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Sergei Boronin

Sergei has a strong background in fluid mechanics with the particular focus on modeling multiphase and particle-laden flows. He received his MSc and Candidate of Sciences degrees at Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, in 2005 and 2008 respectively. In 2002-2012, while working at the Laboratory of Multiphase Fluid Mechanics of the MSU Institute of Mechanics, Sergei led the theoretical study of hydrodynamic stability of shear particle-laden flows. In 2006-2011, Sergei carried out applied research activities in multiphase fluid mechanics at the Schlumberger Moscow Research as a part-time scientific consultant. In 2011, Sergei has joined University of Brighton in UK as a Research Fellow where he led the theoretical study of hydrodynamic instability and break-up of multiphase jets for 9 months.  From mid-2012 to the end of 2016, Sergei was a full-time Senior Research Scientist with Schlumberger Moscow Research, carrying out mathematical modelling of multiphase particle-laden flows during hydraulic fracturing and fracture flowback.

Since 2017, Sergei has joined Skoltech and occupied different positions (Senior Research Scientist, Leading Research Scientist, and Assistant Professor);  since 2023 he is leading Laboratory for digital modelling of multiphase systems in oil&gas industry (in Project Center for Energy Transition and ESG).

Sergei led, or contributed to, 8 academic research projects under governmental grants and 8 applied research projects in Schlumberger.

While in Skoltech, Sergei has led or contributed to successful implementation of over 15 industrial research projects related to development of oilfield and CCUS technologies.

He is the author of over 65 publications including 25 papers in top international and Russian peer-reviewed fluid mechanics journals. He is also an author of 8 patents and patent applications.

  • Proppant transport in hydraulic fractures, complex rheology of frac fluids (viscoplastic and viscoelastic);
  • Fines transport in porous media with associated dynamics of permeability due to particle trapping and mobilization;
  • Water flooding, low-salinity effects on oil displacement;
  • Fracture cleanup and flowback, short-term (at well start-up) and long-term (at production) degradation of fracture conductivity due to geomechanics and fluid mechanics effects;
  • Hydrodynamic stability, laminar-turbulent transition of particle-laden flows;
  • Geological CO2 storage; evaluation of geomechanical risks

Selected peer-reviewed papers (out of 25, full list is available via links to Scopus/Google Scholar/CV in the left part of the web-page):

  1. Andrey Afanasyev, Artem Penigin, Maria Dymochkina, Elena Vedeneeva, Sergey Grechko, Yulia Tsvetkova, Igor Mikheev, Vladimir Pavlov, Sergei Boronin, Pavel Belovus, Andrei Osiptsov, Reservoir simulation of the CO2 storage potential for the depositional environments of West Siberia, Gas Science and Engineering, Volume 114, 2023, 204980, ISSN 2949-9089
  2. S.A. Boronin, K.I. Tolmacheva, I.A. Garagash, I.R. Abdrakhmanov, G.Yu. Fisher, A.L. Vainshtein, P.K. Kabanova, E.V. Shel, G.V. Paderin, A.A. Osiptsov. (2022) Integrated Modeling of Fracturing-Flowback-Production Dynamics and Calibration on Field Data: Optimum Well Startup Scenarios. Petroleum Science.
  3. Khmelenko, P., Shel, E., Boronin, S., Paderin, G., & Osiptsov, A. (2022). Proppant Packing Near the Fracture Tip during Tip Screenout: Asymptotic Models for Pressure Buildup Calibrated on Field Data and Verified with Two-Continua Simulations. SPE Journal, 1-19.
  4. Redekop, E. P., Boronin, S. A., Tolmacheva, K. I., Burukhin, A. A., Osiptsov, A. A., & Belonogov, E. V. (2021). Effects of salinity and rock clogging on injectivity dynamics of flooding wells: Experiments, modeling and validation on field data. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering202, 108504.
  5. Muravleva, E. A., Derbyshev, D. Y., Boronin, S. A., & Osiptsov, A. A. (2021). Multigrid pressure solver for 2D displacement problems in drilling, cementing, fracturing and EOR. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering196, 107918.
  6. Osiptsov, A. A., Garagash, I. A., Boronin, S. A., Tolmacheva, K. I., Lezhnev, K. E., & Paderin, G. V. (2020). Impact of flowback dynamics on fracture conductivity. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering188, 106822.
  7. Boronin, S. A., & Osiptsov, A. N. (2020). Stability of a vertical Couette flow in the presence of settling particles. Physics of Fluids32(2), 024104.
  8. Dontsov, E. V., Boronin, S. A., Osiptsov, A. A., & Derbyshev, D. Y. (2019). Lubrication model of suspension flow in a hydraulic fracture with frictional rheology for shear-induced migration and jamming. Proceedings of the Royal Society A475(2226), 20190039..
  9. Tolmacheva, K. I., Boronin, S. A., & Osiptsov, A. A. (2019). Formation damage and cleanup in the vicinity of flooding wells: Multi-fluid suspension flow model and calibration on lab data. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 178, 408-418.
  10. Garagash, I. A., Osiptsov, A. A., Boronin, S. A. (2019). Dynamic bridging of proppant particles in a hydraulic fracture. International Journal of Engineering Science, 135, 86-101.
  11. Boronin, S. A. and Osiptsov, A. N. (2018) Effect of settling particles on the stability of a particle-laden flow in a vertical plane channel. Physics of Fluids 30(3), 034102.
  12. Osiptsov, A.A., Boronin, S.A., Zilonova, E.M., Desroches, J. (2018) Managed Saffman-Taylor Instability During Overflush in Hydraulic Fracturing. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 162, 513-523.
  13. Boronin, S. A., and Osiptsov, A. N. (2016). Nonmodal instability of a stratified plane-channel suspension flow with fine particles. Physical Review E, 93(3), 033107.
  14. Boronin, S. A., Osiptsov, A. A. and Desroches, J. (2015). Displacement of yield-stress fluids in a fracture. Intl. J. Multiphase Flow, 76, 47–63.
  15. Boronin, S. A., Healey, J. J. and Sazhin, S. S. (2013). Non-modal stability of round viscous jets. J. Fluid Mech., 716, 96–119.

Other publications:

  • 26 papers in conference proceedings;
  • 36 conference abstracts;
  • 8 RU & US patents/patent applications;
  • 2008 – Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • 2005 – MSc in Mechanics, Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Theoretical fluid mechanics;
  • Multiphase flows;
  • Particle transport;
  • Hydrodynamic stability and flow transition;
  • Multiphase filtration;
  • Fines transport in porous medium;
  • Numerical methods in fluid mechanics;
  • Hydraulic fracturing;
  • Fracture cleanup and production in fractured wells;
  • Geological CO2 storage (CCS/CCUS)
  • Awarded by academician G.I. Petrov Prize for the study “Development of hydrodynamic stability theory of multiphase and particle-laden flows”, February 2018 (
  • The 2-nd degree Diploma for the study “Stability of plane-parallel flows of a dusty gas”, Conference-competition for young scientists, Institute of mechanics, MSU, October, 2005.
  • The 3-rd degree Diploma for the study “Hydrodynamic stability of two-phase flows with a finite volume fraction of inclusions”, Conference-competition for young scientists, Institute of mechanics, MSU, October, 2007.
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University Scholarship for talented young scientists (2009) for the study “Development of the hydrodynamic stability theory for dispersed flows”.
  • Awarded by grant for the support of talented students, post-docs and young scientists of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2009.
  • Leader of the project “Problems of stability and development of local structures in dispersed flows” (Russian Federation Presidential Grant for young Ph.D. researchers 2009-2010, МК-622.2009.1).
  • The 2-nd degree Diploma for the study “Optimal disturbances to dusty-gas boundary-layer flow with a non-uniform particle distribution”, Conference-competition for young scientists, Institute of mechanics, MSU, October, 2012.
  • Diploma for the best oral presentation “Non-modal stability of dispersed flows” [in Russian] at “Fluid Mechanics” section of XI All-Russia congress on fundamental problems in theoretical and applied mechanics, August 20-24 2015, Kazan’.
Evgenii Kanin
Research Scientist

Lecturer of the course: “Advanced Fluid Mechanics: Multiphase Flow Modeling in Energy Transition”

  • Even a drastic decrease in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions cannot halt climate change. There is a greater call for society to deal with the legacy of past industrial production. In a recent episode of the “Physicists and Lyricists” podcast on Mayak Radio (RUS), Assistant Professor Sergey Boronin of the Energy Transition Center delved into the technologies for carbon dioxide capture. He discussed how greenhouse gases can be stored in natural reservoirs underground and highlighted the necessity of constructing new industrial facilities where such storage is feasible. Additionally, he touched on the concept of Energy Transition 4.0. Unlike the previous energy transition waves, this latest approach prioritizes environmental safety over cost.