A. G. Nasibulin (2023) “Carbon Nanomaterials. A Laboratory Textbook”. Moscow: Pero, 78 p. (in English).
Carbon Nanomaterials
Number of ECTS credits: 6
Course description: The course covers the subject of carbon nanomaterials (fullerenes, nanodimond, nanotubes, and graphene). The history of carbon compounds since antiquity till our days starting from charcoal to carbon nanotubes and graphene will be reviewed. The students will have opportunity to synthesize carbon nanotubes (by aerosol and CVD methods) and graphene, to observe the materials in transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopes as well as by an scanning tunnelling (STM) and atomic force (AFM) microscopes and to study optical and electrical properties of the produced carbon nanomaterials.
Aerosol Science and Technology
Number of ECTS credits: 6
Course description: The course will introduce the basic phenomena of aerosol science, particle formation in the gas phase and their behavior, concepts and measurement techniques for the aerosol particles. Students will synthesize (carbon nanotubes, NaCl, metal, metal oxide and polymer) nanoparticles by two aerosol techniques: gas-to-particle and liquid-to-particle conversions. Students will be trained to operate spark-discharge aerosol synthesis reactor for production of nanoparticles and single-walled carbon nanotubes and spray drying and pyrolysis reactors. Students will perform the on-line measurements of the number size distribution of aerosol synthesized nanoparticles by differential mobility analyzer (size range: 2-1000 nm). Students will become familiar with processes of the aerosol particle collection (filtration, electrostatic precipitation, thermophoretic precipitation).
Nanomaterials: E&I course
Number of ECTS credits: 6
Course description: The project course aims to join multidisciplinary fields of Science, Technology and Innovation to efficiently utilize novel material technologies for creating innovative products and services under the framework of E&I. The course starts with the theoretical description of the various nanomaterials and nanotechnological approaches with focus on carbon nanotubes that are hallmarks of Prof Nasibulin lab scientific work. In the second part of the course students will synthesize and handle some of the nanomaterials and investigate their properties during the dedicated “wet lab” work. In the third part of the course students will be guided by Prof Kulish team into the intensive E&I product development, comprised by two cycles of CusDev and prototyping based on the technologies studied in the early stages of the course. As a result, students will go through an exciting journey from deep tech science to real startups.
Quick success classes
“Components for stretchable electronics/Carbon nanotube surface” is a part of Innovation Workshop.
ФИО: Насибулин Альберт Галийевич
Занимаемая должность (должности): Профессор, заведующий лабораторией
Преподаваемые дисциплины: Углеродные наноматериалы и Прикладная физика аэрозолей
Ученая степень: Доктор технических наук, 2011, Санкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический университет; Кандидат химических наук, 1996, Кемеровский государственный университет
Ученое звание: Профессор РАН
Стаж работы по специальности: более 25 лет