
Ivan Sergeichev

Associate Professor, Interim Director of Advanced Materials Center
Center for Materials Technologies

Ivan Sergeichev graduated from Nizhny Novgorod State University (NNSU), Department of Mechanics and Mathematics in 2000 with MS degree in Solid Mechanics and then in 2003 he got PhD degree for thesis “Experimental study of materials of different physical nature by Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar and its modifications” . 2003 – 2007  he was working as a senior research scientist of the Dynamic Testing Laboratory, Mechanics Research Institute, NNSU.  His activity was experimental study of dynamic material properties: metal alloys, titanium, shape memory alloys, composites, ceramics, concrete, rocks, sands, and polymers by means of Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) and Plate Impact facilities; development and realization of SHPB modifications, numerical modeling of high strain rate and shock material response, dynamic failure; identification and verification of constitutive material models and equations of state.  At the same time he  was having a  position of an assistant professor of the Elasticity and Plasticity Theory chair, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, NNSU where he developed and  lectured of Experimental Mechanics and Finite Element Analysis courses. At 2005 Ivan was working as an invited researcher at the LAMEFIP laboratory, Bordeaux University, France for experimental study of  failure wave phenomenon in glass. From 2003 up to 2006  Ivan participated in the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) projects working for experimental and theoretical study of influence of temperature, strain rate history, and shock preloading on the mechanical behavior of armco-iron in the region of alpha-epsilon phase transition and experimental and theoretical study of static and dynamic material response of dioxide-zirconium ceramics and zirconium alumina concrete.  At 2006-2008 he became a fellow of the Civil Research and Development Foundation (CRDF, USA) for Basic Research and High Education project with project task “Experimental and theoretical study of dissipative material ability to absorb impact and explosive energy”.  In the framework of the fellowship he developed and lectured an authorized course “Experimental study of high energy impacts” at the Perm State University, Faculty of Physics.  2010 Ivan Sergeichev developed and lectured course “Special chapters of advanced composite mechanics” as a partly timed assistant professor of Moscow State University Nanotechnology Education and Research Center, Faculty of Chemistry. 2007- 2013 he worked for Boeing company as a leading stress analyst at the Boeing Design Center (Moscow Russia, Seattle USA) developing and verifying of FE models for analysis of dynamic, failure and non-linear behavior of composite structural components of 787 Boeing airplane. 2012 – 2013 Ivan Sergeichev was a senior research scientist of Mechanics Research Institute of Moscow State University working on experimental study of dynamic material properties: metal alloys, titanium, shape memory alloys, composites and ceramics.

Research projects:

1.  Digital certification of composite structures

The project is devoted to experimental and theoretical justification of virtual testing for certification of composite structures. The project is funded by National Technological Initiative within Technet roadmap.




Featured publication

  • Boris Voloskov, Stanislav Evlashin, Sarkis Dagesyan, Sergey Abaimov, Iskander Akhatov and Ivan Sergeichev Very High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel // Materials 2020, 13(15), 3293; org/10.3390/ma13153293
  • Eugene Shulga, Radmir Karamov, Ivan S. Sergeichev, Stepan D. Konev, Liliya I. Shurygina, Iskander S. Akhatov, Sergey D. Shandakov and Albert G. Nasibulin Fused Filament Fabricated Polypropylene Composite Reinforced by Aligned Glass Fibers // Materials 2020, 13(16), 3442; org/10.3390/ma13163442
  • Karamov, R., Martulli, L.M., Kerschbaum, M., Sergeichev, I., Swolfs, Y., Lomov, S.V., Micro-CT based structure tensor analysis of fibre orientation in random fibre composites versus high-fidelity fibre identification methods, Composite Structures, 2019, 235, 111818 org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111818
  • Zhilyaeva, M.A., Shulga, E.V., Shandakov, S.D., Sergeichev, I.V., Gilshteyn, E.P., Anisimov, A.S., Nasibulin, A.G., A novel straightforward wet pulling technique to fabricate carbon nanotube fibers //Carbon, 2019, Volume 150, Pages 69-75, org/0.1016/j.carbon.2019.04.111
  • Abaimov, S.G., Trofimov, A., Sergeichev, I.V., Akhatov, I.S., Multi-step homogenization in the Mori-Tanaka-Benveniste theory, Composit. Struct., 2019, 223, 110801, org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.03.073.
  • Alexander Safonov, Mikhail Gusev, Anton Saratov, Alexander Konstantinov, Ivan Sergeichev, Stepan Konev, Sergey Gusev, Iskander Akhatov Modeling of cracking during pultrusion of large-size profiles // Composite Structures, Volume 235, 1 March 2020, 111801, org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111801
  • Stanislav Evlashin, Pavel Dyakonov, Mikhail Tarkho, Sarkis Dagesyan, Sergey Rodionov, Anastasia Shpichka, Mikhail Kostenko, Stepan Konev, Ivan Sergeichev, Petr Timashev and Iskander Akhatov Flexible Polycaprolactone and Polycaprolactone/Graphene Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering // Materials 2019, 12, 2991; org/10.3390/ma12182991
  • Vorobyev, R.I., Sergeichev, I.V., Karabutov, A.A. et al. Application of the Optoacoustic Method to Assess the Effect of Voids on the Crack Resistance of Structural Carbon Plastics //Acoust. Phys. 66, 132–136 (2020), doi: org/10.1134/S1063771020020153
  • С. Liu, I. Sergeichev, I. Akhatov, K. Lafdi, CNT and polyaniline based sensors for the detection of acid penetration in polymer composite // Composites Science and Technology, May 2018, Volume 159, 3 Pages 111-118, doi: org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2018.02.028
  • Bragov, A.M., Lomunov, A.K., Sergeichev, I.V., Tsembelis, K., Proud, W.G. Determination of physicomechanical properties of soft soils from medium to high strain rates (2008) International Journal of Impact Engineering, 35 (9), pp. 967-976.
  • Bragov, A.M., Konstantinov, A.Yu., Lomunov, A.K., Sergeichev, I.V., Filippov, A.R., Shmotin, Yu.N.Integrated study of dynamical properties of Ak4-1 aluminum alloy (2008) International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22 (9-11), pp. 1189-1194.
  • Bragov, A., Konstantinov, A., Lomunov, A., Sadyrin, A., Sergeichev, I., Kruszka, L. Dynamic compressibility of high-porosity dampers of thermal and shock loadings. Modeling and experiment (2008) International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22 (9-11), pp. 1183-1188.
  • Bragov, A.M., Lomunov, A.K., Sergeichev, I.V., Gray III, G.T. Dynamic behavior of birch and sequoia at high strain rates (2006) AIP Conference Proceedings, 845 II, pp. 1511-1514.
  • Bragov, A.M., Lomunov, A.K., Sergeichev, I.V. High-speed behavior of some shape memory alloys (2006) AIP Conference Proceedings, 845 I, pp. 705-708.
  • Bragov, A.M., Lomunov, A.K., Sergeichev, I.V., Filippov, A.R. Dynamic compressibility of clay and loam (2006) Journal De Physique. IV : JP, 134, pp. 275-280.
  • Abramov, A.V., Bragov, A.M., Lomunov, A.K., Konstantinov, A.Yu., Kruszka, L., Sergeichev, I.V. Experimental and numerical analysis of high strain rate behavior of aluminum alloys AMg-6 and D-16 (2006) Journal De Physique. IV : JP, 134, pp. 487-491.
  • Bragov, A.M., Lomunov, A.K., Abramov, A.V., Konstantinov, A.Yu., Sergeichev, I.V., Braithwaite, C., Proud, W.G., Church, P.D., Cullis, I.G., Gould, P.The dynamic response of copper 101 under high-rate loading (2006) Journal De Physique. IV: JP, 134, pp. 311-315.
  • Bragov, A.M., Lomunov, A.K., Sergeichev, I.V., Proud, W., Tsembelis, K., Church, P.A method for determining the main mechanical properties of soft soils at high strain rates (103-105 s-1) and load amplitudes up to several gigapascals (2005) Technical Physics Letters, 31 (6), pp. 530-531.
  • Akopov, F., Bragov, A., Kruszka, L., Lomunov, A., Mineev, V., Sergeichev, I. Investigation of Static and Dynamic Loading of Dioxide-Zirconium Ceramics and Zirconium Alumina Concrete (2003) Brittle Matrix Composites 7, pp. 75-80.
  • Bragov, A.M., Brichikov, S., Gray III, G.T., Kozlov, E., Lomunov, A.K., Petrovtsev, A., Sergeichev, I.V. The influence of temperature, strain rate history and shock preloading in the region of phase transition for armco-iron (2003) Journal De Physique. IV : JP, 110, pp. 761-766.
  • Akopov, F., Bragov, A.M., Demenko, P., Kruszka, L., Lomunov, A.K., Mineev, V., Sergeichev, I.V. Static and dynamic response of ceramics and zirconium alumina concrete materials (2003) Journal De Physique. IV : JP, 110, pp. 231-236.
  • M.Bragov, P.V.Demenko, A.K.Lomunov, I.V.Sergeichev, L.Kruszka  Investigation of behavior of materials of different physical nature using the Kolsky method and its modifications // “New Experimental Methods in Material Dynamics and Impact”, Trends in Mechanics of Materials, eds. W.K.Nowacki, J.R.Klepaczko, Warsaw, 2001, p.337-348.
  • M.Bragov, A.K.Lomunov, and I.V.Sergeichev  Modification of the Kolsky method for studying properties of low-density materials under high-velocity cyclic strain // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2001, Vol. 42, No.6, pp.1090-1094
  • M.Bragov, P.V.Demenko, L.Kruszka, A.K.Lomunov, I.V.Sergeichev Évaluation de la compressibilité dynamique et de la résistance au cisaillement pour une large gamme de pressions et de vitesses de déformation Investigation of dynamic compressibility and shear resistance of soft soils in a wide range of strain rate and pressure // “Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering”, Mestat (ed.) 2002, Presses de lENPC/LCPC, Paris, p.909-917.
  • M.Bragov, V.L. Kotov., A.K.Lomunov, I.V.Sergeichev  Measurement of the Dynamic Characteristics of Soft Soils using the Kolsky Method // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 2004, Vol. 45, No.4, pp.580-585
  • M.Bragov, A.K.Lomunov, I.V.Sergeichev, W. Proud, K. Tsembelis, and P. Church A Method for Determining the Main Mechanical Properties of Soft Soils at High Strain Rates (103-105s-1) and Load Amplitudes up to Several Gigapascals // Technical Physics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 6, 2005, pp. 530-531.
  • Bragov, A. Konstantinov, A. Lomunov, I. Sergeichev and B. Fedulov. Experimental and numerical analysis of high strain rate response of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy// J.Phys. IV. France, Volume 2, 2009, pp. 1465 – 1470.
  • E. Ushakov, A.A. Safonov, I.V. Sergeichev, B.N. Fedulov, E.I. Kornienko, M.A. Timofeev, A.V. Izotov, Yu. G. Klenin, N.V. Rozin. Structural design and optimization of vacuum infusion manufacturing process for the fiberglass hopper car body. Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, Volume 7, 2015, pp. 77 – 89.
  • E. Ushakov, A.A. Safonov, I.V. Sergeichev, B.N. Fedulov, I.V. Makarenko, Yu. G. Klenin Strength Analysis and Process Simulation of Subway Contact Rail Support Bracket of Composite Materials //Applied Composite Materials · May 2016,  DOI: 10.1007/s10443-016-9495-2
  • Ushakov, A.E., Safonov, A.A., Sergeichev, I.V., Konstantinov, A.Y., Antonov, F.K. Modeling process-induced deformations of structural elements made of composite materials (2014) Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, 43 (1), pp. 36-41
  • Sergeichev, I.V., Antonov, F.K., Safonov, A.A., Ushakov, A.E. Estimation of residual strength of components of composite constructions after low-speed impact (2013) Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, 42 (1), pp. 29-35.

Scientific collections and scientific periodicals

    • E. Ushakov, A. A. Safonov, I. V. Sergeichev, F. K. Antonov, A. Yu. Konstantinov. Determination of the strength of composite structures in the presence of process-induced deformations and initial defects // Bulletin of Skoltech. 2013. No. 1, p. 43-48.
    • Lomakin E.V., Sergeichev I.V., Antonov F. K., Safonov A.A, Ushakov A.E. Numerical assessment of residual strength of composite structures subjected to low-velocity impact on the base of through-hole approximation. // Bulletin of Skoltech. 2013. №1, p. 49-55.



  • Patents
    • Sergeichev I. V., Safonov A. A., Konstantinov A. Yu., Antonov F. K. Program on determination of physical and mechanical properties of composite materials with complex schemes of reinforcement on the basis of meso – and micro-level numerical simulations. The certificate of state registration of computer programs No. 2014660713. 14.10.2014.
    • Sergeichev I. V., Safonov A. A., Konstantinov A. Yu., Program for modeling of viscoelastic behavior of thermosetting orthotropic composite material during polymerization. The certificate of state registration of computer programs No. 2014660714. 14.10.2014.



  1. Conference proceedings
    • Sergeichev I, Batyrshin E, Mullayanov A, Chugunov S, Abaimov S, Akhatov I Voids in fiber reinforced thermosetting polymers: Formation, structure and mechanical behavior // ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials (2017).
    • Eduard S. Batyrshin, Yuriy S. Zamula, Svyatoslav S. Chugunov, Ivan V. Sergeichev, Iskander S. Akhatov Mechanical characterization of polymer-based composite materials at micro- and nanoscale using AFM // APM 2018 Proceedings.
    • Sergeichev, E.Batyrshin, A.Mullayanov, S.Chugunov, S.Abaimov, I.Akhatov Voids in fiber reinforced thermosetting polymers: formation, structure and mechanical behavior // Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Composite Materials Xi’an, 20-25th August 2017.
    • Sergeichev, R. Mahbubur Md, A.Safonov, E. Batyrshin, A. Mullayanov, I.,Akhatov Microscale experimental analysis and simulation of crack initiation and propagation in polymer matrix composites // Proceedings of Skoltech & MIT conference “Shaping the future: big data, biomedicine and frontier technologies” Skolkovo innovation center, Moscow, April 25th-26th, 2017.
    • Toubia E.A., Mahbubur R. Md., Sergeichev I.V., Effect of core joints on axial fatigue of composite sandwich structures // Proceedings of conf. «The Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX», Anaheim, CA, 26-29th September 2016
    • Sergeichev, A. Safonov, A. Ushakov, N. Rozin. Structural Design and Optimization of Vacuum Infusion Manufacturing Process for the Fiberglass Hopper Car Body. Proceedings of 16th European Conference on Composite Materials ECCM16, Seville, Spain, June 22-26, 2014.
    • V. Sergeichev, B.N. Fedulov, A.A. Safonov, A.E. Ushakov, “Design and manufacturing of the vacuum infused fiberglass hopper car body” SAMPE Conference Proceedings. Baltimore, MD, May 18-21, 2015. Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering.
    • Sergeichev I.V., Ushakov A.E., Safonov A.A., Fedulov B.N., Fedorenko A.N., Brouwer W.D., Timofeev M.A., Klenin Yu.G. Design of the composite tank-container for multimodal transportations of chemically aggressive fluids and petrochemicals // Proceedings of conf.  «The Composites and Advanced Materials Expo», Dallas, 27-29th October 2015.
    • Sergeichev I.V., Ushakov A.E., Safonov A.A., Fedulov B.N., Fedorenko A.N., Brouwer W.D., Timofeev M.A., Klenin Yu.G. Structural design and strength analysis of the tank-container with composite tank for multimodal transportations of chemically aggressive fluids and petrochemical products//conf. «20th International Conference on Composite Materials», Copenhagen, 19-24th July 2015.
    • M.Bragov, G.T.Gray III, E.A.Kozlov, A.K.Lomunov, A.V.Petrovtsev, I.V.Sergeichev High strain rate of Armco-iron and 30CGSA steel: the influence of temperature, strain history and shock loading in the region of α-β transition // Fifth International Symposium on behavior of dense media under high dynamic pressures HDP-V, Saint-Malo, France, June 23-27, 2003. Tome I, p.297-309.
    • M.Bragov, A.K.Lomunov, I.V.Sergeichev, G.T.Gray III Dynamic behavior of birch and sequoia at high strain rates // “Shock Compression of Condensed Matter”. Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group “APS-845″ held in Baltimore, Maryland, July 31-August 5, 2005, Melville, New York, 2006, p.1511-1514
    • M.Bragov, A.K.Lomunov, I.V.Sergeichev, S.A.Brichikov, E.A.Kozlov, A.V.Petrovtsev, G.T.Gray III The Influence of Temperature, Strain Rate History and Shock Preloading in the Region of α~e Phase Transition on the Mechanical Behavior of Armco-Iron // Abstracts of International Conference “VII Zababakhin Scientific Talks”. Snezhinsk, September 8-12, 2003, RFNC-VNIITF, p.159-160.
    • M.Bragov, A.K.Lomunov, I.V.Sergeichev, G.T.Gray III, L.Kruszka Dynamic behavior of structural woods at high strain rates // Abstracts of Fifth International Symposium on Impact Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK, 11-15 July, 2004,p.10.
    • Bragov, A.Lomunov, I.Sergeichev, W.Proud, K.Tsembelis Investigation of dynamic compressibility of sand in a wide pressure range // Abstracts of Fifth International Symposium on Impact Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK, 11-15 July, 2004
    • M.Bragov, A.K.Lomunov, I.V.Sergeichev, L.Kruszka Dynamic Behavior of Soils and Rocks in a Wide Pressure Range // XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. August 15-21, 2004, Warsaw, Poland. SM20S_10374.
    • M.Bragov, A.K.Lomunov, I.V.Sergeichev High-speed behavior of some shape memory alloys // “Shock Compression of Condensed Matter”. Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society Topical Group “APS-845″ held in Baltimore, Maryland, July 31-August 5, 2005, Melville, New York, 2006, p.705-708.
    • Safonov A. A., Sergeichev I. V., Konstantinov A. Yu. Modeling of flow stress in the manufacture of products from composite materials by the method of vacuum infusion. // XXIV international Innovation conference for young scientists and students (MIMUS – 2012) (Moscow, October 24-26, 2012). / M: Publishing house of IMASH ran, 2012.
    • Lomakin E.V., Sergeichev I.V., Antonov F. K., Ushakov A.E., Safonov A.A. Numerical assessment of residual strength of composite structures subjected to low-velocity impact on the base of through-hole approximation. Euromech Colloquium n. 541 New Advances in the Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Composites for Smart Engineering Design Senigallia, Italy, June 3-6, 2013.
    • Ushakov A.E., Safonov A.A., Klenin Y.G., Izotov A.V., Sergeichev I.V., Fedulov B.N. Structural design and strength analysis of a new composite roof for a typical hopper car. Proceedings of Symposium: Design with Composites, CompositesWeek@Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, September 18, 2013.
    • Safonov A. A., Konstantinov A. Yu., Sergeichev I., F. K. Antonov, A. E. Ushakov determination of the strength of composite structures in the presence of process-induced deformations and initial defects such as delaminations //Engineering systems-2013. Program and abstracts of the International forum. Moscow. 15-16 April 2013 – 60.
    • Safonov A. A., Konstantinov A. Yu., Sergeichev I., F. K. Antonov, A. E. Ushakov determination of the strength of composite structures in the presence of process-induced deformations and initial defects such as delaminations //Engineering systems-2013. Program and abstracts of the International forum. Moscow. 15-16 April 2013 – 60.
    • V. Sergeichev, B.N. Fedulov, A.A. Safonov, A.E. Ushakov, Yu G. Klenin, A.V. Izotov. Structural Design, Strength Analysis and Numerical Modeling of Vacuum Infusion Manufacturing Process of Composite Roof for Hopper Car. Proceedings of Conference SAMPE Tech, Wichita, Kansas, October 21-24, 2013.
    • Sergeichev I.V., Fedulov B. N., Safonov A. A., Ushakov A. E. Strength calculation design of car body made of composite material //Engineering systems-2014. Program and abstracts of the International forum. Moscow. 07-08 April 2014
    • Sergeichev I. V., F. K. Antonov, A. E. Ushakov, Karabutov A. A.,Safonov A. A. Verification method of calculation of damage to structures made of composites under low-velocity impact conditions // International conference “Deformation and fracture of composite materials and structures. Deformation and Failure of Composite Materials and Structures (DFCMS-2014), Moscow, 10-13 November 2014
    • Konstantinov A. Yu., Sergeichev I. V., Safonov A. A. Modeling of the technological process of manufacturing products from a thermoplastic composite materials by the method of automated layout // International conference “Deformation and fracture of composite materials and structures. Deformation and Failure of Composite Materials and Structures (DFCMS-2014), Moscow, 10-13 November 2014
    • Sergeichev I. V., M. M. Kantor, A. Safonov Modeling of process machine products from thermoplastic composite materials // International conference “Deformation and fracture of composite materials and structures. Deformation and Failure of Composite Materials and Structures (DFCMS-2014), Moscow, 10-13 November 2014
    • Fedulov B. N., Sergeichev I. V., Safonov A. A. Modeling of draping a two-dimensional textile preforms on the basis of the model of nonlinear shift // international conference “Deformation and fracture of composite materials and structures. Deformation and Failure of Composite Materials and Structures (DFCMS-2014), Moscow, 10-13 November 2014
    • Antonov, I. Sergeichev, A. Ushakov, A. Safonov. Ply-by-ply damage modeling of composite structural elements subjected to low-velocity impact. Proceedings of International Workshop “Failure of Heterogeneous Materials under Intensive Loading: Experiment and Multi-scale Modeling”, 10-14 February 2014, Perm, Russia.

1999 B.S. (Solid Mechanics), Nizhny Novgorod State University (NNSU), Department of Mechanics and Mathematics
2000 M.S. (Solid Mechanics), NNSU, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics
2003 PhD, (Solid Mechanics), NNSU, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics
PhD thesis “Experimental study of materials of different physical nature by Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar and its modifications”

Research Interests:

Fatigues testing and simulation of CFR/GFR composites, experimental verification of constitutive material models

Past projects:

2013: Development of recommendations on the modeling of manufacturing process of large-scale composite structures by vacuum infusion taking into account technological defects

2014: Development of methods for numerical modeling of static and dynamic behavior of large-scale composite structures with complex reinforcement schemes

2015: Development of mathematical models for determination of design parameters that characterizing material state of airframe structural components and development of standards for data representation of the complex virtual simulation



Svyatoslav Chugunov
Leading Research Scientist
Aleksey Khaziev
Leading Research Scientist
Vyacheslav Em
Senior Research Scientist
Alexey Fedorenko
Senior Research Scientist
Viktor Grishaev
Senior Research Scientist
Vladimir Oborin
Senior Research Scientist
Petr Zhilyaev
Senior Research Scientist
Julia Bondareva
Research Scientist
Radmir Karamov
Research Scientist
Ivan Karpov
Junior Research Scientist

1. Finite Element Analysis,  MA030355, Term 5 Fall,  3 credit course, MS/PhD

2. Structural Analysis and Design, MA060067, Term 2 Fall, 6 credit course, MS/PhD

3.Digital Certification of Composite Structures, MA030357, Term 7 Spring, 3 credit course, MS/PhD