Dr. Oleg Y. Rogov is the Senior Research Scientist at the Laboratory of Computational Intelligence. He earned his candidate of sciences degree in physics and mathematics at the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia) in 2020, and Specialist degree in Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) in 2012. Head of the Reliable and Secure Intelligent Systems Group at AIRI where his team focuses on delivering critical solutions in Trustworthy AI.
Prior to joining Skoltech, Dr. Rogov had been a Senior data analyst at the Innoscripta Gmbh. (Munich, Germany), where he had been leading various projects ranging from computer vision and natural language processing to financial risks management. He had been a visiting researcher at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences where he developed hybrid machine translation solutions. His industrial background also includes a delivery of critical data science solutions at the JSC DOM.RF Bank.
Dr. Rogov has established a new theoretical, experimental and computational approach for developing ultrachiral metamaterials, resulting in impactful publications in reputable journals, such as Physical Review Letters, Applied Physics Letters and Nature Scientific Reports. His scientific record includes more than 30 peer-reviewed publications and 3 international patents.
Active projects:
Completed projects:
Kaggle competition medal from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
I место на конкурсе научных работ – ИК им. А.В. Шубникова (2018)
II место на конкурсе научных работ студентов и аспирантов – ФУ при правительстве РФ (2017)
II place diploma – Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials XX (Numerical methods section), Oxford, UK (2017)