CV (Eng, Rus)
Scopus: 50161807500
ORCID: 0000-0002-6721-6530
WOS: C-3774-2014
SPIN: 2826-1111
Google Scholar: link
PhD/MSc thesis projects available
• Methane pyrolysis to produce turquoise hydrogen
• Tandem modification of aerosol particles for optoelectronics
• From polymer wastes to nanocarbons
• Materials for CO2 capture
• CVD synthesis of high quality graphene
• Advanced filtration of aerosols with membranes
Science career
• Skoltech (2017- ; Laboratory of Nanomaterials)
• Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (2008-2017; Laboratory of Nanostructured Carbon Materials)
• Novosibirsk State University (2007-2012; Department of Natural Sciences)
Skoltech Teaching Acitvities
• Catalysis (instructror; 2022-2024)
• Aerosol Science and Technology (co-instructror; 2018-2022)
• Carbon Nanomaterials (lecture on “Mechanisms for nanocarbon formation”; exercise on carbon nanotube growth; 2017 – 2025)
• Design of Chemical Sensors: from Fundamentals to Applications (lecture on “Surface chemistry”; exercise on CVD synthesis of materials; 2021 – 2024)
• Nanomaterials E&I (exercise on nanotube synthesis; 2023-2024)
• Industrial immersion coordinator for educational track “physics” (organization of 8-week summer internships for MSc students in industrial companies; 2021-2025)
Student (co-)supervision
1. Vsevolod Iakovlev “Advanced synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotube films by aerosol CVD method for electro-optical applications” PhD thesis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology/Aalto University (2019)
2. Artem Grebenko “Synthesis and charge transport investigation in low-dimensional carbon materials” PhD thesis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2022)
3. Eldar Khabushev “Fine-tuning of single-walled carbon nanotube properties for transparent conductive applications ” PhD thesis of Aalto University (2023)
4. Ilya Novikov “Assembling networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes for electronic and optical applications” PhD thesis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2023)
5. Daniil Ilatovskii “Rational design of single-walled carbon nanotube films for transparent electronics” PhD thesis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2023)
6. Hassaan Ahmad Butt “Carbon nanotube fibers as embedded electrodes for the dual-stage monitoring of multi-functional carbon nanotube nanocomposites” PhD thesis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2023)
7. Javier Antonio Ramirez Benavides “Advanced single-walled carbon nanotube membranes for optoelectromechanical applications” PhD thesis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2024)
8. Alena Alekseeva “Synthesis of carbon nanotubes and application in thin film devices” PhD thesis of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2024)
1. Boris Zabelich “A spark discharge generator for the synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes with tailored characteristics” Master’s thesis in educational program “Photonics and Quantum Materials” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2019)
2. Aisuluu Aitkulova “Novel method of cryo-transfer for CVD graphene” Master’s thesis in educational program “Photonics and Quantum Materials” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2020)
3. Eugene Redekop “Benzenehexathiol metal-organic frameworks and their properties” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2020)
4. Grigory Livshits “Field effect transistors based on single-walled carbon nanotube films” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2020)
5. Nikita Raginov “Fog trap approach for stable carbon nanotube suspensions” Master’s thesis in educational program “Photonics and Quantum Materials” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2020)
6. Alisa Shaikhulova “Ethylene-based aerosol CVD synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes for optoelectronic applications” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2021)
7. Nicole Semenova “Ionic liquid as a dopant for stretchable single-walled carbon nanotube films” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2021)
8. Pornsruang Wiwatanakul “Alignment of single-walled carbon nanotubes on elastic substrates” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2021)
9. Jiraphat Khongthong “Thermoelectric generators based on single-walled carbon nanotube films” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2022)
10. Natalia Khoteeva “Atomic Force Microscopy Visualization and Assessment of Graphene on Non-Conductive Substrates” Master’s thesis in educational program “Photonics and Quantum Materials” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2023).
11. Andrei Parfenov “Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor Deposition for thin films” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2023).
12. German Rogozhkin “Carbon nanotube thin film sensors for monitoring polymer composite behavior” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo In-stitute of Science and Technology (2023).
13. Vlada Shestakova “Development of iron-based catalysts to produce turquoise hydrogen by methane pyrolysis” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2023).
14. Iurii Rogov “Optimization of Properties of Carbon Nanotubes and Composites Based on them for Optoelectronics” Master’s thesis in educational program “Photonics and Quan-tum Materials” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2024).
15. Kirill Malgin “Engineering holey monolayer graphene using the Boudouard reaction” Master’s thesis in educational program “Photonics and Quantum Materials” of the Skol-kovo Institute of Science and Technology (2024).
16. Sergei Shadrov “Determination of the electrical contribution of carbon nanotube fibers to CNT/thermoset nanocomposite monitoring” Master’s thesis in educational program “Ma-terials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2024).
17. Yasir Mir “Aerosol CVD synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes using spark dis-charge generator and ethylene as a carbon source” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2024).
18. Grigorii Chernichuk “Plasma Modification of Carbon Nanotube Thin Films in N2/H2 At-mosphere” Master’s thesis in educational program “Materials Science” of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (2024).
1. Natalia Suryaninova “Aerosol modification of single-walled carbon nanotubes by iron particles encapsulated in a carbon shell Fe@C” qualifying work for bachelor’s degree in “Fundamental and applied physics“, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (2019; in Russian)
2. Alexander Marunchenko “Thermophoretic deposition of thin films of single-walled carbon nanotubes with a tailored orientation” qualifying work for bachelor’s degree in “Fundamental and applied physics“, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (2019; in Russian)
Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk, Russia), the chair of Catalysis and Adsorption, the Department of Natural Sciences (undergraduate student: 2007- 2012, aver. mark “5.0”; PhD student: 2012 – 2015)
Ph.D. in chemistry ” Investigation on the formation of the active component of the catalyst for the CNT growth” (2016)
Skoltech Faculty Excellence Recognition Award 2024
Awardee of All-Russian contest in chemical physics for young scientists 2024
Skoltech award “Innovations in Education” 2023
Award of Moscow government for young scientists 2023
IInd award for oral talk at IV Baikal conference on materials science 2022
Grant of the President of Russia for young scientists providing cutting edge research 2022-2023
Ist award for the poster presentation at IV national congress on catalysis “Ruscatalysis” 2021
Zhores Alferov Scholarship for young scientists in physics and nanotechnology 2020
EdCrunch Award OOC “For the ability to clearly explain the most abstract ideas” 2018
Best oral presentation of IV Scientific Conference “Boreskov Readings” 2017
Ist award in the contest of scientific researches of Boreskov Institute of Catalysis 2015
Diplomas in the contest for young scientist researches of Boreskov Institute of Catalysis 2014, 2016
Winner of personal grant of Prokhorov fund 2013
Scholarship students of “British Petroleum” (2013, Schlumberger (2012) “Baker Hughes” (2011,2010)
Zamaraev stipend for PhD students of Boreskov Institute of Catalysis 2013
Winner of personal grant for innovative research (“U.M.N.I.C.” program of RF) 2013-2015
“EFCATs PhD student award” at XI and XII European congresses on catalysis 2013, 2015
Stipend of the President of Russia for PhD students providing innovative research 2012-2014
Diploma for best talk at workshop “Nanocarbons in electric and medical applications” 2012
Stipend of federal scholarship program of V. Potanin’s foundation 2012
2nd place Diploma of scientific works of all-Russian contest of students and PhD students 2012
Academicians G. K. Boreskov’s and K. I. Zamaraev’s Stipend 2010-2011
Diplomas Scientific Students’ Conference “Student and Scientific-Technological Advance” 2010-2012
V.A. Koptug stipend of the Municipality Novosibirsk 2009-2010
1st place Diploma in the I regional student Olympiad in the field of nanotechnology 2009
Stipend of Scientific Council of Department of Natural Sciences of the NSU 2008
3rd place Diploma all-Siberian school Olympiad in chemistry 2007
Nasty pollutant shown to be the missing ingredient for carbon nanotube films for touchscreens and solar cells (in Russian ; in English)
Physicists have created an optical element for 6G technologies (in Russian; in English)
Scientists have drawn a pattern with a film of carbon nanotubes (in Russian; in English)
Report from Skoltech exhibition “Saturday of Light” (in Russian; timecode – 08:44)
How a pencil can become a real treasure? (In Russian)
Researchers triple carbon nanotube yield for LEDs, solar cells, flexible and transparent electronics
Graphene is an ideal material for any electronics with a thickness of a single atom (In Russian)
New of flexible displays with a long service life (in Russian)
Why there was no nanotube revolution (in Russian)
Carbon monoxide turns into large defectless graphene crystal under ambient pressure
Which machine learning method is the best to operate with nanotubes?
Carbon dioxide capture and popular science (in Russian)
Not graphene, but graphyne (in Russian)
Optimal activation of the catalyst for nanotube growth
Artificial Neural Networks for nanotube synthesis
Student (co-)supervision
• Catalysis (instructror; 2022-2025)
• Aerosol Science and Technology (co-instructror; 2018-2022)
• Carbon Nanomaterials (lecture on “Mechanisms for nanocarbon formation”; exercise on carbon nanotube growth; 2017 – 2024)
• Design of Chemical Sensors: from Fundamentals to Applications (lecture on “Surface chemistry”; exercise on CVD synthesis of materials; 2021 – 2024)
• Nanomaterials E&I (exercise on nanotube synthesis; 2023-2024)
• Industrial immersion coordinator for educational track “physics” (organization of 8-week summer internships for MSc students in industrial companies; 2021-2025)
Novosibirsk State University
• Chemical Kinetics (seminars; 2014-2018)
• Kinetics of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions (lectures; 2016-2017)
• Physical chemistry of Heterogeneous catalysis (lectures; 2017)
• MOOC “Physical Chemistry”
We need more Carbon (In Russian)
Why do we need to protect ourselves from aerosols ? (in Russian)
How catalysts hack chemistry? (in Russian)
How carbon changes our limits of imagination? (in Russian)
Why CO2 capture is important? (in Russian)
Microplatics: how to deal with it? (in Russian)
Should we even bother with carbon capture? (in Russian)
Shor interview on Russia24 (in Russian)
Surface chemistry and nanotechnology (in Russian)
Graphene for future electronics (in Russian)
Nanotubes. Why carbon is the “coolest” chemical element? (in Russian)