
Olga Burenina

Supervisor: Olga Dontsova

Olga graduated with honours from Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, in 2009 and stayed for PhD project devoted to investigation of transcription regulation by small noncoding RNAs in bacteria. She has got PhD degree in 2014 and continued her scientific and teaching activities in MSU as a staff researcher.
During her PhD research she was a member of the joint Russian-German programme “International Research Training Group” funded by RFBR-DFG and regularly worked at Philipps-University Marburg and University of Giessen (Germany). Olga took part in a set of projects funded by RFBR and RSF grants and has authored a number of scientific publications.
Olga joined Skoltech in 2017 for a new project devoted to investigation of novel long noncoding RNAs in liver.


  • Long non-coding RNAs and their role in gene expression and carcinogenesis
  • Search for novel long noncoding RNAs as potential biomarkers of liver cancers
  • Burenina O.Y., Oretskaya T.S., Kubareva E.A. Non-coding RNAs as transcriptional regulators in eukaryotes. Acta Naturae. 2017. V. 9, №4. P. 13–25.
  • Elkina D.A., Weber L., Lechner M., Burenina O.Y., Kubareva E.A., Hartmann R.K., Klug G. 6S RNA in the photosynthetic α-proteobacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides: expression profile, pRNA synthesis and deletion phenotype. RNA Biology. 2017. V. 14, №11. P. 1627–1637.
  • Hoch P.G., Burenina O.Y., Weber M.H., Elkina D.A., Nesterchuk M.V., Sergiev P.V., Hartmann R.K., Kubareva E.A. Phenotypic characterization and complementation analysis of Bacillus subtilis 6S RNA single and double deletion mutants. Biochimie. 2015. V. 117. P. 87–99.
  • Burenina O.Y., Elkina D.A., Hartmann R.K., Oretskaya T.S., Kubareva E.A. Small noncoding 6S RNAs of bacteria. Biochemistry (Moscow)2015. V. 80, №11. P. 1429–1446.
  • Damm K, Bach S., Müller K., Klug G., Burenina O.Y., Kubareva E.A., Grünweller A., Hartmann R. The impact of RNA isolation protocols on RNA detection by northern blotting. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2015. V. 1296. P. 29–38.
  • Damm K, Bach S., Müller K., Klug G., Burenina O.Y., Kubareva E.A., Grünweller A., Hartmann R. Improved northern-blot detection of small RNAs using EDC crosslinking and DNA/LNA probes. Methods in Molecular Biology2015. V. 1296. P. 41–51.
  • Burenina O.Y., Hoch P.G., Damm K., Salas M., Zatsepin T.S., Lechner M., Oretskaya T.S., Kubareva E.A., Hartmann R.K. Mechanistic comparison of Bacillus subtilis 6S-1 and 6S-2 RNAs – commonalities and differences. RNA. 2014. V. 20, №3. P. 348–359.
  • Burenina O.Y, Fedotova E.A., Ryazanova A.Y, Protsenko A.S., Zakharova M.V., Karyagina A.S., Solonin A.S., Oretskaya T.S., Kubareva E.A. Peculiarities of the regulation of gene expression in the Ecl18kI restriction–modification system. Acta Naturae. 2013. V. 5. № 2 (17), P. 70–80.
  • Beckmann B.M., Burenina O.Y., Hoch P.G., Kubareva E.A., Sharma C.M., Hartmann R.K. In vivo and in vitro analysis of 6S RNA-templated short transcripts in Bacillus subtilis.  RNA Biology. 2011. V. 8 (5). P. 839-849.
  • 2014 Ph.D. (Doctorate) in chemical sciences, speciality: bioorganic chemistry
    Lomonosov Moscow State University,  Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia
  • 2009 Chemist, Specialist of Science Degree (Diploma)
    Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, Moscow, Russia