I scientifically born as electrochemist, spending a year in the Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague (CZ), working on the subject of electrochemical properties of organometallic compounds. In 1995 I become researcher at University of Turin (Italy), invited visiting professor at University of Montana, Missoula (USA) in 2002, associate professor at University of Turin (Italy) in 2010, national habilitation to full professor in 2017, visiting professor at Skoltech, Moscow (Russia) in 2023 and 2024, Full professor at Skoltech, Moscow (Russia) in 2024.
My scientific interests are focused towards electrochemistry (in particular electrochemical conversion of CO2 to fuels), batteries and in general inorganic and organometallic chemistry, with particular attention to catalysis and DFT calculations applied to material science, catalysis, and molecular crystal structures prediction.
I gained experience in the following fields:
Selected Publications on CO2 reduction:
I’m actually looking for students interested in developing one of the following three main research fields:
My teaching experience:
I am the author of an electrochemical simulation program (ESP) able to simulate and fit Cyclic Votammetry, Chronoamperometry, SDC Polarography, and Square Wave Voltammtery (SWV). The code was written in C and runs under virtual MSDOS environment (use dosbox to run ESP under Windows).