Nikolay is an expert in the field of inverse and ill-posed problems of mathematical physics, graduated from M.V. Lomonosov MSU (Department of Physics) in 2008. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 2012 at MSU. The research has been devoted to inverse problems in electronic microscopy and provided at the MSU and Chalmers University (Sweden, Gothenburg). Before joining Skoltech at the end of 2018, Nikolay worked in many areas of science and industry, including inverse problems of voltammetry (electrochemistry), fast inversion of sinograms (X-ray tomography, 2015-2017, Brazil, Campinas), globally convergent methods for Cauchy problems (2016-2018, USA, Charlotte), globally convergent methods for coefficient inverse problems (2017-2018, USA, Charlotte). Currently, the main research area of Nikolay is magneto- and electroencephalography (MEG and EEG).
Course “Scientific Computing”