Supervisor: Artem Abakumov
Mikhail Pugach is a senior research scientist at the Center for Energy Science and Technology at Skoltech. Following a M.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics in 2015 at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), he received PhD in “Engineering Systems” at Skoltech in 2020, had several internships in The University of Manchester (UK), University of Pisa (Italy) and Landshut University of Applied Science (Germany). Mikhail is leading the research in the field of new generation energy storage systems focusing on their modeling, design optimization and control.
Михаил Пугач — старший научный сотрудник Сколтеха, PhD (Сколтех) в области инженерных систем, проходил научно-исследовательскую практику в University of Manchester (UK), University of Pisa (Италия) и Landshut University of Applied Science (Германия), а также преподавал в российских университетах (МФТИ, Сколтех). Михаил руководит исследованиями в области систем хранения и преобразования энергии для электрических сетей нового поколения, уделяя особое внимание их моделированию, оптимизации и управлению.
Research area: energy storage systems
Energy-dense and Durable Nonaqueous Redox Flow Batteries enabled by Flowing Solid-state Capacity Boosters
Development of a sustainable hybrid storage system based on high power vanadium redox flow battery and supercapacitor – technology (HyFLow, Horizon 2020)
Computer aided desing for next generation flow batteries (CompBat, Horizon 2020)