
Dmitry Сhudakov

Dmitry Сhudakov studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). Since 2000 Dr Сhudakov has been working at the Shemyakin & Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBCH RAS), where he received his PhD and Doctor of Science degrees in 2003 and 2011, respectively.  In 2017 he became Head of the Department of Genomics of Adaptive Immunity in IBCH RAS. Since 2013, Dmitry has also held a position of Head of the Research group Adaptive Immunity at Central European Institute of Technology in the Czech Republic. In 2016 he founded MiLaboratory LLC company that is currently a Skolkovo Innovation Center resident. Dmitry’s research and innovation activities include, among others, development of molecular tools for the basic and biomedical studies, as well development of new methods to identify PCR and sequencing errors and analyze high-throughput sequencing data. His current focus of interest is the role of clonal T cell and B cell populations in autoimmunity and cancer, quantitative analysis of individual T cell receptor and antibody repertoires in health and disease. Dr Сhudakov participated in more than 60 international conferences in more than 10 countries, mostly as a speaker. He is a holder of several patents, an author of >140 publications in peer reviewed journals, with h = 55, >11,000 citations, WOS. Dmitry was awarded with a number of prestigious prizes including the Presidential Prize in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists (2013). In 2016 he was awarded the title of Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences in Biology.

We work in wet lab and bioinformatics to understand the architecture of human adaptive immunity organization in health and disease, in development and aging. Our loveliest tools are high-throughput profiling of T cell receptor and antibody repertoires with the use of unique molecular identifiers (UMI), followed by advanced data analysis.

2013 – The Presidential Prize in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists 2011 – Most cited publication in BJ Cell group, Paper of the Year 2011 2011 – Award for the best publication in journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2010 – Award for the best publication in the Russian journal “Bioorganic chemistry” 2008 – Award for the best publication in journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2007 – Award for the best publication in the Russian journal “Bioorganic chemistry” 2005 – Award of the Russian Academy of Sciences for young scientists 2006-2007 – Outstanding scientists award, Russian Academy of Sciences 2006 – Award of the European Academy of Sciences

Sofya Kasatskaya
PhD student
Varvara Vishniakova
PhD student
  • Immunology

Number of ECTS credits: 6 Course Classification: Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Data Science, Computational and Data Science and Engineering Course description: The purpose of this course is to lay the foundation for understanding the principles of the human/mammalian immune system functioning. Such a basis is necessary for further professional growth either in the field of fundamental immunology or applied research and development in medical immunology and oncology. This course will also be important for those who want to professionalize in medical practice, pharmaceutical industry, epidemiology and health services management, engineering and business in the field of biomedicine. The course is focused on the human immune system. The main medical aspects related to the functioning of the immune system will be considered, such as: autoimmune diseases, allergies, tumor-immune system interactions, immunotherapy, vaccinations and transplantation. Particular attention will be paid to the adaptive part of the immune system and immunogenomics: application of the new sequencing technologies and associated computational data analysis approaches to the studying of the antibody and T-cell receptor repertoires in health and disease. The course is designed for students of different biomedical background. The necessary foundation will be given in the form of lectures. Independent work of students, mainly in the form of presentations aimed to dissect the particular immunological questions at the seminars, will be differentiated in compliance with individual background. A workshop in applied bioinformatics is included within the course. In a few hours of guided and independent work it will cover the data analysis of immune receptor high-throughput sequencing. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of molecular and cell biology is highly desirable. However, we will try to make the course interesting for the purely computational people as well.

ФИО: Чудаков Дмитрий Михайлович

Занимаемая должность (должности): Доцент

Преподаваемые дисциплины: Иммунология

Ученая степень: д.б.н., ИБХ РАН, 2011

Наименование направления подготовки и/или специальности: Молекулярная биология

Общий стаж работы: 18 лет

Стаж работы по специальности: 18 лет