovalyuk, P. An, A.Golikov, R. Ozhegov, D. Gorin, N. Gippius, G. Goltsman, Hybrid nanophotonic–micro uidic sensor for highly sensitive liquid and gas analyses, Optics Letters, 2022, 47, 9, 2358-2361, (IF=3.766, Q1),

10. E.S. Vavaev, M. Novoselova, N.M. Shchelkunov, S. German, A.S. Komlev, M. D. Mokrousov, I. V. Zelepukin, A. M. Burov, B. N. Khlebtsov, E. V. Lyubin, S. Deyev, A. A. Fedyanin,  D.A. Gorin, CaCO3 Nanoparticles Coated with Alternating Layers of Poly-L-Arginine Hydrochloride and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles as Navigable Drug Carriers and Hyperthermia AgentACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022 5 (2), 2994-3006, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c00338, (IF=5.097, Q1)

11. A.A. Merdalimova, P.G. Rudakovskaya, T.I. Ermatov, A.S. Smirnov, S.S. Kosolobov, J.S.Skibina, P.A. Demina, B.N. Khlebtsov, A.M. Yashchenok, D.A. Gorin, SERS Platform Based on Hollow-Core Microstructured Optical Fiber: Technology of UV-Mediated Gold Nanoparticle Growth. Biosensors ,2022, 12, 19. (IF=5.519, Q1)

12. M. Slyusarenko, S. Shalaev , A. Valitova, L. Zabegina , N. Nikiforova, I. Nazarova , P. Rudakovskaya , M.  Vorobiev, A. Lezov , L. Filatova, N. Yevlampieva , D. Gorin, P. Krzhivitsky, A. Malek,   AuNP Aptasensor for Hodgkin Lymphoma Monitoring, Biosensors, 2022, 12, 23. (IF=5.519, Q1)

13. R.A. Barmin, P.G. Rudakovskaya, V.S. Chernyshev, O. I. Guslyakova, O. A. Sindeeva, E.S. Prikhozhdenko, D.N. BratashovA. S. Abdurashitov , E.A. Maksimova, P.A. Demina, E.V. Khaydukov, A. V. Gayer, E. A. Shirshin, A.  A. Solovev, Y. Mei, D. A. Gorin, Impact of fluorescent dyes on the physicochemical parameters of microbubbles stabilized by albumin-dye complex, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 647 (2022) 129095 (IF=5.518, Q1)

14. V.S. Chernyshev, R.N. Chuprov-Netochin, E. Tsydenzhapova,  E.V. Svirshchevskaya,  R.A.  Poltavtseva, A. Merdalimova, A.Yashchenok, A. Keshelava, K. Sorokin, V. Keshelava, G.T. Sukhikh, D. Gorin, D., S.M. Leonov, S. Skliar, Asymmetric depth-filtration: A versatile and scalable method for high-yield isolation of extracellular vesicles with low contamination, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 2022, 11, e12256, (IF=21.224, Q1)

15. T.M. Estifeeva, R. A. Barmin, P. G. Rudakovskaya, A. M. Nechaeva, A. L. Luss, Y. O. Mezhuev, V. S. Chernyshev, E.G. Krivoborodov, O.A. Klimenko, O.A. Sindeeva, P. A. Demina, K. S. Petrov, R. N. Chuprov-Netochin, E. P. Fedotkina, O. E. Korotchenko, E. A. Sencha, A.N. Sencha, M.I. Shtilman, D. A. GorinHybrid (Bovine Serum Albumin)/Poly(N‐vinyl-2-pyrrolidone-co- acrylic acid)-Shelled Microbubbles as Advanced Ultrasound Contrast Agents, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2022, 5, 3338-3348 (IF=3.95, Q1)

16. M.Novoselova, V. S. Chernyshev, A. Schulga, E. V. Konovalova, R. N. Chuprov-Netochin, T. O. Abakumova, S. German, V. O. Shipunova, M. D. Mokrousov, E. Prikhozhdenko, D. N. Bratashov, D. V. Nozdriukhin, A. Bogorodskiy, O.Grishin, S. S. Kosolobov, B. N. Khlebtsov, O. Inozemtseva, T. S. Zatsepin, S. M. Deyev, D. A. Gorin, Effect of Surface Modification of Multifunctional Nanocomposite Drug Delivery Carriers with DARPin on Their Biodistribution In Vitro and In Vivo,  ACS Applied Bio Materials2022, 5, 6, 2976–2989  (IF=3.95, Q1)

17. T.O. AbakumovaO. I. Gusliakova, J. Cvjetinovic, O. I. EfimovaE. V. Konovalova, A. A. Schulga, T. S. Zatsepin, D. A. Gorin, A. M. Yashchenok, S. M. Deyev, Barnase-Loaded Vaterite Nanoparticles Functionalized by EpCAM Targeting Vectors for the Treatment of Lung Diseases, ACS Applied Nano Materials,, Q1) 

18. P.G. Rudakovskaya, R. A. Barmin, P.S. Kuzmin, E.P. Fedotkina, A. N. Sencha, D.A. GorinMicrobubbles Stabilized by Protein Shell: From Pioneering Ultrasound Contrast Agents to Advanced Theranostic Systems, Pharmaceutics2022, 14, 1236., (IF= 6.29, Q1)

19. O.I. Gusliakova, E.S. Prikhozhdenko, V.O. Plastun, O.A. Mayorova, N.A. Shushunova,  A.S. Abdurashitov, O.A. Kulikov,  M.A. Abakumov, D.A.  Gorin,  G.B. Sukhorukov, O.A. Sindeeva, Renal Artery Catheterization for Microcapsules’ Targeted Delivery to the Mouse Kidney, Pharmaceutics, 2022, 14, 1056., (IF= 6.29, Q1)

20. O.Y. Griaznova, I.B. Belyaev, A.S. Sogomonyan, I.V. Zelepukin, G.V. Tikhonowski, A. A. Popov, A. S. Komlev, P.I. Nikitin, D.A. Gorin, A. V. Kabashin, S.M. Deyev, Laser Synthesized Core-Satellite Fe-Au Nanoparticles for Multimodal In Vivo Imaging and In Vitro Photothermal Therapy,  Pharmaceutics, 2022, 14, no. 5: 994., (IF= 6.29, Q1)

21. V.I. Vlasov, N.A. Gvozdik, M.D. Mokrousov, S.V.  Ryazantsev, S. Y. Luchkin, D.A. Gorin, K.J. Stevenson, Ion-exchange membrane impact on preferential water transfer in all-vanadium redox flow battery, 2022, Journal of Power Sources540, 231640, 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2022.231640, (IF=9.719, Q1)

22. M.A. Kurochkin S.V. German A.A. Abalymov, D.A. Vorontsov,  D.A. Gorin, M.V. Novoselova, Sentinel lymph node detection by combining nonradioactive techniques with contrast agents: state of the art and prospects. Journal of Biophotonics, 2022, 15 (1), e202100149. (IF 3.207, Q1)

23. A.M. Yashchenok, V. S. Chernyshev, E.V. Konovalova, R. Kholodenko, E. Tsydenzhapova, V. O. Shipunova, A. A. Schulga, S.M. Deyev, D. A. Gorin, Anti-CD63-Oligonucleotide Functionalized Magnetic Beads for the Rapid Isolation of Small Extracellular Vesicles and Detection of EpCAM and HER2 Membrane Receptors using DARPin Probes,  Anal. Sens. 2022, e202200059,


1. N. Kaydanov, S. Perevoschikov, S.V. German, S. A. Romanov, T. Ermatov, A. A. Kozyrev, J. Cvjetinovic, A. Machnev,  R.E.Noskov, S. S. Kosolobov, J. S. Skibina, A.G. Nasibulin,  C. Zakian, P. G. Lagoudakis,   D. A. Gorin, Optoacoustic Effect in a Hybrid Multilayered Membrane Deposited on a Hollow-Core Microstructured Optical Waveguide. ACS Photonics, 2021, 8, 11, 3346–3356 (IF 7.529, Q1)

2. R. E. Noskov, A. Machnev, I.I. Shishkin, M. V. Novoselova, A.V. Gayer,  A. A. Ezhov,  E. A. Shirshin,  S. V. German,  I.D. Rukhlenko,  S. Fleming, B. N. Khlebtsov,  D. A. Gorin, P. Ginzburg, Golden Vaterite as a Mesoscopic Metamaterial for Biophotonic Applications, Adv. Mater. 2021, 2008484, 27.398, Q1, Nature Indexing Journal)

3. M.D. Mokrousov,  W. Thompson,  S.A. Ermilov, T. Abakumova, M.V. Novoselova, O. A. Inozemtseva, T. S. Zatsepin, V. P. Zharov, E.I. Galanzha,  D. A. Gorin, (2021). Indocyanine green dye based bimodal contrast agent tested by photoacoustic/fluorescence tomography setup. Biomedical Optics Express12(6), 3181-3195, (IF 3.921, Q1)

4.J. Mujtaba, J. Liu, K. K. Dey, T. Li, R. Chakraborty, K. Xu, D. Makarov, R.A. Barmin, D.A. Gorin, V. Tolstoy, G. S. Huang, A. A. Solovev and Y. F. Mei. Micro-Bio-Chemo-Mechanical-Systems: Micromotors, Nanozymes, and Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications. Advanced Materials, 2021, 2007456(1-40), (2021), 27.398, Q1, Nature Indexing Journal)

5. R.A. Barmin, P.G. Rudakovskaya, V.S. Chernyshev, O.I. Gusliakova, P.A. Belcov, E. N. Obukhova, A.V. Gayer, E. A. Shirshin, D. A. Gorin, Optoacoustic/fluorescent/acoustic imaging probe based on air-filled bubbles functionalized with gold nanorods and fluorescein isothiocyanate, ACS Omega, doi: 10.1021/acsomega.0c05518, (IF. 2.87,Q2)

6. M.V. Novoselova, S.V. German, T.O. Abakumova, S.V. Perevoschikov, O.V. Sergeeva, M.V. Nesterchuk, O.I. Efimova, K.S. Petrov, V.S. Chernyshev, T.S. Zatsepin, D.A. Gorin, Multifunctional nanostructured drug delivery carriers for cancer therapy: multimodal imaging and ultrasound-induced drug release, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2021, 111576. (IF=4.389, Q1)

7.S.V. German, G.S. Budylin, E. A. Shirshin,  D. A. Gorin, Advanced Technique for In Situ Raman Spectroscopy Monitoring of the Freezing-Induced Loading Process, Langmuir,  2021,  37,4, 1365-1371, (IF=3.557, Q1)

8.E.S. Prikhozhdenko, O.I. Gusliakova, O.A. Kulikov, O.A. Mayorova, N.A. Shushunova, A. S. Abdurashitov , D.N. Bratashov, N.A. Pyataev, V.V. Tuchin, D.A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov, O. A. Sindeeva, Target delivery of drug carriers in mice kidney glomeruli via renal artery. Balance between efficiency and safety, Journal of Controlled Release,  329 (2021) 175–190, (IF=7.727,Q1)

9.R. A. Barmin, P.G. Rudakovskaya, O.I. Gusliakova, O.A. Sindeeva, E.S. Prikhozhdenko, E. A Maksimova, E.N. Obukhova, V.S. Chernyshev, B.N. Khlebtsov, ‪A.A. Solovev, G. B. Sukhorukov, D. A. Gorin. Air-filled bubbles stabilized by gold nanoparticle/ photodynamic dye hybrid structures for theranostics. Nanomaterials, 2021, (IF 4.324, Q2)

10. Y. Svenskaya, F.Garello,  E. Lengert, A. Kozlova, R. Verkhovskii, V. Bitonto, M. R. Ruggiero, S. German, D. Gorin,  E. Terreno, Biodegradable polyelectrolyte/magnetite capsules for MR imaging and magnetic targeting of tumors. Nanotheranostics 2021; 5(3):362-377. doi:10.7150/ntno.59458.

11.M. Slusarenko, N. Nikiforova, E. Sidina, I. Nazarova, V. Egorov, Y. Garmay, A. Merdalimova, N. Evlampieva, D. Gorin, A. Malek, “Formation and evaluation of a two-phase polymer system in human plasma as a method for extracellular nanovesicle isolation”, Polymers 2021, 13(3), 458, (IF 4.329, Q2)

12. T. Ermatov, M. Novoselova, J. Skibina, A. Machnev, D. Gorin, R. Noskov, Ultrasmooth, biocompatible, and removable nanocoating for hollow-core microstructured optical fibers, Optics Letters, 2021,  46(19), 4828– 4831, 2021 (IF 3.776, Q1)

13. T. Ermatov, I. Gnusov, J. Skibina, R. Noskov, D. Gorin, Noncontact characterization of microstructured optical fibers coating in real-time, Optics Letters,  2021, 46 (19), 4793–4796, 2021 (IF 3.776, Q1)

14. E.A. Maksimova, R.A. Barmin, P.G. Rudakovskaya, O.A. Sindeeva, E.S. Prikhozhdenko,  A.M.Yashchenok,  B.N. Khlebtsov, A.A. Solovev,  G. Huang, Y. Mei, K. Kanti Dey, D.A. Gorin,  Air-Filled Microbubbles Based on Albumin Functionalized with Gold Nanocages and Zinc Phthalocyanine for Multimodal Imaging, Micromachines, 2021, 12, 1161.  (IF 2.891, Q2)

15. S.Naeem,  F. Naeem, J. Mujtaba,  A.K.Shukla, S. Mitra, G.Huang, L.Gulina, P. Rudakovskaya,  J. Cui,  V. Tolstoy, D. Gorin, Y.Mei, A.A. Solovev , K. Kanti Dey, Oxygen Generation Using Catalytic Nano/Micromotors. Micromachines 2021, 12, 1251. 10.3390/mi1210125, (IF 2.891, Q2)

16. B.V. Parakhonskiy, N.Y. Shilyagina , О.I. Gusliakova , A.B. Volovetskiy , A.B. Kostyuk , I.V. Balalaeva, L.G. Klapshina, S.A. Lermontova, V. Tolmachev, A.Orlova, D.A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov, A.V. Zvyagin, A method of drug delivery to tumors based on rapidly biodegradable drug-loaded containers, Applied Materials Today, 25 (2021) 101199 (IF 10.041, Q1)


1. S.A. Perkov, D.A. Gorin, R.O. Esenaliev, Optoacoustic monitoring of water content in tissue phantoms and human skin. J. Biophotonics. 2020;e202000363 (IF=3.032, Q2) 1002/jbio.202000363

2. D.Nozdriukhin, N.Besedina, V.Chernyshev, O.Efimova, P. Rudakovskaya, M. Novoselova, D. Bratashov, R. Chuprov-Netochin, R. Kamyshinsky, A. Vasiliev, D. Chermoshentseva, S.A. Dyakov, V. Zharov, N. Gippius, D. A. Gorin, A. Yashchenok, Gold Nanoparticle-Carbon Nanotube Multilayers on Silica Microspheres: Optoacoustic-Raman Enhancement and Potential Biomedical applications. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2020, 111736 (IF=5.88, Q1),

3.T. Ermatov, R. E. Noskov, A. A. Machnev, I. Gnusov, V.Аtkin, E.N. Lazareva, S.V. German, S. S. Kosolobov, T. S. Zatsepin, O.V. Sergeeva, J.S. Skibina, P. Ginzburg, V.V. Tuchin, P. G. Lagoudakis, D. A. Gorin, Multispectral sensing of biological liquids with hollow-core microstructured optical fibres, Light: Science & Applications, 2020, 9, 173, (IF= 13.714, Q1)

4. Y. Tarakanchikova, A. Muslimov, I. Sergeev, K. Lepik, N. Yolshin, A. Goncharenko, K. Vasilyev, I. Eliseev, A. Bukatin, V. Sergeev, S. Pavlov, A. Popov, I. Meglinski, B. Afanasiev, B. Parakhonskiy, G. Sukhorukov, D. Gorin, A highly efficient and safe gene delivery platform based on polyelectrolyte core-shell nanoparticles for hard-to-transfect clinically relevant cell types,  Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2020, 23., (IF=5.344, Q1)

5. S. Perevoschikov, N.Kaydanov, T. Ermatov, O. Bibikova, I. Usenov, T. Sakharova, A. Bocharnikov, J. Skibina, V.Artyushenko, D.Gorin, Light guidance up to 6.5 µm in borosilicate soft glass hollow-core microstructured optical waveguides, Optics Express, 2020, 28(19), 27940-27950. ,(IF=3.6669, Q1)

6. M.V. Novoselova, T. O. Abakumova, B.N. Khlebtsov, T. S. Zatsepin, E.N. Lazareva, V.V. Tuchin, V. P. Zharov, D. A. Gorin, E.I. Galanzha, Optical clearing for photoacoustic lympho- and angiography beyond T conventional depth limit in vivo, Photoacoustics, 2020,100186,(IF=5.250, Q1),

7.J. Cvjetinovic, A.I. Salimon, M.V. Novoselova, P. V. Sapozhnikov, E. A. Shirshin, A.M. Yashchenok, O.Yu. Kalinina, A.M. Korsunsky, D. A. Gorin, Photoacoustic and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Diatoms, Photoacoustics, 2020, 100171,(IF=5.250, Q1)

8. T. Ermatov, J.S. Skibina, V. V. Tuchin, D.A. Gorin, Functionalized Microstructured Optical Fibers: Materials, Methods, Applications, Materials, 2020, 13, 921 (20 pages review),(IF=2.972, Q2), doi:10.3390/ma13040921

9. A.A. Kozlova, S.V. German, V. S. Atkin, V.V. Zyev, M. A. Astle, D. N. Bratashov, Y. I. Svenskaya, D. A. Gorin, Magnetic Composite Submicron Carriers with Structure-Dependent MRI Contrast, Inorganics, 2020, 8, 11; doi:10.3390/inorganics8020011

10. M. V. Novoselova,  H. Mun Loh, D. B. Trushina, A. Ketkar, T.O. Abakumova, T. S. Zatsepin, M. Kakran, A. M. Brzozowska, H. H. Lau, D. A. Gorin, M. N. Antipina,  A.I. Brichkina, Biodegradable Polymeric Multilayer Capsules for Therapy of Lung Cancer, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 5, 5610-5623 (IF=8.456, Q1),

11. Y. Tarakanchikova, J.Alzubi, V. Pennucci, M.Follo, B. Kochergin, A. Muslimov, I. Skovorodkin, S. Vainio, M. N. Antipina, V. Atkin, A. Popov, I. Meglinski, T. Cathomen, T. I. Cornu, D. A. Gorin, G. B. Sukhorukov, I. Nazarenko, Biodegradable Nanocarriers Resembling Extracellular Vesicles Deliver Genetic Material with the Highest Efficiency to Various Cell Types, Small, 2020, 16, 1904880, (IF=10.856, Q1), DOI: 10.1002/smll.201904880

12. M. Saveleva, E. Prikhozhdenko, D.Gorin, A.G. Skirtach, A. Yashchenok, B. Parakhonskiy, Polycaprolactone-Based, Porous CaCO3 and Ag Nanoparticle Modified Scaffolds as a SERS Platform With Molecule-Specific Adsorption, Frontiers in Chemistry, 7, 888, 2020, (IF=3.782, Q1),

13.  O. A.Mayorova, O. A.Sindeeva, M.V.Lomova, O. I.Gusliakova, Y.V.Tarakanchikova, E. V.Tyutyaev, S. I.Pinyaev, O.A.Kulikov, S. V.German, N. A.Pyataev,              D. A.Gorin, G.B.Sukhorukov, Endovascular addressing improves the effectiveness of magnetic targeting of drug carrier. Comparison with the conventional administration method, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 2020, 102184,  (IF=5.57, Q1),

14. X. Zhao, L. Jin, H. Shi, W.Tong, D.Gorin, Y. Kotelevtsev, Z. Mao, Recent advances of designing dynamic surfaces to regulate cell adhesion, Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2020, 35, 100249, (IF=1.87, Q2),

15. A. N. Semenov, P. Yakimov, A. A. Rubekina, D. A. Gorin, V. P. Drachev, V.P. Zarubin, A.N. Velikanov, J. Lademann, V.V. Fadeev, A.V. Priezzhev, M.E. Darvin, E. A. Shirshin, The Oxidation-Induced Autofluorescence Hypothesis: Red Edge Excitation and Implications for Metabolic Imaging, Molecules, 2020, 25(8), 1863, (IF=3.060, Q1) DOI: 10.3390/molecules25081863

16. A.V. Ermakov, R. A. Verkhovskii, I.V. Babushkina, D. B. Trushina, O. A. Inozemtseva, E. A. Lukyanets, V. J. Ulyanov, D.A. Gorin, S. Belyakov,  M. N. Antipina, In Vitro Bioeffects of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Microcapsules Post-Loaded with Water-Soluble Cationic Photosensitizer, Pharmaceutics, 2020, 12, 610 (IF=4.421, Q1); doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics12070610

2019 (selected articles)

1. I. Rybkin, D. Gorin, G. Sukhorukov, A. Lapanje, Thickness of polyelectrolyte layers of separately confined bacteria alters key physiological parameters on a single cell level,  Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2019,  7, 378. (IF=5.122, Q1)

2. Y. Svenskaya, E.E. Talnikova, B.V. Parakhoskiy, V.V. Tuchin,  G.B. Sukhorukov, D.A. Gorin,  S.R. Utz, Enhanced Topical Psoralen‐UV‐A Therapy via Targeting to Hair Follicles, British Journal of Dermatology, (IF= 6.714, Q1),

2. H. Bahrom, A.A. Goncharenko, L.I. Fatkhutdinova, O.O. Peltek,  A.R. Muslimov, O.Y. Koval, I.E. Eliseev, A. Manchey, D.A. Gorin, I.I .Shishkin, R.E. Noskov, A.S.  Timin, P. Ginzburg,  M.V. Zyuzin, Controllable Synthesis of Calcium Carbonate with Different Geometry: Comprehensive Analysis of Particle Formation, Cellular Uptake, and Biocompatibility, ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, 7, 23, 19142-19156 (IF=6.970, Q1)

3.O.A. Sindeeva, R.A.Verkhovskii, M.Sarimollaoglu, G.A. Afanaseva, A.S. Fedonnikov, E.Y. Osintsev, E.N. Kurochkina, D.A. Gorin, S.M. Deyev, V.P.Zharov, E.I. Galanzha, New Frontiers in Diagnosis and Therapy of Circulating Tumor Markers in Cerebrospinal Fluid In Vitro and In Vivo, CELLS, 8,10, 2019, DOI: 10.3390/cells8101195 (IF=5.656, Q1)

4. M.D. Mokrousov, M.V. Novoselova, J. Nolan, W. Harrington, P. Rudakovskaya, D.N. Bratashov, E.I. Galanzha, J. P. Fuenzalida-Werner, B. P. Yakimov, G. Nazarikov, V. P. Drachev, E.A. Shirshin, V. Ntziachristos, A. C. Stiel, V. P. Zharov, D. A. Gorin, Amplification of photoacoustic effect in bimodal polymer particles by self-quenching of indocyanine green, Biomedical Optical Express, 10, 9, 2019, 4775-4789 (IF=3.910, Q1)

5. M.V. Novoselova, D.V. Voronin, T.O. Abakumova, P.A. Demina, A.V. Petrov, V.V. Petrov, T. S. Zatsepin, G.B. Sukhorukov, D.A. Gorin,  Focused ultrasound-mediated fluorescence of composite microcapsules loaded with magnetite nanoparticles: In vitro and in vivo study, Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces, 181, 2019, 680-687  (IF=3.973, Q1)

6. W. N. Harrington, M.V. Novoselova, D.N. Bratashov, B.N. Khlebtsov, D.A. Gorin, E.I. Galanzha, V.P.Zharov, Photoswitchable Spasers with a Plasmonic Core and Photoswitchable Fluorescent Proteins, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9, 12439, 2019, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-48335-6, (IF=4.011, Q1)

7. B.P. Yakimov, M.A. Gogoleva, A.N. Semenov, S.A. Rodionov, M.V. Novoselova, A.V. Gayer,  A.V. Kovalev, A.I. Bernakevich, V.V. Fadeev, A.G. Armaganov, V.P. Drachev, D.A. Gorin,  M.E. Darvin, V.I. Shcheslavskiy,  G.S. Budylin,  A.V. Priezzhev, E.A. Shirshin, Label-free characterization of white blood cells using fluorescence lifetime imaging and flow-cytometry: molecular heterogeneity and erythrophagocytosis, BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS10, 8, 4220-4236, DOI: 10.1364/BOE.10.004220 (IF=3.910, Q1)       

7. M.V. Novoselova,  S.V. German, O.A. Sindeeva, O.A.Kulikov, O.V. Minaeva, E.P. Brodovskaya, V.P. Ageev, M.N. Zharkov, N.A. Pyataev, G.B. Sukhorukov, D.A. Gorin, Submicron-Sized Nanocomposite Magnetic-Sensitive Carriers: Controllable Organ Distribution and Biological Effects, POLYMERS, 11, 6, 2019, DOI: 10.3390/polym11061082 (IF = 3.164, Q1)

8. T. Ermatov, Y.V. Petrov, S.V. German, A.A. Zanishevskaya, A. A. Shuvalov, V. Atkin , A. Zakharevich, B. N. Khlebtsov , J. S. Skibina, P. Ginzburg, R. Noskov, V. V. Tuchin, D.A. Gorin,  Microstructured Optical Waveguide-Based Endoscopic Probe Coated with Silica Submicron Particles, Materials,  2019, 12, 1424; doi:10.3390/ma12091424 (IF=2.972, Q2)

9. Y. Svenskaya, E.A. Genina, B.V. Parakhonskiy, E.V. Lengert, E.E. Talnikova, G.S. Terentyuk, S.R. Utz, D.A. Gorin,  V.V. Tuchin,  G.B. Sukhorukov, A Simple Non-Invasive Approach toward Efficient Transdermal Drug Delivery Based on Biodegradable Particulate System, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2019, 11, 19, 17270-17282, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b04305 (IF=8.456, Q1)

10. R E. Noskov, A. A. Zaneshevskaya, A. A. Shuvalov,  S.V. German, O. A. Inozemtseva, T. P. Kochergin, E. N. Lazareva, V.V. Tuchin, P. Ginzburg, J.S. Skibina,  D. A. Gorin, Enabling magnetic resonance imaging of hollow-core microstructured optical fibers via nanocomposite coating, Optics Express, 27, 7,  2019, 9868; (IF=3.567, Q1)

11. M.V. Novoselova, D.N. Bratashov, M.Sarimollaoglu, D.A. Nedosekin, W. Harringston, J. A. Watts, M.Han, B.N. Khlebtsov, E.I. Galanzha, D.A. Gorin, V.P. Zharov, Photoacoustic and fluorescent effects in multilayered plasmon-dye interfaces, Journal of Biophotonics12 , 4 ,  e201800265 , 2019,  (IF=3.763, Q1)

12. A.A. Merdalimova, V.V. Chernyshev, D. Nozdriukhin, P. Rudakovskaya, D. Gorin, A. Yashchenok, Identification and Analysis of Exosomes by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 9,6,2019, 1135,  DOI: 10.3390/app9061135, (IF=2.217, Q2)

13. A.V. Ermakov, S, Gorelik, A.P. Kauling, R.V.B. de Oliveira,  A.H.C. Neto, E. Glukhovskoy, D.A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov, M.V. Kiryukhin, Polyelectrolyte-Graphene Oxide Multilayer Composites for Array of Microchambers which are Mechanically Robust and Responsive to NIR Light,  MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 40,5, 2019, DOI: 10.1002/marc.201700868, (IF=4.078, Q1)

14. A.V. Ermakov, O.A. Inozemtseva, D.A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov, S. Belyakov, M.N. Antipina, Influence of Heat Treatment on Loading of Polymeric Multilayer Microcapsules with Rhodamine B, MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 40, 5, 2019, 10.1002/marc.201800200 (IF=4.078, Q1)

15. R. Kamyshinsky, I. Marchenko, B. Parakhonskiy, A. Yashchenok, Y. Chesnokov, A. Mikhutkin, D. Gorin, A. Vasiliev, T. Bukreeva, Composite materials based on Ag nanoparticles in situ synthesized on the vaterite porous matrices, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 30,3 2019, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aaea38 (IF=3.399, Q1)

2018 (selected articles)

  1. S.V. German, M.V. Novoselova, D.N. Bratashov, P. A. Demina, V.S. Atkin, B. N. Khlebtsov, B.V. Parakhonskiy, G.B. Sukhorukov, D. A. Gorin, High-efficiency freezing-induced loading of inorganic nanoparticles and proteins into porous micron and submicron particles, Scientific Reports, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-35846-x, 2018 (IF= 4.011, Q1)
  2. E.S. Prikhozhdenko, D.N. Bratashov, V.S. Atkin, R.A. Kamyshinsky, A.L. Vasiliev, B.N. Khlebtsov, D.A. Gorin, H. Möhwald, A.M. Yashchenok, Precise Control of Distance between Plasmonic SERS Substrate and Analyte Molecules with Polyelectrolyte Layers, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/jrs.5424, (IF=2.879)
  3. А. Abalymov, R. Verhovskiy, M. Novoselova, B. Parakhonskiy, D. Gorin, A. Yashchenok, G. Sukhorukov Cellular uptake and status of CaCO3 in cancerous cells using Raman and confocal laser scanning microscopies, Biotechnology Journal, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/biot.201800071, (IF=3.507)
  4. I.Yu. Yanina Y.I. Svenskaya E.S. Prikhozhdenko  D.N. Bratashov, M.V. Lomova  D. A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov  V. V. Tuchin, Optical monitoring of adipose tissue destruction under encapsulated lipase action, Journal of Biophotonics, 2018,, (IF=3.768)
  5. I.V. Vidiasheva, A.A. Abalymov, M.A. Kurochkin, O. A. Mayorova, M.V. Lomova, S.V. German, D.N. Khalenkow, M.N. Zharkov, D.A. Gorin, A.G. Skirtach, V.V. Tuchin, G. B. Sukhorukov, Transfer of cells with uptaken nanocomposite magnetite-nanoparticle functionalized capsules with electromagnetic tweezers, Biomaterials Science, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/c8bm00479, (IF= 5.831)
  6. O. Gusliakova, E. N. Atochina-Vasserman, O. Sindeeva, S. Sindeev, S. Pinyaev, N. Pyataev, V. Revin, G. B. Sukhorukov, D.Gorin, A.J. Gow, Use of Submicron Vaterite Particles Serves as an Effective DeliveryVehicle to the Respiratory Portion of the Lung, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00559 (IF= 4.126)
  7. E.S. Prikhozhdenko, D.N. Bratashov, D.A. Gorin, A.M. Yashchenok Flexible surface-enhanced Raman scattering-active substrates based on nanofibrous membranes, NanoResearch, 2018, (IF=7.994)
  8. Saveleva M. S., Ivanov, A. N., Kurtukova, M. O., Atkin, V. S., Ivanova, A. G., Lyubun, G. P., Cherevko, E. I., Sargsyan, A. K., Fedonnikov, A. S., Norkin, I. A.,Skirtach, A. G., Gorin, D. A., Parakhonskiy, B. V., Hybrid PCL/CaCO3 scaffolds with capabilities of carrying biologically active molecules: Synthesis, loading and in vivo applications. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2018, 85, 57-67. (IF=5.08)
  9. O.A. Sindeeva, O.I. Gusliakova, O.A. Inozemtseva, A.S. Abdurashitov, E.P. Brodovskaya, M. Gai, V.V. Tuchin, D.A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov, Effect of a Controlled Release of Epinephrine Hydrochloride from PLGA Microchamber Array: In Vivo Studies, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10.1021/acsami.8b15109, (IF=8.097)
  10. N.A.Navolokin, S.V. German, A.B. Bucharskaya, O.S. Godage,V.V. Zuev, G.N. Maslyakova, N.A. Pyataev, P.S. Zamyshliaev, M.N. Zharkov, G.S. Terentyuk, D.A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov, Systemic Administration of Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules: Where Do They Accumulate and When? In Vivo and Ex Vivo Study, Nanomaterials, 2018, 10.3390/nano8100812, (IF=3.504)

2017 (selected articles)

  1. A., Gao H., Voronin D., Gorin D., Sukhorukov G. Inorganic/Organic Multilayer Capsule Composition for Improved Functionality and External Triggering, ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES, 2017, Vol. 4, №1 (SI), P. 1600338, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201600338)
  2. Timin A., Muslimov A., Lepik K., Okilova M., Tcvetkov N., Shakirova A., Afanasyev B., Gorin D., Sukhorukov G. / Intracellular Breakable and Ultrasound-Responsive Hybrid Microsized Containers for Selective Drug Release into Cancerous Cells, PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION, 2017, Vol. 34, №5, 1600417, DOI: 10.1002/ppsc.201600417
  3. Yanina I., Navolokin , Svenskaya Y., Bucharskaya A., Maslyakova G., Gorin D., Sukhorukov G., Tuchin V. / Morphology alterations of skin and subcutaneous fat at NIR laser irradiation combined with delivery of encapsulated indocyanine green, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 2017, Vol. 22, №5, 055008, DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.5.055008
  4. E. Lengert, M. Saveleva, A. Abalymov, V. Atkin, P. Wuytens, R. Kamyshinsky, A.L. Vasiliev, D.A.Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov, A.G. Skirtach, B. Parakhonskiy, Silver alginate hydrogel micro-and nano-containers for theranostics: synthesis, encapsulation, remote release and detection, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (26), pp 21949–21958
  5. Voronin, D. V., Sindeeva, O. A., Kurochkin, M. A., Mayorova, O., Fedosov, I. V., Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, O.B., Gorin, D.A., Tuchin, V.V., Sukhorukov, G. B. In Vitro and in Vivo Visualization and Trapping of Fluorescent Magnetic Microcapsules in a Bloodstream, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 6885-6893
  6. N.Severyukhina, N.V.Petrova, A.M.Yashchenok, D.N.Bratashov, K.Smuda, I.A.Mamonova, N.A.Yurasov,D.M.Puchinyan,R.Georgieva,H.Bäumler,A.Lapanje, D. Gorin, Light-induced antibacterial activity of electrospun chitosan-based material containing photosensitizer, Materials Science & Engineering C, 2017, 70, 311–316
  7. S. Savelyeva, A.A. Abalymov, G.P. Lyubun, I.V. Vidyasheva, A. M. Yashchenok, T. E. L. Douglas, D. A. Gorin, B.V. Parakhonskiy, Vaterite coatings on electrospun polymeric fibers for biomedical applications, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2017, 105(1), 94-103.

2016 (selected articles)

  1. V. German, D.N. Bratashov, N.A. Navolokin, A.A. Kozlova, M.V.Lomova, M.V.Novoselova, E.A.Burilova, V.V.Zyev, B.N.Khlebtsov, R.R.Amirov, A.B.Bucharskaya, G.S.Terentyuk, G.N. Maslyakova, G.B. Sukhorukov, D.A. Gorin, In vitro and in vivo MRI visualization of nanocomposite biodegradable microcapsules with tunable contrast, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 32238-32246
  2. A.S.  Timin, K.V.  Lepik, A.R.  Muslimov, D.A.  Gorin, B.V.  Afanasyev, G.B.  Sukhorukov, Intracellular  redox  induced  drug  release  in  cancerous  and mesenchymal  stem  cells, Colloids  and  Surfaces  B:  Biointerfaces, 2016, 147,  2016, 450–458
  3. I. Svenskaya, A.M. Pavlov, D.A. Gorin, D.J. Gould, B.V., Parakhonskiy, G.B. Sukhorukov Photodynamic therapy platform based on localized delivery of photosensitizer by vaterite submicron particles, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2016, 146, 171–179
  4. A. Genina, Y. I. Svenskaya, I.Yu. Yanina, L.E. Dolotov, N.A. Navolokin, A.N. Bashkatov, G. S. Terentyuk, A.B. Bucharskaya, G.N. Maslyakova, D.A. Gorin, V.V. Tuchin, G.B. Sukhorukov, In vivo optical monitoring of transcutaneous delivery of calcium carbonate microcontainers,2016, Biomed. Opt. Express, 7(6), 2082-2087
  5. N. Severyukhina, N.V. Petrova, K. Smuda, G.S. Terentyuk, B.N. Klebtsov, R. Georgieva, H. Bäumler, D.A. Gorin, Photosensitizer-loaded electrospun chitosan-based scaffolds for photodynamic therapy and tissue engineering, Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces, 2016, 144, 57–64
  6. M. Yashchenok, J.Jose, P. Trochet, G. B. Sukhorukov, D. A. Gorin Multifunctional polyelectrolyte microcapsules as a contrast agent for photoacoustic imaging in blood, J. Biophotonics, 2016, 9, 792-799
  7. F. Korolovych, O. A. Grishina, O. A. Inozemtseva, A. V. Selifonov, D. N. Bratashov, S. G. Suchkov,L. A. Bulavin, O. E. Glukhova, G. B. Sukhorukov, D. A. Gorin, Impact of high-frequency ultrasound on nanocomposite microcapsules: in silico and in situ visualization, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2016, 18, 2389-2397

2015 (selected articles)

  1. N. Severyukhina, B.V. Parakhonskiy, E.S. Prikhozhdenko, D.A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov, H.Möhwald, A.M.Yashchenok, Nanoplasmonic Chitosan Nanofibers as Effective SERS Substrate for Detection of Small Molecules, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 15466−15473
  2. V. German, N.A. Navolokin, N.R. Kuznetsova, V.V. Zuev, O.A. Inozemtsevaa, A.A. Anis’kov, E.K. Volkova, A.B. Bucharskaya,  G.N. Maslyakova, R.F. Fakhrullin ,G.S. Terentyuk, E.L. Vodovozova, D.A. Gorin, Liposomes loaded with hydrophilic magnetite nanoparticles:  Preparationand application as contrast agents for magneticresonance imaging, 2015, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 135, 109–115
  3. S. Sergeevaa,E. K. Volkova, D. N. Bratashova,M.I. Shishkin, V. S. Atkina, A.V. Markina, A. A. Skaptsova,D.V. Volodkin, D. A. Gorin, Layer-by-layer assembled highly absorbing hundred-layer films containing a phthalocyanine dye: Fabrication and photosensibilization by thermal treatment, Thin Solid Films, 2015, 583, 60–69
  4. V. Lomova, A.I. Brichkina, M.V. Kiryukhin, E. N. Vasina, A. M. Pavlov,D. A. Gorin, G.B. Sukhorukov, M. N. Antipina, Multilayer Capsules of Bovine Serum Albumin and Tannic Acid for Controlled Release by Enzymatic Degradation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 11732−11740
  5. A. Inosemtseva, A.N. Severuchina, I.V. Vidyasheva, N.V. Petrova, H.A. Metwally, I.Y. Stetciura, D. A. Gorin, Electrospinning of functional materials for biomedicine and tissue engineering, RUSS CHEM REV, 2015, 84 (3), 251–274
  6. Y. Stetciura, A.Yashchenok, A. Masic, E.V. Lyubin, O.A. Inozemtseva, M.G. Drozdova, E. A. Markvichova, B.N. Khlebtsov, A.A. Fedyanin, G.B. Sukhorukov, D.A. Gorin, D.Volodkin, Composite SERS-based satellites navigated by optical tweezers for single cell analysis, Analyst, 2015,140, 4981–4986   
  7. A. Yashchenok , A. Masic, D. Gorin, O. Inozemtseva, B. S. Shim, N. Kotov, A. Skirtach, H. Moehwald, Optical Heating and Temperature Determination of Core–Shell Gold Nanoparticles and Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Microparticles, Small 2015, 11,  1320–1327

2014 (selected articles)

  1. I.Y. Stetciura, A.V. Markin, D.N. Bratashov, G.B. Sukhorukov, D.A. Gorin, Nanoencapsulated and microencapsulated SERS platforms for biomedical analysis, Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 2014, 18, 149–158
  2. B.V. Parakhonskiy,  Yu.I. Svenskaya, A.М. Yashchenok,  H.A. Fattah, O.A. Inozemtseva,  F. Tessarolo,  R. Antolini, D.A. Gorin, Size controlled hydroxyapatite and calcium carbonate particles: synthesis and their application as templates for SERS platform, Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces, 2014, 118, 243-248
  3. Malyar I.V., Gorin D.A., Santer S., Stetsyura S.V. Photocontrolled Adsorption of Polyelectrolyte Molecules on a Silicon Substrate,  2013, Langmuir, 29 (52), 16058–16065

2013 (selected articles)

  1. Svenskaya Yu., Parakhonskiy B., Haase A., Atkin V., Lukyanets E., Gorin D., Antolini R.. Anticancer drug delivery system based on calcium carbonate particles loaded with a photosensitizers, Biophysical Chemistry, 2013, 182, 11-15.
  2. Stetsyura I.Y., Markin A.V., Ponomarev A.N., Yakimansky A.V., Demina T.S., Grandfils C., Volodkin D.V., Gorin D.A. New Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Platforms: Composite Calcium Carbonate Microspheres Coated with Astralen and Silver Nanoparticles,  Langmuir, 2013, 29 (12), 4140–4147.
  3. Yashchenok, A., Masic, A., Gorin, D., Shim, B. S., Kotov, N. A., Fratzl, P., Möhwald, H. and Skirtach, A. (2013), Nanoengineered Colloidal Probes for Raman-based Detection of Biomolecules inside Living Cells, Small, 2013, 9 (3), 351-356

2012 (selected articles)

  1. Voronin, D. Borisova, V. Belova, D.A. Gorin and D.G. Shchukin. Effect of surface functionalization of metal wire on electrophysical properties of inductive elements, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 12275−12281.
  2. Kolesnikova T.A., Akchurin Ga.G., Portnov S.A., Khomutov G.B., Akchurin Ge.G., Naumova O.G., Sukhorukov G.B., Gorin D.A. Visualization of magnetic microcapsules in liquid by optical coherent tomography and control of their arrangement via external magnetic field, Laser Physics Letters, 2012, 9, 643–648.
  3. Ilker Dincer, Onur Tozkoparan, Sergey V.German, Alexey V. Markin, Oguz Yildrim, Gennady B. Khomutov, Dmitry A. Gorin, Sergey B. Wenig and Yalcin Elerman. Effect of layer number on the magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticle/polyelectrolyte LbL assemblies, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2012, 324, 2958–2963.

2011 (selected articles)

  1. V. Belova, D.G. Shchukin, D.A. Gorin, A. Kopyshev, H. Möhwald, A new approach to nucleation of cavitation bubbles at chemically modified surfaces, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 8015-8023
  2. D. N. Bratashov, A. Masic, A. M. Yashchenok, M. F. Bedard, O. A. Inozemtseva, D. A. Gorin, T. Basova, T. K. Sievers, G. B. Sukhorukov, M. Winterhalter, H. Moehwald, A. G. Skirtach, Raman imaging and photodegradation study of phthalocyanine containing microcapsules and coated particles, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2011, 42, 1901-1907

2010-2008 (selected articles)

  1. V. Belova, D.A.Gorin, D. G. Shchukin, H. Möhwald, Ultrasonic selective cavitation at patterned hydrophobic surfaces, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 2010, 49, 7129-713
  2. A. M. Yashchenok, D. N. Bratashov, D.A. Gorin, M.V. Lomova, A.M. Pavlov, A.V. Sapelkin, B.S. Shim, G.B. Khomutov, N.A. Kotov, G.B. Sukhorukov, H.Moehwald, A.G. Skirtach Carbon Nanotubes on Polymeric Microcapsules: Free-Standing Structures and Point-wise Laser Opening, Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 18, 3136–3142
  3. A.M. Yashchenok, D. A. Gorin, M. Badylevich, A. A. Serdobintsev, M. Bedard, Y. G. Fedorenko, G. B. Khomutov, D. O. Grigoriev, H.Moehwald, Impact of magnetite nanoparticle incorporation on optical and electrical properties of nanocomposite LbL assemblies, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 10469–10475
  4. T.A. Kolesnikova, D.A. Gorin, P. Fernandes, S. Kessel, G.B. Khomutov, A. Fery, D.G. Shchukin, H. Möhwald, Nanocomposite microcontainers with high ultrasound sensitivity, Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 20, 1189–1195
  5. D.A. Gorin, A.M. Yashchenok, A.O. Manturov, T.A. Kolesnikova, H. Möhwald Effect of Layer-by-Layer Electrostatic Assemblies on the Surface Potential and Current Voltage Characteristic of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor structures, Langmuir, 2009, 25(21), 12529-12534
  6. D.A. Gorin, S.A. Portnov, O.A. Inozemtseva, Z. Luklinska, A.M. Yashchenok, A.M. Pavlov, A.G. Skirtach, H. Möhwald, G.B. Sukhorukov Magnetic/gold nanoparticle functionalized biocompatible microcapsules with sensitivity to laser irradiation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 6899 – 6905

2004 Award of MAIK for the best series of papers

2004 Michail Lomonosov’s  fellowship founded by DAAD (Germany) and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science

2005  VAK Docent rank by a Chair of Semiconductor Physics

2007 Award of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation for young university lecturers

2011 Certificate of Appreciation for valuable contribution and dedicated service in the peer review of manuscripts submitted to ACS Journals

2016 Award of Height – the best professor of Saratov region

2016 Letter of Appreciation from Federal Inspector of Saratov Region

2017 VAK Professor rank in a specialty Biophysics

2023 Best Mentor of the Year 2023 (Skoltech)


Vasiliy Chernyshev
Senior Research Scientist
Sergei German
Senior Research Scientist
Julijana Cvjetinovic
Research Scientist
Polina Rudakovskaya
Research Scientist

Lectures: Biomedical Application of Photonics, (Term 4, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023);

Physics of Colloids and Interfaces (Term 3, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023)

PhD Students:

Julijana Cvjetinovic (4th year) (01.11.2019 – 01.11.2023)

Anastasij  Merdalimova (4th year)  (01.11.2019 – 01.11.2023)

Maxim Mokrousov (4th year(01.11.2019 – 01.11.2023)

Stanislav Perevoschikov (3rd year) (01.11.2020 – 01.11.2024)

Sergey Perkov (3rd year)(01.11.2020 – 01.11.2024)

Igor Sergeev (2nd year) (01.11.2021-01.11.2025)

Alexey Kuzin (2nd year) (01.11.2021-01.11.2025)

Tatiana Estifeeva (1st year). (01.11.2022-01.11.2026)


Master Students  2nd year

Viktor Vorobev  (2021-2023)

Kirill Malakhov (2021-2023)

Olga Griaznova (2021-2023)

Nikita Girshaev (2021-2023)

Master Student 1st year

Viktor Vorobev  (2021-2023)


Maria Blindman

Tatiana Estifeeva

Alumni (PhD)

1. Timur Ermatov

Candidate: Timur Ermatov
PhD Program: Physics
Thesis Title: Optical properties of hollow-core microstructured fibers modified by polymers and/or inorganic nano- and submicron particles
Supervisor: Professor Dmitry Gorin, Skoltech
PhD Defense Jury Reports: Professor Nikolay Gippius, Skoltech (Chairman): report
Assistant Professor Sakellaris Mailis, Skoltech: report
Dr. Kirill Zaytsev, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia: report
Professor Andre Skirtach, Ghent University, Belgium: report
Dr. Andrei Sapelkin, Queen Mary University of London, UK: report
Associate Prof. Andrei Zvyagin, Macquarie University, Australia: report
Thesis Defense Outcome: The thesis is accepted “as is.” The candidate is awarded the Skoltech PhD degree.

Alumni (MS)

    1. Maksim Mokrousov (Master Student 2017-2019) Title of MASTER’S THESIS: Bimodal Fluorescence & Photoacoustic Contrast Agent Based on Indocyanine Green/Polymer Composite Particles (Grade A). At present time, Maxim is PhD student at Skoltech (Biophotonics Lab)
    2. Nikita Kaydanov (Master Student 2018-2020, Research Intern 07-10. 2020) Title of MASTER’S THESIS: Development of an acoustic sensor for optoacoustic endoscopic application based on a microstructured optical waveguide (Grade A +, The best defense of the year with recommendation to organize startup).At present time, Nikita is PhD student at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg, Germany 
    3. Alexander Novikov (Master Student 2018-2020) Title of MASTER’S THESIS: Theranostic device based on combination of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound and Infrared Laser (Grade A , The industrial oriented project) At present time, Alexander is PhD Student at Technical University of Berlin, Germany 
    4. Stanislav Perevoschikov (Master Student 2018-2020, Research Intern 07-08. 2020) Title of MASTER’S THESIS: Development of submicron multimodal capsules for diagnosis and therapy of prostate cancer (Grade A). At present time, Stanislav is PhD student at Skoltech.
    5. Daniil Nozdruchin (Master Student 2018-2020, Research Intern 07-10. 2020). Title of MASTER’S THESIS: Dual-modal contrast agents for SERS/OA imaging and flow cytometry (Grade A).  After Skoltech Nozdriukhin continued his education as a PhD student at ETH Zurich (Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Multi-Scale Functional & Molecular Imaging Lab)
    6. Sergey Perkov (Master Student 2018-2020, Research Intern 07-10. 2020). Title of MASTER’S THESIS: Phototherapy of subcutaneous hematoma and inflammations under optoacoustic monitoring (Grade A). At present time, Sergey is PhD student at Skoltech.
    7. Semyon Fast (Master Student 2018-2020) Title of MASTER’S THESIS: Application of optoacoustic method to atherosclerotic plaques observation (Grade B). He is working in the field Neuro-interfaces.
    8. Roman Barmin MSc student (2019 – 2021) MSc thesis: Contrast agents based on gas bubbles for photoacoustic and ultrasound-driven applications (Grade A) He will be a researcher RWTH Aachen University, University Hospital Aachen, Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging.
    9. Igor Sergeev MSc student (2019 – 2021) Title of MSc thesis: Influence of photodynamic effect with the presence of inorganic nanoparticles on cell viability (Grade A). He will be a PhD student at CPQM Skoltech (Biophotonics Lab)
    10. Liza Maksimova MSc student (2020 – 2022) Title of MSc thesis: Contrast agents based on microbubbles stabilized by albumin and decorated with nanoparticles and organic dyes for multimodal imaging (Grade A+) Published articles related to MSc thesis: L. Maksimova et. al. Air-Filled Microbubbles Based on Albumin Functionalized with Gold Nanocages and Zinc Phthalocyanine for Multimodal Imaging, Micromachines, 2021. After Skoltech Liza continued her education as a PhD student at University of Basel, Department of Chemistry, Research Group of Prof. Dr. Jonathan De Roo, Basel, Switzerland.