
Petr Sergiev

Petr Sergiev studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), where he received his PhD degree in 1998.  He  started his career as a Research Scientist at his alma mater and in 2 years he became a faculty member at the Department of Chemistry.  In 2012 Dr. Sergiev organized a center for collective use of equipment of the Belozersky Institute for Physico-Chemical Biology at MSU and in 2015-2016 organized the center for transgene technologies aimed in development of knockout mice models.  He continues to hold a professorial appointment at the Department of Chemistry at MSU.

Prof Sergiev’s  research interests include, among others, expertise in molecular biology, bacterial genetics and genomics, translation and antimicrobials targeting translation apparatus, modification of ribosomal proteins, development of high throughput screening system for protein synthesis inhibitors, design of modern antibiotics, etc. Dr Sergiev authored a large number of publications and several book chapters with more than 800 citations (h =18). He is a winner of a number of prestigious awards including Moscow State University Shuvalov’s Prize (2000) and Russian Academy of Science Belozersky Prize (2016).

In 1998 – 2003 he worked at, or visited leading international universities and research centers, including Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, Germany; Brown University in Providence and University of Maryland at College Park in the USA.

Besides his wide scientific and administrative experience Dr Sergiev has also extensive teaching experience. He has taught a variety of both graduate and undergraduate courses on Molecular and Cell Biology, RNA biosynthesis, Basics of Molecular Biology.

Main focus of Petr’s group is identification and analysis of antibiotics acting on the ribosome. The group of P. Sergiev created a reporter strain of E.coli that contains two sensors of antibiotic action. The red fluorescent protein gene is induced upon DNA damage, caused by antibiotics, such as fluoroquinolones. The far red fluorescent protein gene Katushka2S is induced if cells are treated with inhibitors of protein biosynthesis. The system is well suited for high throughput screening of new antibiotics with the immediate recognition of the molecular target of antibiotic action. Application of this system allowed us to study mechanism of action of several antibiotics.

Work in collaboration with K. Severinov laboratory (Skoltech) and Yury Polikanov laboratory (University of Illinois) lead us to identification of new peptide antibiotic with unusual binding mode. This antibiotic, klebsazolicin binds peptide tunnel in a folded conformation, blocking progression of the nascent peptide.

Our laboratory is also focused on the modification of ribosomal RNA in a range of species. We are working on identification of putative methyltransferase genes that act on rRNA. These enzymes modulate translation and are essential for proper function of several gene expression control mechanisms.

  • Molecular Biology course 1
Molecular biology 1 course is based on learning the principles of replication, recombination and DNA repair. Additionally, replication strategies of phages and viruses will be discussed. Mitosis and meiosis will be described in a context of DNA biosynthesis.
The goal of the course is obtaining a comprehensive knowledge on the structure of DNA and processes of DNA replication, recombination and repair in bacteria and eukaryotes, as well as on replication of phages and viruses.
Students activities include:
-listening to lectures
  • Molecular Biology course 2
Molecular biology 2 course is based on learning the principles description of the basic processes of RNA biosynthesis, i.e. transcription and processing, as well as protein biosynthesis, i.e. translation, maturation and transport.
The purpose of the course is to obtain a detailed knowledge
-On the processes of transcription, in bacteria and eukaryotes
-On the regulation of transcription in bacteria and eukaryotes
-On examples of complex networks of transcriptional regulation in bacteria and eukaryotes
-On maturation of RNA in eukaryotes
-On protein biosynthesis in bacteria and eukaryotes
-On the transport of protein in bacteria and eukaryotes
Students activities include:
-listening to lectures

ФИО: Сергиев Петр Владимирович

Занимаемая должность (должности):  Доцент

Преподаваемые дисциплины: –

Ученая степень: кандидат  химических наук  – 1998,  доктор химических наук – 2008, Московский государственный университет

Ученое звание: нет

Наименование направления подготовки и/или специальности:  Биоорганическая химия

Данные о повышении квалификации и/или профессиональной переподготовке: нет

Общий стаж работы: Более 19 лет

Стаж работы по специальности: 19 лет