
Sergey Grebenkin

Supervisor: Evgeny Chuvilin


Carrying out experimental modeling of the processes of hydrate formation, hydrate dissociation, CH4-CO2 replacement in sediments. Creation of a comprehensive research methodology, including the design of experimental equipment, adaptation of equipment for the study of gas hydrates, create test schemes, data processing. Participation and management of scientific projects. Teaching students and staff methods of laboratory research.

University of graduation:

Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

Science Expeditions:

03.14 – 04.14 Six Arctic Russian-American expedition.
Area of work: Laptev sea, Tiksi region, Saha(Yakutia) republic
Position: geocryologist
Responsibilities: drilling of geocryology boreholes, determination of thermal and physical properties of rock samples, cameral processing of data
04.13 – 05.13 Fifth Arctic Russian-American expedition.
Area of work: Laptev sea, Tiksi region, Saha(Yakutia) republic
Position: geocryologist
Responsibilities: drilling of geocryology boreholes, determination of thermal and physical properties of rock samples, cameral processing of data
06.12 – 09.12 Russian-Norwegian project to study the processes of thermal abrasion and thermal erosion on the Ural coast of Baydara bay
Area of work: Ural coast of Baydara bay,Yamal-Nenets AO
Position: geocryologist
Responsibilities: drilling of geocryology boreholes, geodesic profiling of the coast, cameral processing of data


1. Chuvilin E., Zhmaev M., Grebenkin S. Gas permeability behavior in frozen sand controlled by formation and dissociation of pore gas hydrates. Geosciences (Switzerland), 2022, Vol. 12, no. 9, P. 321 []
2. E. Chuvilin, S. Grebenkin, and M. Zhmaev. Gas permeability of sandy sediments: Effects of phase changes in pore ice and gas hydrates. Energy and Fuels, 2021 [DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00366]
3. E. Chuvilin, B. Bukhanov, S. Grebenkin, V. Tumskoy, N. Shakhova, O. Dudarev, I. Semiletov, and M. Spasennykh. Thermal properties of sediments in the east siberian arctic seas: A case study in the buor-khaya bay. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 123:104672, 2021. [DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104672]
4. E. Chuvilin, J. Stanilovskaya, A. Titovsky, A. Sinitsky, N. Sokolova, B. Bukhanov, M. Spasennykh, A. Cheremisin, S. Grebenkin, D. Davletshina, and Ch. Badetz. A gas-emission crater in the erkuta river valley, yamal peninsula: Characteristics and potential formation model. GEOSCIENCES, 10(170), 2020. [ ]
5. E. M. Chuvilin, D. A. Davletshina, B. A. Bukhanov, S. I. Grebenkin, V. A. Istomin, D. V. Sergeeva, Ch Badetz, and J. V. Stanilovskaya. Effect of gas composition and pressure on pore water freezing point in gas-saturated sediments: An experimental study. Kriosfera Zemli (Earth’s Cryosphere), 23(5):44–49, 2019. [ ]
6. Chuvilin Evgeny, Ekimova Valentina, Bukhanov Boris, Grebenkin Sergey, Shakhova Natalia, and Semiletov Igor. Role of salt migration in destabilization of intra permafrost hydrates in the arctic shelf: Experimental modeling. GEOSCIENCES, 9(188), 2019. [ ]
7. E. M. Chuvilin and S. I. Grebenkin. Dissociation of gas hydrates in frozen sands: Effect on gas permeability. Kriosfera Zemli (Earth’s Cryosphere), 22(1):41–45, 2018. [ ]
8. Chuvilin Evgeny, Bukhanov Boris, Davletshina Dinara, Grebenkin Sergey, and Istomin Vladimir. Dissociation and self-preservation of gas hydrates in permafrost. GEOSCIENCES, 8(12), 2018. []
9. In Russian:
10. E. M. Chuvilin, S. I. Grebenkin, D. A. Davletshina, M. V. Zhmayev. Vliyaniye gidratoobrazovaniya na izmeneniye gazopronitsayemosti merzlykh peschanykh porod. Kriosfera zemli, 24(2):40–47, 2020. [ ]
11. E. M. Chuvilin, D. A. Davletshina, B. A. Bukhanov, S. I. Grebenkin, M. V. Ogiyenko, Ch. Badets, J. V. Stanilovskaya. Vliyaniye sostava i davleniya gaza na teplofizicheskiye svoystva gazonasyshchennogo peschanogo grunta v merzlom i talom sostoyaniyakh. Kriosfera zemli, 24(1):57–63, 2020. []
12. E. M. Chuvilin, D. A. Davletshina, B. A. Bukhanov, S. I. Grebenkin, V. A. Istomin, D. V. Sergeyeva, Ch. Badets, J. V. Stanilovskaya. Eksperimental’noye izucheniye vliyaniya sostava i davleniya gaza na temperaturu zamerzaniya porovoy vody v gazonasyshchennykh porodakh. Kriosfera zemli, 23(5):49–57, 2019. [ ]
13. E. M. Chuvilin, S. I. Grebenkin, M. V. Zhmayev. Vliyaniye gidrato- i l’doobrazovaniya na gazopronitsayemost’ peschanykh porod. Vesti gazovoy nauki, (3 (35)):264–273, 2018.
14. E. M. Chuvilin, S. I. Grebenkin. Izmeneniye gazopronitsayemosti merzlykh gidratonasyshchennykh peschanykh porod pri dissotsiatsii gazovykh gidratov. Kriosfera zemli, 22(1):44–50, 2018. [doi: 10.21782/kz1560-7496-2018-1(44-50)]
15. E. M. Chuvilin, S. I. Grebenkin, M. Sakle. Vliyaniye vlagosoderzhaniya na pronitsayemost’ peschanykh porod v merzlom i talom sostoyaniyakh. Kriosfera zemli, 20(3):71–78, 2016. [ ]

Development and justification of a complex of laboratory studies of hydrate-containing core