I received my PhD degree from the Department of Physics, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 2013. At the beginning of my postdoctoral studies I concentrated on developing the axiomatic approach in quantum field theory. In recent years I’ve become interested in quantum information theory and completely switched to this field. My main area of research is entanglement theory.
I started my scientific work in the field of quantum information theory with deriving lower bounds on several measures of bipartite entanglement, which were concerned with projection of the state under consideration on some entangled subspace. As the bounds involved characteristics of the subspaces, I proceeded with investigating entangled subspaces themselves. At the same time I became interested in tensor diagrams thanks to my acquaintance with Prof. Jacob Biamonte, who was connected with the scientific school of Prof. Bob Coecke. With the use of the diagrammatic compositional tools I proposed methods of constructing multipartite genuinely entangled subspaces (GESs). In comparison to the well known unextendible product bases (UPB) method, my approach provides more control over the properties of the obtained subspaces and their states. I extended the mentioned above bipartite lower bounds to the ones on genuine multipartite entanglement measures. These results also provide estimates on robustness of genuine entanglement in terms of norms of noise operators. Recently I’ve been developing a general compositional approach, the isometric mapping method, which allows one to generate useful multipartite states and subspaces with other forms of entanglement: r-uniform subspaces, including the ones in heterogeneous systems; NPT and distillable subspaces. These objects are relevant in various protocols of quantum information processing, for example, r-uniform subspaces have direct connection with pure quantum error correcting codes. I am planning to continue research in these directions and also aim at investigating the role of entanglement in concrete physical settings such as ultracold quantum gases and other interacting many-body systems.
A. Kardashin, E. Balkybek, V. V. Palyulin, and K. Antipin, “Predicting properties of quantum systems by regression on a quantum computer”, Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013201 (2025) DOI
K. V. Antipin, “On generating r-uniform subspaces with the isometric mapping method”, Modern Physics Letters A 39, 2350185 (2024) DOI
K. V. Antipin, “Construction of genuinely entangled multipartite subspaces from bipartite ones by reducing the total number of separated parties”, Physics Letters A 445, 128248 (2022) DOI
K. V. Antipin, “Construction of genuinely entangled subspaces and the associated bounds on entanglement measures for mixed states“, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 505303 (2021) DOI
Andreev P.A., Antipin K.V., Trukhanova M. Iv, “A bosonic bright soliton in a mixture of repulsive Bose–Einstein condensate and polarized ultracold fermions under the influence of pressure evolution”, Laser Phys. 31, 015501 (2021) DOI
K. V. Antipin, “Lower bounds on concurrence and negativity from a trace inequality”, Modern Physics Letters A 35, 2050254 (2020) DOI
Antipin K.V., Dubikovsky A.I., Silaev P.K., “Some properties of the dynamics of collapse in massive and massless relativistic theories of gravity”, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 187, 548 (2016) DOI
Antipin K.V. “LSZ reduction formula in noncommutative quantum field theory and its consequences,” Modern Physics Letters A 30, 1550116 (2015) DOI
Antipin K.V., Vernov Yu S., Mnatsakanova M.N., “Von Neumann’s uniqueness theorem in theories with nonphysical particles”, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 12, 282 (2015) DOI
Antipin K.V., Mnatsakanova M.N., Vernov Yu. S. ,”Haag’s theorem in noncommutative quantum field theory”, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 76, 965 (2013) DOI
Antipin K.V., Mnatsakanova M.N., Vernov Yu. S. , “Haag’s theorem in the theories with nonphysical particles”, International Journal of Modern Physics A 28, 1350076 (2013) DOI
Antipin K.V., Mnatsakanova M.N., Vernov Yu. S., “Extension of Haag’s theorem in the case of the lorentz invariant noncommutative quantum field theory in a space with arbitrary dimension”, Moscow University Physics Bulletin 66, 349 (2011) DOI
Ph.D., Theoretical Physics, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2013
Dissertation: Haag’s theorem in commutative and noncommutative variants of quantum field theory.
Dissertation Advisor: Prof. Yu. S. Vernov, Ph. D., JINR
Diplom (Specialist), Physics, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2010
Concentrations: Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Physics
Thesis: Extension of Haag’s theorem to the case of SO(1,k)-invariant theory.
Quantum Information. Entanglement theory. Quantum error correction. Application of tensor diagrams in quantum information theory